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File metadata and controls

325 lines (238 loc) · 12.1 KB

Enso Changelog


Fixes the z-index problem for select / filters clear control.


Vue Routing refactor. Vue files refactor to be compliant with [email protected] Fixes #34, #38. Renames init route getAppName => getMeta


Updates Laravel to 5.6.5. Updates composer / npm packages. Fixes the shadow for sidebars.


Adds Brazillian Portuguese localisation.


Updates all dependencies. Improves vuedatatable's hidden columns. Improves the typeahead component. Fixes bug.


Upgrades date-fns to v2.0.0.alpha.7 to make full use of tree-shaking.


Adds back Sentry.


Fixes vuedatatable bug when building buttons for users w/o permissions. Fixes user create form default value for the role select.


The app is now managed by Forge. Adds Horizon & Redis for jobs, cache.


Adds favicon notifications. Dont forget to npm install --save favico.js Refactors vuecomponents. We don't want to enforce unnecessary classes where we can avoid it. Adds to the formbuilder a new wrapper <vue-form-ss> that handles the ajax request for the form object. Adds a bunch of helpers methods for the builder. The documentatio will be updated soon, until then you can check any of the forms from the project. `laravel-enso/forms#11'


Upgrades Laravel to 5.6 :). All the files from the local project are updated too. Upgrades laravel-mix to 2.0. Improves the imagetransformer package. Now uses for optimization spatie/image-optimizer. Adds width and height public methods. Improves the use of flags-icon-css. The project now includes only the needed flags... Improves the fileuploader.vue component - adds validation errors reporting (422). Fixes bugs.


Fixes the user_agent column from the logins table, now its text. We use a command for this that executes at post-cmd-install/post-cmd-update. Improves shadow for navbar / sidebar / settings bar. Improves sticky footer, now uses flex instead of js. Updates dataimport to the new version that uses box/spout instead of Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel. There are breaking changes here, please read the dataimport docs. Updates packages.


Extracted the VueSelect.vue and VueSelectFilter.vue to the Select package. Packages update.

Note: the Vue components move means that you should update throughout your pages/components the import path to the select components and then delete the leftover components from the vueforms and bulma folders respectively:

.../vueforms/VueSelect.vue to .../select/VueSelect.vue .../bulma/VueSelectFilter.vue to .../select/VueSelectFilter.vue


Major update in DataImport. Improves interface, replaces Maatwebsite/Excel with Bos/Spout. The packages is now faster and cleaner. Updates documentation for most of the packages. Update composer and npm packages. Note: Unfortunately we tagged wrongly "laravel-enso/menumanager" with 2.1.29 instead of 2.1.21. If you have the project already installed please correct this manually.


Fixes core.index route. Packages update.


Adds Tabs/Tab vue components. Makes Notifications sticky. Improves example page. Adds optionsLimit prop to VueSelect. Fixes bugs.


Packages update. Fixes VueSelect css.


Adds showcase for VueDatatable. The example Will be updated further.


Laravel Enso just got rid of jQuery, for good by replacing atwho, the latest dependency that was relying on jQuery, with a brand new custom component. Fixes error reporting in auth views. Adds zxcvbn for measuring password complexity.


Transitions are now fixed / more consistent. The new toastr uses now Bulma's notification class instead of message.


Adds collapse animation for card. Adds extendedDocumentTitle option to the enso/config.php. If this is set true it concats the app's name to the document.title. document.title is now translated. Adds icon and clickable meta attributes for vudedatatable. icon is for rendering fa5 icons, while clickable can be used to customize behaviour when clicking specific cells from the table. The docs for vuedatatable will be extended soon to cover the new options. Removes favicon.ico and logo.svg from the publishable resources. Now you can replace those with custom ones. Packages update


Update to the core package AddressesManager to 2.2.0, which now uses the list of countries from webpatser/laravel-countries.

Note that since the old list and the new list are different, this is a breaking change for the existing addresses (backup your data before upgrading). We include a command that will setup the new countries table for you post-install.


Packages update


Replaced moment.js with the great date-fns.


Imports missing icons. Adds shadow to the toastr.


We're both happy and sad... Happy because we have finally ditched the old toastr lib ($. dependent) and replaced it with our new toastr/message component. Sad because this introduces a small breaking change. If you still want to use the old toastr you will have to include it yourself (hopefully not)., or you can just replace all the toastr.${type} occurencies with this.$toastr.${type} and go nouveau :). This version also fixes the fa5 import - it now uses the resource.


The overlay is now red, as Nprogress. Package updates



Registers globally the FontAwesomeIcon as 'fa'. It can be used anywhere in the project with <fa icon="icon"></fa>, as long as the needed icon is imported in that file. Adds a new file where new menu icons should be registered resources/assets/js/pages/layout/sidebar/icons/app Includes a command that will run automatically and update all the icons from the menus table to the new format. Updates all the form & table json templates to work with fa5 icons.

