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495 lines (393 loc) · 27.1 KB


File metadata and controls

495 lines (393 loc) · 27.1 KB


  • feat: Add a --no-leading-zeroes option to tools that support type inference.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` adds a --engine-option option.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` adds a --sql-delimiter option, to set a different delimiter than ; for the --query, --before-insert and after-insert options.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/sql2csv` adds a --execution-option option.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/sql2csv` uses the stream_results=True execution option, by default, to not load all data into memory at once.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` uses a default value of 1 for the --min-col-len and --col-len-multiplier options.

2.0.1 - July 12, 2024

  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` adds --min-col-len and --col-len-multiplier options.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/sql2csv` adds a --engine-option option.
  • feat: Add a Docker image: docker pull
  • feat: Add man pages to the sdist and wheel distributions.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` no longer errors when a column is a time delta and --json is set.
  • fix: When taking arguments from sys.argv on Windows, glob patterns, user directories, and environment variables are expanded.

2.0.0 - May 1, 2024

This is the first major release since December 27, 2016. Thank you to all :ref:`contributors<authors>`, including 44 new contributors since 1.0.0!

Want to use csvkit programmatically? Check out agate, used internally by csvkit.


  • :doc:`/scripts/csvclean` now writes its output to standard output and its errors to standard error, instead of to basename_out.csv and basename_err.csv files. Consequently:
    • The --dry-run option is removed. The --dry-run option changed error output from the CSV format used in basename_err.csv files to a prosaic format like Line 1: Expected 2 columns, found 3 columns.
    • Summary information like No errors., 42 errors logged to basename_err.csv and 42 rows were joined/reduced to 24 rows after eliminating expected internal line breaks. is not written.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvclean` no longer reports or fixes errors by default; it errors if no checks or fixes are enabled. Opt in to the original behavior using the --length-mismatch and --join-short-rows options. See new options below.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvclean` no longer omits rows with errors from the output. Opt in to the original behavior using the --omit-error-rows option.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvclean` joins short rows using a newline by default, instead of a space. Restore the original behavior using the --separator " " option.

In brief, to restore the original behavior for :doc:`/scripts/csvclean`:

csvclean --length-mismatch --omit-error-rows --join-short-rows --separator " " myfile.csv

Other changes:

  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvclean` adds the options:
    • --length-mismatch, to error on data rows that are shorter or longer than the header row
    • --empty-columns, to error on empty columns
    • --enable-all-checks, to enable all error reporting
    • --omit-error-rows, to omit data rows that contain errors, from standard output
    • --label LABEL, to add a "label" column to standard error
    • --header-normalize-space, to strip leading and trailing whitespace and replace sequences of whitespace characters by a single space in the header
    • --join-short-rows, to merge short rows into a single row
    • --separator SEPARATOR, to change the string with which to join short rows (default is newline)
    • --fill-short-rows, to fill short rows with the missing cells
    • --fillvalue FILLVALUE, to change the value with which to fill short rows (default is none)
  • feat: The --quoting option accepts 4 (csv.QUOTE_STRINGS) and 5 (csv.QUOTE_NOTNULL) on Python 3.12.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvformat`: The --out-quoting option accepts 4 (csv.QUOTE_STRINGS) and 5 (csv.QUOTE_NOTNULL) on Python 3.12.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvformat`: The --out-quoting option works with 2 (csv.QUOTE_NONUMERIC). Use the --locale option to set the locale of any formatted numbers.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvclean`: The --join-short-rows option no longer reports length mismatch errors that were fixed.

1.5.0 - March 28, 2024

  • feat: Add support for Zstandard files with the .zst extension, if the zstandard package is installed.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvformat` adds a --out-asv (--A) option to use the ASCII unit separator and record separator.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvsort` adds a --ignore-case (--i) option to perform case-independent sorting.

