web3-batch-call is a tool for querying large amounts of contract data in one json-rpc call.
This module is highly experimental. Please do not expect the API to stay the same between versions. The module is currently being battle tested.
- Call out to many different contracts in a single batched request
- Call a large number of methods on various contracts
- Supply custom arguments to methods
- Automatically fetch and populate state for viewable no-input methods
- Supply your own ABIs or automatically fetch and cache ABIs
- Supports localStorage or in-memory stores
- Supports custom contract namespaces
- Supports historical block range
- Automatically prevents calling constant methods more than once
- Isomorphic (works on node and in the browser)
- Read the complete state of all vaults/staking pools for a protocol as well as user balances
- Track bulk contract state changes when a contract is touched within a block (give drizzle superpowers)
- Support real-time contract state tracking cloud infrastructure
- Users can subscribe to updates from specific contracts with their own custom arguments (delivered via pub-sub/websocket)
- Find all uniswap token pairs
- Batch read uniswap token factory to obtain pair addresses
- Find all uniswap token prices
- Pass an array of uniswap token addresses with price arguments
- Contract analytics tooling
* Array of contract request configurations
namespace, // Specify a namespace to identify this configuration. Optional. Namespace will be used to group contract results
addresses, // Specify a list of addresses to iterate through for this config. Must select addresses OR contracts
contracts, // Specify a list of contract objects to iterate through for this config. Must choose contract addresses OR web3 contract objects.
abi, // Specify an ABI to use for all addresses in this contract config. If no ABI is specified a unqiue ABI will be fetched and cached for every address. If contracts are supplied ABI is optional, but ABI is required regardless if the "allReadMethods" option is set
store, // Specify a store to use for ABI caching. For front-end pass "localStorage." If no store is specified default to in-memory store
groupByNamespace, // Specify true/false (default is false). If true contracts will be groups hierarchicly by namespace
logging, // Specify true/false (default is false). If true every batch call will print the number of methods invoked as well as total execution time
simplifyResponse, // Specify true/false (default is false). If true response args will only have one value instead of an array of values. For instance, "balanceOf: 3434452155", instead of "balanceOf: [{ value: 3434452155, input: 0x3464545, args: ['0x123...'] }]"
allReadMethods, // Specify true/flase (default is false). If true the contract ABI will be used to fetch state for all viewable methods with no inputs
readMethods: [
// Array of methods with custom arguments
name, // method name
args, // array of method arguments
constant, // default is false. if true only read this method one time
npm install --save web3-batch-call
import BatchCall from "web3-batch-call";
const provider = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<your_infura_api_key>";
const etherscanApiKey = "<your_etherscan_api_key>"
const options = {
provider, // Only required if not providing your own web3 instance
web3, // Only required if not providing your own provider
etherscan: {
apiKey: etherscanApiKey, // Only required if not providing abi in contract request configuration
delayTime: 300, // delay time between etherscan ABI reqests. default is 300 ms
const callOptions = {
blockHeight: 1, // Historical blocks to read (60 * (60/15) = 240)... Enter 240 for one hours worth of data
blockResolution: 1, // Historical block resolution. Enter 4 to scan in one minute intervals
const batchCall = new BatchCall(options);
const contracts = yourContractsArray
const result = await batchCall.execute(contracts, callOptions);
import BatchCall from "web3-batch-call";
const contracts = [
namespace: "vaults",
addresses: [
allReadMethods: true,
groupByNamespace: false,
logging: false,
readMethods: [
name: "balanceOf",
args: ["0x1A91C0Df156A5F38aEC0813d055aA0184Fc47826"],
name: "balanceOf",
args: ["0xF98304d7FB1EE427A8a45B2040677cE57eE454dA"],
namespace: "stakingPools",
addresses: ["0xBa37B002AbaFDd8E89a1995dA52740bbC013D992"],
allReadMethods: false,
readMethods: [
name: "balanceOf",
args: ["0x29E240CFD7946BA20895a7a02eDb25C210f9f324"],
