actor U as User
participant A as Hasura Auth
participant E as SMTP server
participant F as Frontend
U->>+A: HTTP POST /signup/email-password
A->>A: Create user
alt No email verification
A->>U: HTTP OK response
Note left of A: Refresh token + access token
else Email needs to be verified
A->>A: Generate ticket
A-)E: Send verification email
A->>-U: HTTP OK response (no data)
E-)U: Receive email
U->>+A: HTTP GET /verify
Note right of U: Follow email link
A->>A: Flag user email as verified
A->>-F: HTTP redirect with refresh token
activate F
F->>-U: HTTP OK response
U->>+A: HTTP POST /token
A->>-U: HTTP OK response
Note left of A: Refresh token + access token
actor U as User
participant A as Hasura Auth
participant G as Authenticator/Authy
U->>+A: HTTP POST /signin/email-password
alt No MFA
A->>U: HTTP OK response
Note left of A: Refresh + access tokens
else User activated MFA
A->>-U: HTTP OK response
Note left of A: MFA code
U->>+G: Ask for a TOTP code
U->>+A: HTTP POST /signin/mfa/totp
Note right of U: TOTP code
A->>-U: HTTP OK reponse
Note left of A: Refresh token + access token
It is possible to add a step to authentication with email and password authentication. Once users registered, they can activate MFA TOTP:
- Users generate a QR Code, that is then scanned in an authentication app such as Authy or Google Authenticator.
- They then send the TOTP code to Hasura Auth. MFA is now activated
- Next time they authenticate, Hasura Auth will first expect their email and password, but then, instead of completing authentication, Hasura Auth will expect the TOTP in order to return the refresh and the access tokens.
In order for users to be able to activate MFA TOTP, the AUTH_MFA_ENABLED
environment variable must be set to true
actor U as User
participant A as Hasura Auth
participant G as Authenticator/Authy
U-->A: Sign in
U->>+A: HTTP GET /mfa/totp/generate
A->>-U: HTTP OK response
Note left of A: QR code as Data URL + TOTP secret
U->>+G: Add account
G->>-U: TOTP code
U->>+A: HTTP POST /user/mfa
Note right of U: TOTP code
A->>A: Activate MFA
A->>-U: HTTP OK response