1.4.0 - February 13, 2024

  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvpy` adds the options:
    • --no-number-ellipsis, to disable the ellipsis () if max precision is exceeded, for example, when using table.print_table()
    • --sniff-limit`
    • --no-inference`
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvpy` removes the --linenumbers and --zero output options, which had no effect.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/in2csv` adds a --reset-dimensions option to recalculate the dimensions of an XLSX file, instead of trusting the file's metadata. csvkit's dependency agate-excel 0.4.0 automatically recalculates the dimensions if the file's metadata expresses dimensions of "A1:A1" (a single cell).
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvlook` only reads up to --max-rows rows instead of the entire file.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvpy` supports the existing input options:
    • --locale
    • --blanks
    • --null-value
    • --date-format
    • --datetime-format
    • --skip-lines
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvpy`: --maxfieldsize no longer errors when --dict is set.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvstack`: --maxfieldsize no longer errors when --no-header-row isn't set.
  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/in2csv`: --write-sheets no longer errors when standard input is an XLS or XLSX file.
  • Update minimum agate version to 1.6.3.

1.3.0 - October 18, 2023

  • :doc:`/scripts/csvformat` adds a --skip-header (-E) option to not output a header row.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvlook` adds a --max-precision option to set the maximum number of decimal places to display.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvlook` adds a --no-number-ellipsis option to disable the ellipsis () if --max-precision is exceeded. (Requires agate 1.9.0 or greater.)
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` supports the --no-inference (-I), --locale (-L), --blanks, --date-format and datetime-format options.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` reports a "Non-null values" statistic (or a nonnulls column when --csv is set).
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` adds a --non-nulls option to only output counts of non-null values.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` reports a "Most decimal places" statistic (or a maxprecision column when --csv is set).
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` adds a --max-precision option to only output the most decimal places.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` adds a --json option to output results as JSON text.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` adds an --indent option to indent the JSON text when --json is set.
  • :doc:`/scripts/in2csv` adds a --use-sheet-names option to use the sheet names as file names when --write-sheets is set.
  • feat: Add a --null-value option to commands with the --blanks option, to convert additional values to NULL.
  • fix: Reconfigure the encoding of standard input according to the --encoding option, which defaults to utf-8-sig. Affected users no longer need to set the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable.
  • fix: Prompt the user if additional input is expected (i.e. if no input file or piped data is provided) in :doc:`/scripts/csvjoin`, :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` and :doc:`/scripts/csvstack`.
  • fix: No longer errors if a NUL byte occurs in an input file.
  • Add Python 3.12 support.

1.2.0 - October 4, 2023

  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvjoin` uses the correct columns when performing a --right join.
  • Add SQLAlchemy 2 support.
  • Drop Python 3.7 support (end-of-life was June 5, 2023).

1.1.1 - February 22, 2023

1.1.0 - January 3, 2023

  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` accepts multiple --query command-line arguments.
  • feat: :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` adds --no-grouping-separator and --decimal-format options.
  • Add Python 3.11 support.
  • Drop Python 3.6 support (end-of-life was December 23, 2021).
  • Drop Python 2.7 support (end-of-life was January 1, 2020).

1.0.7 - March 6, 2022

  • fix: :doc:`/scripts/csvcut` extracts the correct columns when --line-numbers is set.
  • fix: Restore Python 2.7 support in edge cases.
  • feat: Use 1024 byte sniff-limit by default across csvkit. Improve csvstat performance up to 10x.
  • feat: Add support for .xz (LZMA) compressed input files.
  • Add Python 3.10 support.
  • Drop Python 3.5 support (end-of-life was September 30, 2020).

1.0.6 - July 13, 2021



1.0.5 - March 2, 2020


  • Drop Python 3.4 support (end-of-life was March 18, 2019).


  • Output error message for memory error even if not --verbose.


  • Fix regression in 1.0.4, which caused numbers like 4.5 to be parsed as dates.
  • :doc:`/scripts/in2csv` Fix error reporting if --names used with non-Excel file.

1.0.4 - March 16, 2019


  • Drop Python 3.3 support (end-of-life was September 29, 2017).


