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Cellery Architecture

Cellery Architecture


A cell is an immutable application component that can be built, deployed and managed as a complete unit. The cell consists of multiple services, managed APIs, ingress and egress policies (including routing, throttling, access control), security trust domain, deployment policies, rolling update policies and external dependencies. The cell definition captures all of these in a standard technology-neutral fashion. The detailed specification of the cell definition can be found here.

Data Plane

Data plane includes the pods, sidecars, services, etc that participate in dispatching the requests to cells, and the components within the cell. This includes global gateway, cell gateway, and cell egress.

Global Data Plane (Gateway)

APIs to be exposed to the external world from Cellery Mesh will be published to the global gateway. When a Cell descriptor is being written, it should mention which APIs to expose on the Cell Gateway and which should be exposed on the Global data plane.

Cell Gateway (Cell Ingress)

Ingress into the cell will be via the cell gateway only. The cell APIs are deployed on the cell gateway. When defining a cell, the cell APIs to be published to the cell gateway can be defined.

Cell Egress

Inter-cell & intra-cell calls will go through the side car deployed along with each micro services within the cell which is the Envoy proxy.

Cell Control Plane

The cell control plane, controls the intra-cell communications. This consists of Cell STS services as mentioned below.

Cell Secure Token Service

As each cell is considered as a separate trust domain, each cell has a secure token service which is used to exchange tokens in order to securely communicate by workloads. Each STS has its own configurations which decides the behaviour of token issuance and validations. Furthermore, each cell STS has an Open Policy Agent instance which is used to enforce fine grained access control. Cell deployers can enforce authorization policies for inter cell communication as well as intra cell communications. The detailed information about the security of Cellery can be found in mesh-security.

Global Control Plane

Global control plane controls the request flow from external systems, and also provide overall control of cells globally, and inter-cell communication. API Manager, Observability, and Security are the core components of the global control plane as explained below.

API Manager

The Global Control Plane will have API Management capabilities in the form of API Publishing (mostly via APIs), and API Discovery (Store). Cell definition includes description of an API (endpoint) and specify whether the API needs to be deployed in the global gateway or cell gateway or both. Based on the cell definition, the API will be published to Global API Manager.

API Discovery

External API consumers and Internal API consumers (cell, internal app developers) will use the API Store in the Global Control Plane to discover available APIs and their documentation.


Cellery observability is enabled by default. Observability Global Control plane will consist WSO2 Stream processor as the core observability engine. The envoy proxies, and API gateways, will push the metrics and traces related information to the Observability control plane, to process, analyze and visualize the data. Also this layer can be used to provide the runtime governance of the system.


APIs exposed through global gateway can be secured with OAuth and other state of the art authentication mechanisms. Not only authentication, but all functionalities and extension points provided through API manager can be used to authenticate and authorize API requests.

Within Cellery, each cell is considered as a unique trust domain and each of these cells have its own Secure Token Service (STS) which the workloads use to communicate in a trusted manner with each other. Not only authentication, but also fine grained authorization requirements are also can be achieved for inter and intra cell communications. Cellery uses Open Policy Agent to enforce fine grained access control within cell and inter cells.

All these operations and checks are enforced through sidecars which are running along side workloads. Considering security aspects of a service and passing user context or information will be out of component developers tasks and will be managed by Cellery within the mesh. Refer mesh-security. for more information on Cellery Security and how to enforce policies. The detailed information about the security of Cellery can be found mesh-security.

Cell Based Architecture

The cell-based architecture is an opinionated approach to building composite applications. A key aim of this work is to enable agility for composite, cell-based architectures. There are many complexities in development, deployment, lifecycle management and operations of composite, integration-first applications on a distributed compute platform.

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