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This document is intended as a guide to ease the life of students under my supervision. It contains recommendations and best practices for a frictionless and efficient cooperation that lead to a successful thesis at the end. Large parts of it reflect my own working, writing, and coding principles as well as my personal attitudes. Don't be afraid, it not binding in any way and you should do whatever makes you successful! However, feel free to consult this guide whenever you are unsure how to behave or what to do next.

Working principles

  • Be available. Writing a thesis is a one man show, but your work relies in many places on the support of the team (infrastructure, data, business knowledge, ...). Be available for the team, then the team is available for you.
  • Never ignore problems! If a problem is approaching you, tell us about it early so that we can attack it together! If something makes you unhappy, let's talk about it. We want you to have fun, and silenced problems are not conductive.
  • Fail fast. We all make a lot of wrong decisions, everyday! This is great, because we learn a lot more from mistakes than from successes. Don't be afraid to tell us about your failures, we love to hear them! Accept and welcome failures and deal with them calmly.
  • Have an open mind (but not so open your brain falls out!). We like people that think outside the box, but don't forget that there must be a written thesis at the end of your project. Keep an idea-list so that no idea gets forgotten.
  • Focus on research. Don't waste time on unimportant things. If something slows you down (GPUs to slow, neighbor to loud, coffee not good enough, ...) contact us so that these can be ironed out.
  • Stay curious. Learning new things is pretty cool. Try to learn as much as possible, but don't make it a top priority to learn something completely unrelated to your project.
  • Later equals never. Often, we are tempted to move unpleasant work (like writing documentation) to some point later in time instead of doing it right now. Don't do that. It is typically more efficient to settle a task now instead of touching it later again.
  • Involve us. To make you successful, we need to know what you are up to. Initiate meetings with colleagues that work on similar topics than yours and exchange ideas. Don't be afraid to ask us work related question over lunch or coffee breaks.
  • Stay connected with the team. Every group member is a potential source of important information for you. Talk to them about your project, share your ideas, and ask for feedback. There might be challenges you face which someone has already figured out how to meet it.
  • Look ahead. Creating a time schedule should be the very first thing you should do. Think about questions as: When do I have to start writing and when does my supervisor have to review my final write up? When do I have to train my last neural network? When should coding be finished? When do I need access to the GPU cluster? Detect all important milestones of your project, bring them in order and estimate how long it will take to reach it. The estimation will be horrible inaccurate, but you will notice how much clearer the specific task becomes while estimating.


  • Be prepared. We will have meetings on a regular basis. These meetings should be your top priority and you should be well prepared. Tell me about tasks you have finished recently, about tasks you start working on, and particularly about your obstacles. Don't hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear!
  • Show up in dailies. Our daily is a perfect opportunity for us to stay up-to-date in your project. Explain (without going to much into detail) what your current obstacles are and what you have finished the day before. Use it also as a platform to advertise your project. We can use the time right after the daily for short discussions about upcoming things.
  • Practice presenting. Having nice results is cool, but they are worthless without presenting and communicating them well. If you have a result you want to share, use our team review pro-actively to practice presenting in front of a group. Also, use our machine learning seminar to present results or things you have learned recently.


  • Be tested. The importance of unit tests cannot be stressed enough. Not only do they verify the correctness of your code, they also help others understanding it. Starting implementation with a test also leads to code that is cleaner and more streamlined.
  • Be correct, be fast, be clean! If you write a function, first ensure that it does what it should do (like with a unit test). Then make the function fast and efficient. Once you have found the correct code, make your function clean! This may means breaking it up into multiple functions or even a class.
  • Do not repeat yourself. Do not copy code. When a single functionality is needed twice, bottle it into a function.
  • Be modularized. A function should do one thing. Often, even software experts don't know what that means exactly, but you surely recognise a function that does multiple things. Try to make your functions as short and clean as possible.
  • Consult our coding guidelines. Read and understand our coding guidelines. If an aspect is not covered or if you are unsure, contact us.
  • Don't underestimate details. Coding is subtle and things that look almost done can still cost you days (trust me, I have been there)!
  • Do not reinvent the wheel. Where possible, use existing frameworks to save time. Ask us if you are unsure which framework to use. The team maintains its own machine-learning framework, cloud infrastructure script, CI chain, and plotting library. Use those or be compatible to them wherever possible.
  • Be reviewed. Ideally, your project is chunked into small work packages, each yields a single code functionality. Develop each of these functionalities in an extra branch and create a pull request to your master branch once your are finished. Don't hesitate to assign one of us as reviewer to get feedback for your code.


  • Do not underestimate writing time. Writing can be extremely time intense and as this might be our first scientific work, you probably don't know how much time you need for a single chapter. Write a single chapter early to get a feeling of your individual writing time and extrapolate the time to your hole thesis and add two weeks to the result.
  • Do not start with the introduction. Start with the table of content, then with the motivation and the goal of the thesis. Do not start with the introduction, that should be one of the last things to write up. The very last piece to write should be the abstract.
  • Be your readership. Typically, it makes sense to write the thesis for the you before you have started the project. Hence, don't write about stuff you already know in detail, but about stuff you have learned.
  • Get help. How a thesis should look like depends a lot on individual taste, but there are some unofficial rules the scientific community has agreed on. To bring you into line, send us a writing sample early and wait for feedback before resume writing.
  • Be concise. Do not write like Friedrich Schiller would have. Be concise, compelling, and short in argumentation. Short and simple sentences are much better than long and complicated ones. A good practice is to check for redundant words once finished a sentence. Make it easy for the reader to follow your arguments.
  • Tell a story. Consider your project as a journey and the thesis as a report about it. Explain why the journey was necessary, which problems have occurred along the way, and how you have solved them.

Reading recommendations

  • Scientific writing. Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Higham, 2008 and Writing for Computer Science, Zobel, 2014 are two nice textbooks with tons of recommendations on writing (in the English language). A lot of hints can be adopted for writing in English.
  • Clean Python code. Consult the PEP8 conventions for formatting and naming questions and for best practices.
  • Clean code. The reference when it comes to clean programming is the book Clean code, Martin, 2008.
  • Statistics. A classical introduction to statistical data analysis is Categorical Data Analysis, Agresti, 2012
  • Machine Learning. The Elements of Statistical Learning, Hasti et. al., 2009 is is standard literature for Machine learning. For more mathematical readers, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Bishop, 2006 can be recommended. Print versions of both books are available on my desk. Do not read these books to their full extend before starting to work on your project! Rather read single chapters that touch topics you are working in!
  • Deep Learning. A book that appeared recently is Deep Learning, 2016, Goodfellow et. al. covering all theory of deep neural networks. A more mathematical introduction to neural networks is Neural Networks, Rojas, 1996. Learning about how to train neural networks in practice can be found in the paper Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures, Bengio, 2012.

Remark: When writing this, I was inspired a lot by my PhD supervisor Thomas Kahle and by the many studens supervised by myself that helped improviing this guide. Thanks to Kevin Richter, Benjamin Louisot, and Jonas Otten.