This returns a list of carparks given various filters and paging.
- Python 3.6+ is required
- PostgreSQL 9.2+ is required
At the moment Postgres server is expected at port 5432, with username "postgres", and password root "root", with empty DB named "postgres". These settings can all be modified in
In project root:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In simplewebapi
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
- Navigate to
- Enter superuser name and password (created above)
- Use interface to generate and record new API key for use with API
- API can be accessed using GET from
To authenticate the following header must be present in the GET:Authorization: Api-Key [API KEY HERE]
- The system automatically pages 20 entries per page. Users can filter using any items in the original JSON, e.g.:
- Some throttling is implemented - each API key is only allowed 100 requests in a 24 hour period. Will return 429 error until end of period.
Tests can be run with:
python test
I'd check the technique I've used for filtering features before putting into production as does involve putting user supplied data into a query. If this was a problem could be mitigated by checking the data against a list of known keys in the feature