const provider = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<your_infura_api_key>";
const etherscanApiKey = "<your_etherscan_api_key>";
const batchCall = new BatchCall({
etherscan: {
apiKey: etherscanApiKey,
delay: 300,
const result = await batchCall.execute(contracts);
vaults: [
address: '0x5dbcF33D8c2E976c6b560249878e6F1491Bca25c',
balanceOf: [
value: '163407599086590',
input: '0x70a082310000000000000000000000001a91c0df156a5f38aec0813d055aa0184fc47826',
args: [ '0x1A91C0Df156A5F38aEC0813d055aA0184Fc47826' ]
value: '0',
input: '0x70a08231000000000000000000000000f98304d7fb1ee427a8a45b2040677ce57ee454da',
args: [ '0xF98304d7FB1EE427A8a45B2040677cE57eE454dA' ]
available: [ { value: '175106794577135070165115' } ],
balance: [ { value: '69152742956129694188230438' } ],
controller: [ { value: '0x9E65Ad11b299CA0Abefc2799dDB6314Ef2d91080' } ],
decimals: [ { value: '18' } ],
getPricePerFullShare: [ { value: '1115942680749254819' } ],
governance: [ { value: '0xFEB4acf3df3cDEA7399794D0869ef76A6EfAff52' } ],
max: [ { value: '10000' } ],
min: [ { value: '10000' } ],
name: [ { value: 'yearn Curve.fi yDAI/yUSDC/yUSDT/yTUSD' } ],
symbol: [ { value: 'yyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yTUSD' } ],
token: [ { value: '0xdF5e0e81Dff6FAF3A7e52BA697820c5e32D806A8' } ],
totalSupply: [ { value: '61968006196966914927951406' } ]
address: '0x29E240CFD7946BA20895a7a02eDb25C210f9f324',
balanceOf: [
value: '0',
input: '0x70a082310000000000000000000000001a91c0df156a5f38aec0813d055aa0184fc47826',
args: [ '0x1A91C0Df156A5F38aEC0813d055aA0184Fc47826' ]
value: '344733454224',
input: '0x70a08231000000000000000000000000f98304d7fb1ee427a8a45b2040677ce57ee454da',
args: [ '0xF98304d7FB1EE427A8a45B2040677cE57eE454dA' ]
aave: [ { value: '0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8' } ],
availableToBorrowETH: [ { value: '12871798970841184666681' } ],
availableToBorrowReserve: [ { value: '6918769017550' } ],
balance: [ { value: '2991115423000586249520147' } ],
controller: [ { value: '0x2be5D998C95DE70D9A38b3d78e49751F10F9E88b' } ],
credit: [ { value: '6571575672124' } ],
debt: [ { value: '6568313166454' } ],
decimals: [ { value: '18' } ],
getAave: [ { value: '0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119' } ],
getAaveCore: [ { value: '0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3' } ],
getAaveOracle: [ { value: '0x76B47460d7F7c5222cFb6b6A75615ab10895DDe4' } ],
getPricePerFullShare: [ { value: '1050253924653889449' } ],
getReservePrice: [ { value: '1860417501753607' } ],
getUnderlyingPrice: [ { value: '27108074719526996' } ],
governance: [ { value: '0x2D407dDb06311396fE14D4b49da5F0471447d45C' } ],
healthFactor: [ { value: '2' } ],
insurance: [ { value: '6823725788804860163571' } ],
locked: [ { value: '1000496703733107980' } ],
ltv: [ { value: '65' } ],
max: [ { value: '100' } ],
maxSafeETH: [
value: Result {
'0': '26412214466011430693228',
'1': '12219804771869674491885',
'2': '40604624160153186894572',
maxBorrowsETH: '26412214466011430693228',
totalBorrowsETH: '12219804771869674491885',
availableBorrowsETH: '40604624160153186894572'
name: [ { value: 'yearn Aave Interest bearing LINK' } ],
over: [ { value: '0' } ],
reserve: [ { value: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48' } ],
shouldBorrow: [ { value: true } ],
shouldRebalance: [ { value: false } ],
symbol: [ { value: 'yaLINK' } ],
token: [ { value: '0xA64BD6C70Cb9051F6A9ba1F163Fdc07E0DfB5F84' } ],
totalSupply: [ { value: '2847992616629646531247502' } ],
underlying: [ { value: '0x514910771AF9Ca656af840dff83E8264EcF986CA' } ]
stakingPools: [
address: '0xBa37B002AbaFDd8E89a1995dA52740bbC013D992',
balanceOf: [
value: '739758310196',
input: '0x70a082310000000000000000000000001a91c0df156a5f38aec0813d055aa0184fc47826',
args: [ '0x1A91C0Df156A5F38aEC0813d055aA0184Fc47826' ]
Under the hood the web3 BatchRequest class is utilized.
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
var batch = new web3.BatchRequest();
batch.add(web3.eth.getBalance.request('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'latest', callback));
batch.add(contract.methods.balance(address).call.request({from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'}, callback2));
essentially takes a user-generated contract configuration file and programatically builds and executes a batched json-rpc request using the provided configuration. The results are grouped by namespace and formatted into a JSON object that can be consumed by your application.