title | reviewers | architects | coordination | founders | redirect_from | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Team |
{% for a in page.architects %}
{% assign auth = site.authors | where: "username", a | first %}
- {{ auth.realname }} {% endfor %}
{% for a in page.coordination %}
{% assign auth = site.authors | where: "username", a | first %}
- {{ auth.realname }} {% endfor %}
{% for a in page.reviewers %}
{% assign auth = site.authors | where: "username", a | first %}
{% endfor %}
Interested in a focused subset of pathways, for example relating to a disease or model organism? Join or create a WikiPathways Community and organize your own community practices and events. Here is a list of communities and lead editors and points of contact:
{% for c in site.communities %}
{{ c.display-name }} {{c.short-description}}
{% for a in c.editors %}
{% assign auth = site.authors | where: "username", a | first %}
- {{ auth.realname }} {% endfor %}
{% for a in page.founders %}
{% assign auth = site.authors | where: "username", a| first %}
- {{ auth.realname }} {% endfor %}