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Online Resources to Learn and Practice Your Coding Skills
There are many resources to learn coding and specific programming languages. This is a resource that lists places you can get your hands dirty and practice as you go. Please feel free to update this with any new finds (exercises, tutorials, etc)!
Intro to the Web | General | HTML & CSS | JavaScript | Command Line | Ruby |
Python | Java | PHP | Shell scripting | Git & Github |
- Become a Git Guru - Attlassian Git tutorials and very thorough explanations
- Try Git - Interactive git tutorial
- Codecademy - Interactive coding lessons in many languages.
- Exercism - Download and solve practice problems in nearly 30 different languages, can receive feedback on submissions, for newbies and experienced programmers.
- Odin free courses - Step by step hands-on courses walking you through Web Development A-Z.
- Learneroo - Learn and solve challenges in your browser for many languages
- Coursera - Free online university style courses.
- Codewars - Learn through solving problems (Katas and Kumites) in different languages and of varying difficulty and complexity. You can also achieve points with each problem you solve to rank up!
- 50 Free Books for Web Designers & Developers - Links for useful resources on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as Git, UX, Design and Wireframe.
- CSS Grid Layout by Example Videos - Coming Soon to Browser Near you, native support for grid layout no more using random grids like Bootstrap!
- From 0 to Front End Hero [Part 1] - getting started with HTML & CSS and a great intro to some core concepts of web development.
- Sass Tutorial - Sass (a CSS pre-processor) introduction, usage and general concepts to get you started.
- Introduction to Object Oriented CSS - Intro to OOCSS, what is it? Why should you use it? And how it can help improve code maintainability and website performance.
- BEM 101 - The Block, Element, Modifier methodology (commonly referred to as BEM) is a popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS. Developed by the team at Yandex.
- CSS Plates - Fun game to learn and practice CSS.
- MDN CSS Tutorials and Articles - great collection of all things CSS and general best practices.
- Google Web Fundamentals - intro to a little bit of everything you need to know to make good web apps.
- Flexbox Fundamentals Videos - intro to Flexbox in 13 videos.
- Accessibility Web Casts - Videos on accessibility issues, how to address them especially when using custom elements.
- Learning Javascript Essential Guidelines and Tutorials.
- From 0 to Front End Hero [Part 2]
- ES6 Tutorials - collection os ES6 tutorials and screencasts.
- W3 JS exercises - step by step exercises
Getting Started With React - React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Many people choose to think of React as the V in MVC. React was built to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.
Getting Started With Redux - Managing state in an application is critical, and is often done haphazardly. Redux provides a state container for JavaScript applications that will help your applications behave consistently.
- Learn Meteor.js From Scratch: Build a Polling App - Meteor.js is an open-source platform built on Node and MongoDB. It’s not just a framework, it’s more than that.
- Journey through the JavaScript MVC Jungle - what to consider when choosing a JavaScript framework.
- A better way to learn Angular JS - course to guide you through each of the key Angular concept.
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- Ember Tutorial - Ember.js Guides! This documentation will take you from total beginner to Ember expert.
- Command Line Video Course - 11 videos for web developers looking to improve their command line skills. They cover a workflow using some of the best modern tools that relate to using command line tools such as git, npm, gulp and so on.
- Try Ruby - IRB in your browser and step-by-step lessons
- Ruby Koans - Small exercises covering the core concepts of the Ruby language
- Learn Ruby the Hard Way - learn the fundamentals with practical exercises
- The Odin Project - Ruby - Curated study guide referencing recommended online tutorials and ready-made practice projects
- Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby - A quirky dose of surreal literature, cartoon foxes and Ruby lesson in one
- Rails Tutorial - Learn and build a real-world Rails app from scratch
- Rails Girls - Materials - Resources for learning/practicing Rails
- The Odin Project - Rails - Curated study guide referencing recommended online tutorials and ready-made practice projects
- Mackenzie Child - 12x12 challenge - Friendly videocasts to learn by creating clones of popular apps, e.g. Pinterest, Twitter
- Python Koans - Fun online course to learn python and make fun games at the same time.
- Introduction to interactive programming in Python - Similar to above, interactive games while learning python!
- An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python - Fun online course to learn python and make fun games at the same time.
- Official Django Docs: Writing your first Django app - Install and setup Django from scratch and start creating your first app.
- Django Girls Tutorial - Aimed at a completely beginner to coding, this will help you get Django up and running and explain a few core programming concepts along the way.
- Free java course on Udemy - no prior knowledge is required to take this course.
- Java 101 - A beginner's library for learning about essential Java programming concepts, syntax, APIs, and packages.
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