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Releases: wodby/docker4drupal


14 Sep 13:06
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Changes since 5.2.1

  • PHP:
    • ❗️Security updates: 7.2.10, 7.1.22, 7.0.32, 5.6.38
    • Added $PHP_PHAR_ env vars for Phar runtime configuration
    • Updated PHP extensions:
      • patch: apcu 5.1.12, ds 1.2.6, igbinary 2.0.7, xdebug 2.6.0
      • minor: mongodb 1.5.2, grpc 1.15.0
      • major: redis 4.1.1
  • Nginx:
    • New 50x error page, use $NGINX_ERROR_MESSAGE_50x to add a custom message
    • Env vars $NGINX_ERROR_PAGE_40x replaced to $NGINX_ERROR_40x_URI
  • Webgrind and adminer rebased to the latest stable php image

Update instructions

Update your .env file


12 Sep 08:47
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Changes since 5.2.0

  • Vanilla Drupal updated to 8.6.1
  • PHP extension xhprof (tideways) updated to 5.0-beta2
  • Nginx
    • Nginx no longer hides 50x errors by default, can be enabled via $NGINX_HIDE_50x_ERRORS
    • Setting $NGINX_VHOST_PRESET to empty value now disables usage of any presets
    • New $NGINX_VHOST_NO_DEFAULTS to disable default rules for virtual host
  • PostgreSQL patch updates: 10.5, 9.6.10, 9.5.14, 9.4.19, 9.3.24
  • Redis patch update: 4.0.11
  • Solr patch update: 6.6.5
  • MariaDB patch update: 10.1.36
  • Adminer and webgrind rebased to latest stable php image
  • Varnish bugfix: flush orchestration action failed when used parameter host

Update instructions

Update your .env file


03 Sep 10:02
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Changes since 5.1.2

  • Bugfix: missing docker-compose.override.yml in docker4drupal.tar.gz for vanilla Drupal
  • PHP:
    • Patch updates: 7.2.9, 7.1.21
    • Added rdkafka extension
    • SSH key and crontab can now be added via bind mounts
    • PostgreSQL lib updated to 10.5
    • Bugfix: PHP 5.6 missed GMP library
    • Bugfix: incorrect owner on wodby's ~/.shrc, ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile
    • Bugfix: entrypoint fails when command executed with --[flag]
    • Libraries and extensions versions moved out from env vars
  • Nginx:
    • Nginx updated to 1.15.3
    • Bugfix: overriding log format via $NGINX_LOG_FORMAT_OVERRIDE produced an error
    • Dropped 1.13
  • MariaDB:
    • Patch updates: 10.3.9, 10.2.7
    • ionice no longer used in orchestration actions
    • Bugfix: triggers duplicated while performing db dump orchestration action
    • Bugfix: missing privileges could break import
    • Bugfix: entrypoint failure when mysql invoked with --[flag]
  • Node.js:
    • Added new version 10.9, is now latest
    • Dropped version 9.x
    • Patch updates: 8.11.4, 6.14.4
  • Elasticsearch and Kibana:
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.8 with OpenJDK 8.171.11 (JRE)
    • Added new versions 6.3 for ES and KIbana, now latest
    • For version 6.3+ we now install OSS version of ES and Kibana (without x-pack)
    • Kibana and ES patch updates: 5.6.11
  • Solr:
    • Image wodby/drupal-solr now replaced with wodby/solr and $SOLR_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET configured via .env (set to search_api_solr_8.x-2.1 by default, see available config sets for Search API Solr)
    • Config sets and solr.xml now symlinked to volume
    • Core directory get deleted when you delete a core via orchestration actions
  • Varnish:
    • Image wodby/drupal-varnish now replaced with wodby/varnish and $VARNISH_CONFIG_PRESET=drupal
    • External purge now always restricted by purge key
    • Unrestricted purge from the internal network can be optionally enabled (enabled by default)
    • Cache for mobile devices can now be separated or disabled entirely
    • Big files (by default >10M) won't be cached by default
    • Static files cache disabled by default for all presets
    • All varnish-related headers now start with X-VC-, e.g. X-Varnish-Cache is now X-VC-Cache
    • Secondary storage can now be defined for all presets
    • List of static files extensions expanded
    • Analytics/marketing cookies and query params stripped, configurable
    • New env vars to optionally preserve all cookies and query params
    • Query params can be ignored to cache URLs as a single object
    • Purge method now can be changed to regex and exact (respects query params)
    • Hashes and trailing ? stripped from URL before passing to a backend
    • All AJAX requests not cached
    • Error pages 404 and >500 not cached with a configurable grace period
    • Env vars changed for presets (old => new), old variant still supported:
    • Friendly varnish error message by default
  • Memcached patch update: 1.5.10
  • OpenSMTPD patch update: 6.0.3
  • Broken tag for PostgreSQL 10 fixed

