date updated | sr-due | sr-interval | sr-ease | date created | date modified |
2021-11-09 17:25 |
2021-12-27 |
33 |
254 |
Sunday, January 16th 2022, 4:01:06 pm |
Wednesday, January 19th 2022, 1:47:25 pm |
Topic: #mobile_development #android
Tags: #review #ipn_1_5
Links: [[Mobile Apps Development]] [[Kotlin]] [[Java]]
Date Created: 13-10-21
Many notes about [[Android]] App Development with [[Kotlin]].
- [[Android's History]]
- [[Introduction to Android]]
- [[Android's Ecosystem]]
- [[Java API Framework]]
- [[The Structure of an Android Application]]
- [[Kotlin]]
- [[App Manifest]]
- [[Activity]]
- [[Activity Stack]]
- [[Activity State]]
- [[Context]]
- [[Application Context]]
- [[Activity Context]]
- [[Notification]]
- [[Resources]]
- [[Content Provider]]
- [[Views]]
- [[Android App Dev Constraint]]
- [[Application Type]]
- [[Android Process Manager]]
- [[Life-Cycle]]
- [[Fragment]]
- [[Service]]
- [[Content Provider]]
- [[Intent]]
- [[Broadcast]]
- [[Notification]]
- [[Widgets]]
- [[Recycler View]]
- [[Package in Android]]
- [[Revision of Android]]
- [[ISC_L511 - Développement mobile]]