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stepStone v1.2

A pipeline for identification of chromothripsis breakpoints and cancer rearrangements

Download and Compile:

$ git clone 
$ cd stepStone 
$ bash

If everything compiled successfully you must see the final comment: "Congrats: installation successful!"

External packages

The genome aligner BWA-mem2 (, minimap2 ( and samtools ( are downloaded and compiled by stepStone.

Run the pipelines

Program: stepStone - a pipeline to identify chromothripsis breakpoints and rearrangements Version: 2.0

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone command [options]           \

-- align Align reads to a reference
-- plot Plot depth of coverage
-- breakpoint Detect breakpoints \

Read Alignments

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone align           \

===Align reads to a reference for all data types: \
===Output a coordinate sorted bam file: \

       $ ./stepStone align -nodes 60 -data ccs -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam>            \
       $ ./stepStone align -nodes 60 -data ont -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam>            \
       $ ./stepStone align -nodes 60 -data ont-NLR -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam>            \
       $ ./stepStone align -nodes 60 -data ngs-HiC -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam>            \
       $ ./stepStone align -nodes 60 -data ngs-10X -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam>            \
       $ ./stepStone align -nodes 60 -data ngs-SSR -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam>            \
	-nodes    60      - Number of CPUs requested                                                                       \
	-data     ccs     - PacBio HiFi                                                                      \
	-data     ont     - Oxford Nanopore Q20 or Q30                                                                      \
	-data     ont-NLR - Oxford Nanopore normal long reads (NLR)                                                         \
	-data     ngs-HiC - Hi-C reads                                                                                      \
	-data     ngs-10X - 10X reads                                                                                      \
	-data     ngs-SSR - Standard short reads such as Illumina data                                                      \

Breakpoint Detection

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone breakpoint                                     \

===Detect breakpoints with aligned, and name sorted sam,bam or cram files: \

       $ ./stepStone breakpoint -data ccs -bam mysorted.bam <output_breakpoints.vcf>          \
       $ ./stepStone breakpoint -data ont -bam mysorted.bam <output_breakpoints.vcf>          \
       $ ./stepStone breakpoint -data ngs-HiC -bam mysorted.bam <output_breakpoints.vcf>      \
       $ ./stepStone breakpoint -data ngs-10x -bam mysorted.bam <output_breakpoints.vcf>      \
       $ ./stepStone breakpoint -data ngs-SSR -bam mysorted.bam <output_breakpoints.vcf>      \
	-data     ccs     - PacBio HiFi                                                   \
	-data     ont     - Oxford Nanopore Q20 or Q30                                    \
	-data     ngs-HiC - Hi-C reads                                                    \
	-data     ngs-10X - 10X reads                                                     \
	-data     ngs-SSR - Standard short reads such as Illumina data                    \
--- Note: the sam/bam/cram file has to be Name sorted! ---                                \
--- If not read name sorted, please do the following:  ---                                \
--- samtools sort -@ 60 -n your.bam new.bam ---                                           \

===Detect breakpoints with fasta/fastq long read files: \

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone breakpoint                                     \
      -nodes 60 -data ccs/ont -reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <breakpoints.vcf>   \

Coverage/Aneuploidy Plots

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone plot           				\

===Plot depth of coverage for all data types:
====Input a coordinate sorted bam file
====Output a tmp directory containing coverage images for 23 chromosomes chr{1,22,X} \

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone plot -bam mysorted.bam -sample cancer-XXX    \
         -hight 180 -window 100 -denoise 1  					      	\	
      -sample:   Sample name		  						\
      -hight 	(180): 	Maximum value in Y axis (read depth)  				\
      -window 	(100): 	Window size to display chromosome coordinates  			\
      -chrnum 	(23):  	Number of chromosomes  			 		\
      -denoise 	(3):  	Noise reduction option {0,1,2,3}  			\
       	  (0)  	No noise reduction option  			 		\
       	  (1)  	Average the data points after filtering high and low points within the window size	\
       	  (2)  	Fit the datasets into copy numbers after filtering/smoothing	\
       	  (3)   Dimensionless copy numbers in logscale after filtering/smoothing\

===Without noise reduction: \

       $ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone plot -bam mysorted.bam -sample cancer -denoise 0 \

Best Practices

  1. Align the reads to obtain a coordinate sorted bam file;
  2. Generate coverage plots;
  3. samtools sort -@ 60 -n your.bam new.bam;
  4. Detect breakpoints using new.bam


  1. The pipeline only accepts correct chromosome names in the reference assembly, such as

    1,2,3,..., X,Y or chr1,chr2,chr3, ..., chrX, chrY

  2. When you have high read coverage using -denoise {1,2}, you need to adjust "hight"; no need for -denoise 3.
  3. Window size gives you a chance to display the density of data points in plots.

Please contact Zemin Ning ( [email protected] ) for any further information.