  • :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` adds a --chunk-size option to set the chunk size when batch inserting into a table.
  • csvkit is tested against Python 3.7.


1.0.3 - March 11, 2018



csvkit is no longer tested on PyPy.

1.0.2 - April 28, 2017



1.0.1 - December 29, 2016

This is a minor release which fixes several bugs reported in the 1.0.0 release earlier this week. It also significantly improves the output of :doc:`/scripts/csvstat` and adds a --csv output option to that command.

1.0.0 - December 27, 2016

This is the first major release of csvkit in a very long time. The entire backend has been rewritten to leverage the agate data analysis library, which was itself inspired by csvkit. The new backend provides better type detection accuracy, as well as some new features.

Because of the long and complex cycle behind this release, the list of changes should not be considered exhaustive. In particular, the output format of some tools may have changed in small ways. Any existing data pipelines using csvkit should be tested as part of the upgrade.

Much of the credit for this release goes to James McKinney, who has almost single-handedly kept the csvkit fire burning for a year. Thanks, James!

Backwards-incompatible changes:

  • :doc:`/scripts/csvjoin` renames duplicate columns with integer suffixes to prevent collisions in output.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` generates DateTime columns instead of Time columns.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` generates Decimal columns instead of Integer, BigInteger, and Float columns.
  • :doc:`/scripts/csvsql` no longer generates max-length constraints for text columns.
  • The --doublequote long flag is gone, and the -b short flag is an alias for --no-doublequote.
  • When using the --columns or --not-columns options, you must not have spaces around the comma-separated values, unless the column names contain spaces.
  • When sorting, null values are greater than other values instead of less than.
  • CSVKitReader, CSVKitWriter, CSVKitDictReader, and CSVKitDictWriter have been removed. Use agate.csv.reader, agate.csv.writer, agate.csv.DictReader and agate.csv.DictWriter.
  • Drop Python 2.6 support (end-of-life was October 29, 2013).
  • Drop support for older versions of PyPy.
  • If --no-header-row is set, the output has column names a, b, c, etc. instead of column1, column2, column3, etc.
  • csvlook renders a simpler, markdown-compatible table.



0.9.1 - March 31, 2015

  • Add Antonio Lima to AUTHORS.
  • Add support for ndjson. (#329)
  • Add missing docs for csvcut -C. (#227)
  • Reorganize docs so TOC works better. (#339)
  • Render docs locally with RTD theme.
  • Fix header in "tricks" docs.
  • Add install instructions to tutorial. (#331)
  • Add killer examples to doc index. (#328)
  • Reorganize doc index
  • Fix broken csvkit module documentation. (#327)
  • Fix version of openpyxl to work around encoding issue. (#391, #288)

0.9.0 - September 8, 2014

  • Write missing sections of the tutorial. (#32)
  • Remove -q arg from sql2csv (conflicts with common flag).
  • Fix csvjoin in case where left dataset rows without all columns.
  • Rewrote tutorial based on LESO data. (#324)
  • Don't error in csvjson if lat/lon columns are null. (#326)
  • Maintain field order in output of csvjson.
  • Add unit test for json in2csv. (#77)
  • Maintain key order when converting JSON into CSV. (#325.)
  • Upgrade python-dateutil to version 2.2 (#304)
  • Fix sorting of columns with null values. (#302)
  • Added release documentation.
  • Fill out short rows with null values. (#313)
  • Fix unicode output for csvlook and csvstat. (#315)
  • Add documentation for --zero. (#323)
  • Fix Integrity error when inserting zero rows in database with csvsql. (#299)
  • Add Michael Mior to AUTHORS. (#305)
  • Add --count option to CSVStat.
  • Implement csvformat.
  • Fix bug causing CSVKitDictWriter to output 'utf-8' for blank fields.

