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Tanzu Command Line Interface (CLI) Getting Started

A simple set of instructions to set up and use the tanzu CLI and plugins.

CLI binary and plugins installation

Supported Platforms

Following are the combinations supported for CLI

OS Architecture
Linux amd64
macOS amd64
Windows amd64

Install the latest release of Tanzu CLI

Recommended method to install plugins (with API-driven plugin discovery activated)

With v0.14.0 release, the artifacts are better categorized and published to allow users to download and configure per recommended and alternate methods.

The API driven plugin discovery feature is enabled as default method to install the plugins. So, most users will just need to install the Tanzu CLI binary. The plugins can be installed and configured with tanzu plugin sync command. Learn more about this feature in the design docs.

Option 1: Manual download CLI binary from GitHub Releases
  • Download the latest tanzu-cli tarball from release page (tanzu-cli-darwin-amd64.tar.gz or tanzu-cli-linux-amd64.tar.gz)

  • Extract the downloaded tar file

    • for macOS:

      mkdir tanzu && tar -zxvf tanzu-cli-darwin-amd64.tar.gz -C tanzu
    • for Linux:

      mkdir tanzu && tar -zxvf tanzu-cli-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C tanzu
  • Install the tanzu CLI

    Note: Replace v0.14.0 with the version you've downloaded.

    • for macOS:

      install tanzu/v0.14.0/tanzu-core-darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tanzu
    • for Linux:

      sudo install tanzu/v0.14.0/tanzu-core-linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tanzu
  • Install the available plugins

    tanzu plugin sync
  • Verify installed plugins

    tanzu plugin list
Option 2: Using install script

You may download and install a release using the provided remote script piped into bash.

curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw" \
    -L | \
    bash -s
  • This script requires curl,grep,tr and jq in order to work.
  • The release will be downloaded to a temporary directory and then installation will proceed using the downloaded tanzu CLI binary.
  • Note: A GitHub personal access token may be provided to the script as the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. This bypasses GitHub API rate limiting but is not required. Follow the GitHub documentation to acquire and use a personal access token.
  • Download the latest from release page

  • Open PowerShell as an administrator, change to the download directory and run:

    Expand-Archive -DestinationPath tanzu
    cd .\tanzu\
  • Save following in install.bat in current directory and run install.bat

    Note: Replace v0.11.0 (line number 3) with the version you've downloaded.

    SET TANZU_CLI_DIR=%ProgramFiles%\tanzu
    mkdir "%TANZU_CLI_DIR%"
    copy /B /Y v0.11.0\tanzu-core-windows_amd64.exe "%TANZU_CLI_DIR%\tanzu.exe"
    SET PLUGIN_DIR=%LocalAppData%\tanzu-cli
    mkdir %PLUGIN_DIR%
    SET TANZU_CACHE_DIR=%LocalAppData%\.cache\tanzu
    rmdir /Q /S %TANZU_CACHE_DIR%
    tanzu plugin sync
    tanzu plugin list
  • Add Program Files\tanzu to your PATH.

Legacy method to install plugins (with API-driven plugin discovery deactivated)

Users can still install the plugins using the legacy method by deactivating the context-aware-cli-for-plugins feature.

Installation steps


  • Deactivate API-driven plugin discovery

    tanzu config set false
  • If you have a previous version of tanzu CLI already installed and the config file ~/.config/tanzu/config.yaml is present, run this command to make sure the default plugin repo points to the right path.

    tanzu plugin repo update -b tanzu-cli-framework core
  • Install the downloaded plugins

    tanzu plugin install --local tanzu/cli all
  • Verify the installed plugins

    tanzu plugin list


  • Save following in install.bat in current directory and run install.bat

    Note: Replace v0.14.0 (line number 3) with the version you've downloaded.

    SET TANZU_CLI_DIR=%ProgramFiles%\tanzu
    mkdir "%TANZU_CLI_DIR%"
    copy /B /Y cli\core\v0.14.0\tanzu-core-windows_amd64.exe "%TANZU_CLI_DIR%\tanzu.exe"
    SET PLUGIN_DIR=%LocalAppData%\tanzu-cli
    mkdir %PLUGIN_DIR%
    SET TANZU_CACHE_DIR=%LocalAppData%\.cache\tanzu
    rmdir /Q /S %TANZU_CACHE_DIR%
    tanzu config set false
    tanzu plugin repo update -b tanzu-cli-framework core
    tanzu plugin install --local cli all
    tanzu plugin list
  • Add Program Files\tanzu to your PATH.

