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WMC SwiftMailer Twig bridge

This bundle provides an easy way to create email templates using Twig for the SwiftMailer library.

This helper is inspired from FOSUB TwigSwiftMailer.

If you're using FOS User Bundle, we also provide a mailer service drop-in replacement to support our additional features.


With Symfony

The best way to install this extension is through composer:

First, require the bundle:

composer require wemakecustom/swiftmailer-twig-bundle "^1.0"

Second, enable it:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new WMC\SwiftmailerTwigBundle\WMCSwiftmailerTwigBundle(),
        // ...

Third and finally, configure the web_directory parameter to use it:

# config.yml

    web_directory: %kernel.root_dir%/../web

and you're done.

FOS User Bundle integration

# config.yml

        mailer: wmc.swiftmailer_twig.fosub

With a pure Swiftmailer/Twig

The best way to install this extension is through composer:

First, require the bundle:

composer require wemakecustom/swiftmailer-twig-bundle "^1.0"

Then give the naming strategy to doctrine's configuration:


$swiftMailerTemplateHelper = new \WMC\SwiftmailerTwigBundle\TwigSwiftHelper($twig, $web_directory);


It allows a Swift_Message to be populated with a Twig template. The template expects three blocks (subject, body_html, body_text). If any local image (i.e. whose src attribute starting with a single forward-slash /) with the class inline-image is found in the body_html block, it will be inlined in the email, allowing some eMail clients to render the image more easily.

This helper is available as the service wmc.swiftmailer_twig. To use it, invoke the method populateMessage with these three parameters:

  1. the \Swift_Message
  2. template name
  3. data array for the template

The helper depends on Symfony's component DomCrawler, Twig and SwiftMailer.


$data = [];

// ...

$data['recipient'] = ['name' => 'Jonh Smith', 'email' => '[email protected]'];

$message = $mailer->createMessage()->setTo(['[email protected]' => 'John Smith']);
$swiftMailerTemplateHelper->populateMessage($message, 'AppBundle:Mail:my_email.mail.twig', $data);
{# my_email.mail.twig #}

{% block subject -%}
   My email Subject
{%- endblock %}

{% block body_text %}
    Hello {{ }},

    {# ... Awesome plain text email ... #}

    Best Regards,
    Keep being awesome!
{% endblock %}

{% block body_html %}
    <h3>Hello <strong>{{ }}</strong>,</h3>

         {# ... Awesome HTML email ... #}

        Best Regards,<br />
        <em>Keep being awesome!</em>
{% endblock %}