VueDatatable & FormBuilder

Changes the config file to work with the new style of including fa5 icons. Be sure to overwrite / update the old config file!


Upgrades the card vue component. Minor layout fixes for vuedatatable and formbuilder.


Adds placeholder attribute for select field in formbuilder. Fixes placeholder prop for VueSelect. Refactors lolcalisation text edit vue. Fixes routes in AddressesManager. Package updates.


Updates npm dependencies / compiles. Fixes Select List Option builder merging problem. Fixes Addresses published form path.


Fixes VueDatatable nrcrt alignment.


Package updates


Fixes Role.php permissions and menus syncing. Upgrades VueDatatable to the fa5 version.



This version brings a major BE refactor for all the packages. The separation between the M and the C in MVC is much clearer now. Routes cleanup. The vue components that were hosted in the generic laravel-enso/vuecomponents package and were belonging to specific packages where moved accordingly. The BE tests are up to date. Frontend refactor for all dropdowns. Upgrades icons to Font Awesome 5 in the whole project / packages.

Note: If you have this project already, after pulling the current version and before installing the new packages two commands will run automatically to ensure route compatibility and font awesome icon upgrade for the legacy db table menus (composer.json -> "pre-install-cmd")


Slighly refactored and brings a dedicated ModelForm object. Docs update comming soon.


All the properties were renamed.


Improves the interface.


Dropdowns refactored.


Introduces the Dropdown component for bulma.


Lots of visual improvements and layout fixes. Adds profile menu link on touch devices.


Package updates



The custom code for all Enso Exceptions is now 555 instead of 455. Removes unused ProfilePageController structure. Renames LogsSuccessfulLoginListener to LoginLoggerListener Fixes redirect to login page after logout


Refactors the config. Refactor error reporting and adds missing translations.


Updates the folder structure to follow Laravel format. Improves the interface of the FileManager class.


Updates the folder structure to follow Laravel format. Moves EnsoException class to the Helpers package. EnsoException is excepted from the Handler's report method and therefor is extended by all the project's custom exceptions.


Refactors the main class


Fixes the file uploader when consecutive multiple uploads are needed Fixes documents download


Adds custom exceptions that extend EnsoException were the latter was previously used. Improves the error reporting localisation. Refactor and clean up code in migrations, Controllers / Services.

Upgrade instructions:

  • remove manually the administration.users.updateProfile route from the permissions menu
  • rename the dataimport config file from importing.php to imports.php. Remove validationLabels entry from imports.php. Place configs at the parent level - follow the format of the config from the package.
  • update the namespace for the classes provided by the helpers package: Obj, Enum, IsActive trait and EnsoException


Package updates ...


refactors the addresses routes

To upgrade do the following steps:

  • update the migration batch number for 2017_12_07_150655_create_structure_for_addresses to the latest batch + 1
  • run php artisan migrate:rollback
  • run php artisan migrate
  • ensure that all the roles have the permissions set correctly for addresses
  • manually remove the addresses.list permission


Various small fixes and cleanup for addresses

Upgraded the contacts component to use the vue-form. New routes and permissions were added and contacts structure migration has been changed (new edit and create permissions)

To upgrade, the following steps are necessary:

  • edit the migrations table record 2017_01_01_148000_create_structure_for_contacts, and set a high batch, say 999
  • execute once php artisan migrate:rollback (so only THAT migration will be rolled back)
  • execute php artisan migrate, so the new permissions will be inserted
  • ensure that all the roles have the permissions set correctly for contacts


Upgrades the ios-switch to a new vue-switch component that is hosted in the formbuilder package


Addresses module is now included by default and is available in the owner edit page
Packages update


Improved VueForm Packages update


Fixes login error toastr Packages update




Finally decided to start keeping a changelog for the main project.


  • pages, routes and store are not under enso subfolder anymore in order to maintain coherence when extending the project
  • dynamic loading for store and routes via storeImporter and routeImporter helper functions
  • lazy loading for routes
  • removed the old prototypes and refactored the code accordingly
  • visual refactor for VueForm, VueSelect, Comments and Documents. Contacts and Addresses will follow shortly
  • improved the Formbuilder with full validation of the template
  • new component: Popup
  • major cleanup of all components, libs, imports
  • jQuery is now used only in Comments/Inputor.vue until we find a js only lib to replace at.js


  • under assets/js, for pages, routes and store the intermediate enso folder was removed, in order to maintain coherence when extending the project
  • dynamic loading for store and routes via storeImporter and routeImporter helper functions
  • lazy loading for routes
  • removes the old modules/enso/prototypes and refactores the code accordingly
  • visual refactor for VueForm, VueSelect, Comments and Documents. Contacts and Addresses will follow shortly
  • improved the Formbuilder with full validation of the template
  • new component: Popup
  • major cleanup of all components, libs, imports
  • jQuery is now used only in Comments/Inputor.vue until we find a js only lib to replace at.js