Delete a selected plugin

If you want to delete a given plugin (one use case is when a plugin has become obsolete), you can run the following command:

tanzu plugin delete <PLUGIN_NAME>

With v0.11.0 release, the plugin imagepullsecret is deprecated and renamed secret. The new plugin secret will be installed following the instructions listed above. Remove the installed deprecated plugin if it exists using:

tanzu plugin delete imagepullsecret

Build the CLI and plugins from source

If you want the very latest, you can also build and install tanzu CLI, and its plugins, from source.


  • go version 1.17

  • Clone Tanzu Framework and run the below command to build and install CLI and plugins locally for your platform.

    make build-install-cli-local
  • When the build is done, the tanzu CLI binary and the plugins will be produced locally in the artifacts directory. The CLI binary will be in a directory similar to the following:

  • For instance, the following is a build for MacOS:

  • If you additionally want to build and install CLI and plugins for all platforms, run:

    make build-install-cli-all

The CLI has 2 different types of plugins.

  1. Standalone plugins: independent of the CLI context
  2. Context(server) scoped plugins: scoped to one or more contexts

When building the CLI locally and installing plugins with make build-install-cli-local or make build-install-cli-all, the local file-system based standalone plugin discovery and distribution is used. While building locally all plugins are treated as standalone plugins. The type of discovery which gets used is determined by DISCOVERY_TYPE variable that configures pkg/v1/config.DefaultStandaloneDiscoveryType variable while building the Tanzu CLI. Please check build-cli-% target under the Makefile

However, for official release, which uses OCI image based plugin discovery and distribution, cluster and kubernetes-release are context scoped plugins whereas login, management-cluster, package and secret are considered standalone plugins. Users can run tanzu plugin list command to check the plugin's scope and discovery information. All admin plugins like builder, test etc. are also considered standalone plugins.

More details about this can be found in context-aware plugin discovery design document.


  tanzu [command]

Available command groups:

    builder                 Build Tanzu components
    test                    Test the CLI

    cluster                 Kubernetes cluster operations
    kubernetes-release      Kubernetes release operations
    management-cluster      Kubernetes management cluster operations

    completion              Output shell completion code
    config                  Configuration for the CLI
    init                    Initialize the CLI
    login                   Login to the platform
    plugin                  Manage CLI plugins
    update                  Update the CLI
    version                 Version information

    alpha                   Alpha CLI commands

  -h, --help   help for tanzu

Use "tanzu [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Creating clusters

Tanzu CLI allows you to create clusters on a variety of infrastructure platforms such as vSphere, Azure, AWS and on Docker.

  1. Initialize the Tanzu kickstart UI by running the below command to create the management cluster.

    tanzu management-cluster create --ui

    The above would open a management cluster provisioning UI and you can select the deployment infrastructure and create the cluster.

  2. To validate the creation of the management cluster

    tanzu management-cluster get
  3. Get the management cluster's kubeconfig

    tanzu management-cluster kubeconfig get ${MGMT_CLUSTER_NAME} --admin
  4. Set kubectl context

    kubectl config use-context ${MGMT_CLUSTER_NAME}-admin@${MGMT_CLUSTER_NAME}
  5. Next create the workload cluster

    1. Create a new workload clusterconfig file by copying the management cluster config file ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterconfigs/<MGMT-CONFIG-FILE> and changing the CLUSTER_NAME parameter to the workload cluster name, you can also edit other parameters as required.

    2. Create workload cluster

      tanzu cluster create ${WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_NAME} --file ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterconfigs/workload.yaml
    3. Validate workload cluster creation

      tanzu cluster list
  6. Do cool things with the provisioned clusters.

  7. Clean up

    1. To delete workload cluster

      tanzu cluster delete ${WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_NAME}

      Management cluster can only be deleted after deleting all the workload clusters.

    2. To delete management cluster

      tanzu management-cluster delete ${MGMT_CLUSTER_NAME}

What's next

Tanzu CLI is built to be extensible, if you wish to extend Tanzu CLI, you can do that by writing your CLI plugins.

Create your own plugin

To bootstrap a new plugin, follow the builder plugin documentation here.

Check out the plugin implementation guide for more details.