0.8.0 - July 27, 2014

  • Add pnaimoli to AUTHORS.
  • Fix column specification in csvstat. (#236)
  • Added "Tips and Tricks" documentation. (#297, #298)
  • Add Espartaco Palma to AUTHORS.
  • Remove unnecessary enumerate calls. (#292)
  • Deprecated DBF support for Python 3+.
  • Add support for Python 3.3 and 3.4 (#239)

0.7.3 - April 27, 2014

  • Fix date handling with openpyxl > 2.0 (#285)
  • Add Kristina Durivage to AUTHORS. (#243)
  • Added Richard Low to AUTHORS.
  • Support SQL queries "directly" on CSV files. (#276)
  • Add Tasneem Raja to AUTHORS.
  • Fix off-by-one error in open ended column ranges. (#238)
  • Add Matt Pettis to AUTHORS.
  • Add line numbers flag to csvlook (#244)
  • Only install argparse for Python < 2.7. (#224)
  • Add Diego Rabatone Oliveira to AUTHORS.
  • Add Ryan Murphy to AUTHORS.
  • Fix DBF dependency. (#270)

0.7.2 - March 24, 2014

  • Fix CHANGELOG for release.

0.7.1 - March 24, 2014

  • Fix homepage url in

0.7.0 - March 24, 2014

  • Fix XLSX datetime normalization bug. (#223)
  • Add raistlin7447 to AUTHORS.
  • Merged sql2csv utility (#259).
  • Add Jeroen Janssens to AUTHORS.
  • Validate csvsql DB connections before parsing CSVs. (#257)
  • Clarify install process for Ubuntu. (#249)
  • Clarify docs for --escapechar. (#242)
  • Make import csvkit API compatible with import csv.
  • Update Travis CI link. (#258)
  • Add Sébastien Fievet to AUTHORS.
  • Use case-sensitive name for SQLAlchemy (#237)
  • Add Travis Swicegood to AUTHORS.

0.6.1 - August 20, 2013

  • Fix CHANGELOG for release.

0.6.0 - August 20, 2013

  • Add Chris Rosenthal to AUTHORS.
  • Fix multi-file input to csvsql. (#193)
  • Passing --snifflimit=0 to disable dialect sniffing. (#190)
  • Add aarcro to the AUTHORS file.
  • Improve performance of csvgrep. (#204)
  • Add Matt Dudys to AUTHORS.
  • Add support for --skipinitialspace. (#201)
  • Add Joakim Lundborg to AUTHORS.
  • Add --no-inference option to in2csv and csvsql. (#206)
  • Add Federico Scrinzi to AUTHORS file.
  • Add --no-header-row to all tools. (#189)
  • Fix csvstack blowing up on empty files. (#209)
  • Add Chris Rosenthal to AUTHORS file.
  • Add --db-schema option to csvsql. (#216)
  • Add Shane StClair to AUTHORS file.
  • Add --no-inference support to csvsort. (#222)

0.5.0 - August 21, 2012

  • Implement geojson support in csvjson. (#159)
  • Optimize writing of eight bit codecs. (#175)
  • Created csvpy. (#44)
  • Support --not-columns for excluding columns. (#137)
  • Add Jan Schulz to AUTHORS file.
  • Add Windows scripts. (#111, #176)
  • csvjoin, csvsql and csvstack no longer hold open all files. (#178)
  • Added Noah Hoffman to AUTHORS.
  • Make csvlook output compatible with emacs table markup. (#174)

0.4.4 - May 1, 2012

  • Add Derek Wilson to AUTHORS.
  • Add Kevin Schaul to AUTHORS.
  • Add DBF support to in2csv. (#11, #160)
  • Support --zero option for zero-based column indexing. (#144)
  • Support mixing nulls and blanks in string columns.
  • Add --blanks option to csvsql. (#149)
  • Add multi-file (glob) support to csvsql. (#146)
  • Add Gregory Temchenko to AUTHORS.
  • Add --no-create option to csvsql. (#148)
  • Add Anton Ian Sipos to AUTHORS.
  • Fix broken pipe errors. (#150)

0.4.3 - February 20, 2012

  • Begin CHANGELOG (a bit late, I'll admit).