Update instructions

Update your .env and docker-compose.yml files


07 Aug 11:27
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Changes since 5.1.1

  • Vanilla Drupal updated to 8.5.6
  • PHP:
    • Updated to 7.2.8, 7.1.20, 7.0.31, 5.6.37
    • /var/www/html/vendor/bin added to $PATH
    • Added ~/.bash_profile for wodby user
    • SSH key, crontab and authorized key now can be added via bind mounts
  • Nginx:
    • Image wodby/drupal-nginx has been replaced with wodby/nginx with $NGINX_VHOST_PRESET=drupal8
    • Nginx updated to 1.15.2
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.8
    • Drupal's preset env vars renamed (old names still supported):
    • New env vars NGINX_ERROR_PAGE_ to customize 403/404 pages location
    • Extended list of static files extensions (see README)
    • New env vars NGINX_STATIC_ to control settings for handling static content
    • New env var NGINX_ALLOW_ACCESS_HIDDEN_FILES to control access to files starting with a dot
    • Added pseudo-streaming server-side for .flv, .mp4, .mov, m4a files
    • Env vars NGINX_STATIC_MP4_* for mp4 streaming configuration
    • Updated default values for open_file_cache settings
    • Default expires for static content set to 7d by default
  • Apache:
    • Image wodby/php-apache has been replaced with wodby/apache with $APACHE_VHOST_PRESET=php
    • Env var APACHE_SERVER_ROOT renamed to APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT (old name still supported)
    • MPM modules are now shared and can be changed (event is still the default)

Update instructions

Update your .env and docker-compose.yml files


04 Jul 12:50
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Changes since 5.1.0

  • PHP updated to 7.2.7, 7.1.19
  • MariaDB updated to 10.3.8, 10.2.16
  • PostgreSQL updated to 10.4, 9.6.9, 9.5.13, 9.4.18, 9.3.23
  • Node updated to 9.11.2, 8.11.3
  • Redis updated to 4.0.10, 3.2.12
  • Memcached updated to 1.5.8
  • Adminer updated to 4.6.3
  • Solr:
    • Added Solr 7.4 (now default) and 7.3
    • Solr updated to 6.6.3
    • search_api_solr (source of a default drupal config set) updated to 8.x-2.0
    • Solr 6.6 now uses config set from 8.x-2.0 instead of 8.x-1.2
    • Dropped Solr 7.0, 6.5, 6.4, 6.3
    • Bugfix: container didn't start with mounted configsets wodby/drupal-solr#3
  • Added LTS Node 6.14.3
  • Added OpenSMTPD container
  • Cookies that won't be stripped by Varnish can now be configured with VARNISH_PRESERVED_COOKIES

Update instructions

Update your .env and docker-compose.yml files


25 Jun 03:38
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😨UPDATED Jun 25th: .env file in docker4drupal.tar.gz had old images tags, re-uploaded #304
😱UPDATED Jun 29th: .env file in docker4drupal.tar.gz missed PHP 7.2, re-uploaded #306

Changes since 5.0.6

  • Vanilla Drupal updated to 8.5.4
  • PHP
    • ⭐️Added new PHP 7.2
    • Added php tidy extension
    • Added tideways xhprof extension wodby/drupal-php#49 (disabled by default)
    • auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file are now configurable
    • Updated PHP extensions: GRPC 1.12.0, igbinary 2.0.6, mongodb 1.4.4
  • MariaDB:
    • New version 10.3 added (10.3.7)
    • MariaDB updates: 10.2.15, 10.1.34
    • ⭐️Latest MariaDB 10.1 now works with bind mounts on macOS/Win, this version is now default
    • optimizer_prune_level and optimizer_search_depth are now configurable wodby/mariadb#4
    • ⭐️Default innodb_buffer_pool_size set to 128M that should significantly decrease memory usage by MariaDB container
    • Default innodb_buffer_pool_instances set to 1
  • Nginx:
    • Added new Nginx 1.15
    • ⭐️Added mog_pagespeed module. Disabled by default, to enable uncomment NGINX_PAGESPEED=on
    • Added new modules:
  • Varnish
    • Environment variable VARNISHD_STORAGE_SIZE has been dropped, we no longer add a predefined secondary storage. You can now add your custom secondary storage via VARNISHD_SECONDARY_STORAGE wodby/varnish#4
    • Static files no longer cached unless you set VARNISH_CACHE_STATIC_FILES wodby/drupal-varnish#4
    • Added VARNISH_SECONDARY_STORAGE_CONDITION to specify the condition when to use secondary storage wodby/drupal-varnish#3
  • ❗Host of Drupal nodejs integration container changed from nodejs to drupal-node to avoid confusions
  • Webgrind: changed default error reporting level, rebased to latest PHP 7.1 image

Update instructions

  • Update your .env and docker-compose.yml files
  • If you used Drupal nodejs integration module, update host from nodejs to drupal-node in module settings


27 Apr 10:40
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Changes since 5.0.5

  • PHP security update: 7.2.5, 7.1.17, 7.0.30, 5.6.36
  • Vanilla Drupal security update: 8.5.3, 7.59
  • Added Elasticsearch and Kibana containers
  • Added Nginx 1.14, patch update for 1.13, now legacy 1.12 dropped
  • Nginx's underscores_in_headers can now be configured
  • Node image replaced to wodby/node with 9, 8 versions
  • Image wodby/drupal-node rebased to wodby/node
  • Simplified xdebug setup for CLI requests debugging for users with Docker CE 18.03+ #283
  • Narrow container terminal is now fixed when use make shell #273
  • Bugfix: vanilla Drupal 7 image update could fail with PHP 7.1

Upgrade instructions

Update your .env and Makefile


19 Apr 13:10
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Changes since 5.0.4

  • PHP:
    • New php extensions added: GMP and igbinary
    • Bugfix: iconv implementation missing wodby/php#25
    • APCu extension updated to 5.0.11 for PHP 7.x
    • apc.serializer is now configurable via PHP_APCU_SERIALIZER
    • Shell prompt in PHP container now shows user and hostname (defaults to php.container)
    • Added new helper script files_chown
  • Vanilla Drupal:
    • Drupal updated to 8.5.2 (security update)
    • Bugfix: drush cache permission issues #261
    • Allow specifying db prefix via $DB_PREFIX for D8 wodby/drupal#7
    • Added additional images' tags: 8, 7, 6 (uses latest PHP)

Update instructions

Update the following tags in your .env file:



05 Apr 08:47
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Changes since 5.0.3

  • New environment variable APACHE_LIMITED_ACCESS to remove Require all granted when you need to limit access by IP
  • PHP log errors max length set to unlimited
  • Bugfix: PHP errors didn't show up in the container output

Update instructions

Update the following images' tags in your .env file:



03 Apr 07:59
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Changes since 5.0.2

  • PHP:
    • Updated to 7.2.4, 7.1.16, 7.0.35, 5.6.35 (security update)
    • Added jpegoptim ref #255

Update instructions

Update the following images' stability tags in your .env file:
