This document describes the software architecture of the MediBox system. MediBox is a smart pharmaceutical storage system designed to manage medications effectively. The system leverages an ESP32 microcontroller, integrated sensors (DHT sensor, LDRs), actuators (buzzer, servo motor), and an OLED display for user interaction. The software interacts with a remote MQTT broker and Node-RED dashboard for data visualization and remote control.
The MediBox software architecture follows a modular design, dividing the system into distinct functional components
- Hardware Abstraction Layer : This layer encapsulates the hardware-specific functionalities, providing an abstract interface for interacting with the ESP32 peripherals (OLED, buzzer, buttons, LDRs, servo motor).
- Sensor Management: This component handles data acquisition from the DHT sensor and LDRs, processing and storing the collected information.
- Alarm Management: This module manages the alarms, allowing users to set, disable, and be alerted by alarms using the buzzer.
- Time Management: This component handles time synchronization with an NTP server, incorporating user-defined time zone offsets.
- User Interface: This layer manages the user interaction with the system through the OLED display and buttons.
- Communication Management: This component handles communication with the MQTT broker, publishing sensor data and receiving control commands for the servo motor.
This layer provides an abstraction for interacting with the hardware, simplifying the software design and allowing for easy adaptation to different hardware configurations.
OLED Display
Initialized using the Adafruit_SSD1306 library, configuring screen dimensions, reset pin, and I2C address:
TwoWire wireInterfaceDisplay = TwoWire(0); Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HIEGHT, &wireInterfaceDisplay, OLED_RESET);
Functions for text manipulation, drawing shapes, and displaying bitmaps are provided by the library.
Example usage:
display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); display.setCursor(22, 24); display.println("MediBoX"); display.display();
Controlled using the ledcWriteTone function, which allows for generating tones at specific frequencies:
ledcAttachPin(BUZZER, 0); // Attach buzzer pin to LEDC channel 0 ledcWriteTone(0, 880); // Generate a tone at 880 Hz delay(100); // Tone duration ledcWriteTone(0, 0); // Turn off the buzzer
Pin modes are set as inputs with internal pull-up resistors:
pinMode(MenuInterruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
Interrupt handling is implemented for the menu button using attachInterrupt:
attachInterrupt(MenuInterruptPin, menuISR, RISING);
Analog values are read using analogRead and converted to illuminance (lux) using a formula based on voltage and resistance:
float calculateLuxValue(float sensorValue) { float voltage = sensorValue / 4096.0 * 3.3; float resistance = 10000 * voltage / (3.3 - voltage); float lux = pow(RL10 * 1e3 * pow(10, GAMMA) / resistance, (1 / GAMMA)); if (lux >= 10000) return 1; return lux / 10000; }
Servo Motor:
Controlled using the Servo library, allowing for setting the servo motor angle:
Servo servo; servo.attach(SERVO_MOTOR_PIN); servo.write(0); // Set the servo angle to 90 degrees
This component manages data acquisition from the sensors, ensuring that sensor readings are properly processed and utilized within the system.
DHT Sensor:
The DHT library simplifies reading temperature and humidity data:
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); dhtData.temperature = dht.readTemperature(); dhtData.humidity = dht.readHumidity();
Warning conditions are checked against pre-defined thresholds, triggering alerts on the OLED and through the buzzer if necessary:
bool handleWarning(DHTData dhtData) { bool warn = false; if (dhtData.temperature >= TEMPURATION_UPPER_LIMIT || dhtData.temperature <= TEMPURATION_LOWER_LIMIT) { // Display warning on OLED warn = true; } // Similar logic for humidity return warn; }
Left and right LDR readings are compared to determine the maximum light intensity:
readLDRValues(&ldrvalue); if (ldrvalue.leftLDRValue > ldrvalue.rightLDRValue) { ldrvalue.maximumValue = roundf(ldrvalue.leftLDRValue * 1000.0) / 1000.0; ldrvalue.isLeftLDRHigh = true; } else if (ldrvalue.leftLDRValue <= ldrvalue.rightLDRValue) { ldrvalue.maximumValue = roundf(ldrvalue.rightLDRValue * 1000) / 1000.0; ldrvalue.isLeftLDRHigh = false; }
This module provides functionalities for setting, managing, and triggering alarms within the system.
Alarm Configuration:
Allows users to set alarm times (hours and minutes) using the OLED interface.
Saves alarm configurations to non-volatile memory using the Preferences library:
Preferences preferences; preferences.begin(alarm->time->time_name, false); preferences.putUInt("hour", alarm->time->hours); preferences.putUInt("minute", alarm->time->minutes); preferences.end();
Calculates the remaining time (in seconds) until an alarm triggers:
long timeNowInSeconds = timeinfo.tm_hour * 3600 + timeinfo.tm_min * 60 + timeinfo.tm_sec; long alarmTimeInSeconds = (alarm->time->hours * 3600 + alarm->time->minutes * 60); if (alarmTimeInSeconds < timeNowInSeconds) { alarmTime = 86400 - timeNowInSeconds + alarmTimeInSeconds; } else { alarmTime = alarmTimeInSeconds - timeNowInSeconds; } alarm->alarmTimeInSeconds = alarmTime;
Alarm Triggering:
Continuously checks if the current time matches any set alarms.
Activates the buzzer using ledcWriteTone when an alarm triggers, generating a distinct alarm tone.
Displays an alarm notification on the OLED screen, reminding users to take their medication.
The isAlarm function iterates through all alarms and checks if the current time matches the alarm time.
If an alarm needs to be triggered, it sets the isRinging flag to true and activates the buzzer.
void isAlarm(Alarm *alarms[]) { getTime(&timeinfo); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (alarms[i]->isSet && timeinfo.tm_hour == alarms[i]->time->hours && timeinfo.tm_min == alarms[i]->time->minutes) { alarms[i]->isRinging = true; ringingAlarm = true; alarms[i]->isSet = false; // Activate Buzzer here ledcWriteTone(0, 880); } // ... } }```
Alarm Disabling:
- The disableAlarm function sets the isSet and isRinging flags of an alarm to false, effectively disabling it.
- It also saves the updated state to non-volatile memory.
void disableAlarm(Alarm *alarm, Preferences *preferences) { alarm->isSet = false; alarm->isRinging = false; saveAlarm(alarm, preferences); // Save updated state }```
This component manages time synchronization and allows for user-defined time zone adjustments.
Time Synchronization:
- The setTime function synchronizes the system time with an NTP server.
- It uses configTime with the offset obtained from the offset struct and the daylightOffset_sec.
void setTime(Time offset, int daylightOffset_sec, const char *ntpServer) { int offsetInSeconds = offset.hours * 3600 + offset.minutes * 60; // Calculate total offset in seconds messageDisplay("Time", "Configuring..", timeConfig); configTime(offsetInSeconds, daylightOffset_sec, ntpServer); // ... }
Time Zone Offset:
Users can configure a custom time zone offset from UTC, which is used in the configTime function.
The offset struct holds the user-defined time zone offset, which is used in the configTime function.
The offset is loaded from and saved to non-volatile memory using Preferences.
Time offset = {3, "Offset", 5, 30}; // Example initial offset void loadOffsets(Time *offset, Preferences *preferences) { preferences->begin(offset->time_name, false); offset->hours = preferences->getUInt("hour", offset->hours); offset->minutes = preferences->getUInt("minute", offset->minutes); preferences->end(); } void saveOffset(Time *offset, Preferences *preferences) { // ... Similar to loadOffsets, but uses putUInt to save }
This layer manages user interactions with the system through the OLED display and buttons.
Menu Navigation:
- The handleMainMenu function manages the main menu displayed on the OLED.
- It uses the selectedFrame struct to track which menu option is currently selected.
- The goForwardButton and goBackwardButton are used to scroll through menu options.
bool handleMainMenu(Alarm *alarms[], Time *offset, SelectedFrame *selectedFrame, Menu *menu, Button *menuButton, Button *goForwardButton, Button *goBackwardButton, Button *cancelButton) { pooling(goForwardButton, goBackwardButton, cancelButton); if (goForwardButton->pressed) { if (selectedFrame->frameStartY < 50) { selectedFrame->frameStartY += 10; selectedOption = (MenuOptions)(selectedOption + 1); } else { selectedFrame->frameStartY = 10; selectedOption = Alarm_01; } // ... displayMenu(selectedFrame, menu); } // ... Similar logic for goBackwardButton and other buttons }
Alarm Configuration:
Functions like adjustAlarmHours and adjustAlarmMinutes are used to handle button presses and increment or decrement the alarm hours and minutes:
if (goForwardButton->pressed) { if (alarm->time->hours < 23) { alarm->time->hours++; } else { alarm->time->hours = 0; } goForwardButton->pressed = false; goForwardButton->numberKeyPresses = 0; displayAlarm(alarm->time->hours, "Hours"); }
Time Zone Configuration:
- The user can set the time zone offset using the menu navigation.
- Functions like adjustTimeZoneHours and adjustTimeZoneMinutes handle the incrementing and decrementing of the time zone hours and minutes based on button presses.
void adjustTimeZoneHours(Time *time, Button *menuButton, Button *goForwardButton, Button *goBackwardButton, Button *cancelButton) { pooling(goForwardButton, goBackwardButton, cancelButton); if (goForwardButton->pressed) { if (time->hours >= -13 && time->hours < 15) { time->hours++; } else if (time->hours >= 15) { time->hours = -13; } else if (time->hours < -13) { time->hours = 15; } // ... displayTimeZone(time->hours, "Hours"); } // ... Similar logic for decrementing and handling other buttons }
Warning Display:
Utilizes the OLED display to present warning messages if temperature or humidity levels exceed pre-defined thresholds, ensuring that users are aware of potential issues.
The handleWarning function checks for temperature and humidity exceeding predefined limits. If a warning condition is detected, it updates the OLED display with relevant information.
bool handleWarning(DHTData dhtData) { bool warn = false; if (dhtData.temperature >= TEMPURATION_UPPER_LIMIT || dhtData.temperature <= TEMPURATION_LOWER_LIMIT) { display.setCursor(0, 48); display.println("Temperature: " + String(dhtData.temperature) + "C"); // Display warning message warn = true; } if (dhtData.humidity >= HUMIDITY_UPPER_LIMIT || dhtData.humidity <= HUMIDITY_LOWER_LIMIT) { display.setCursor(0, 56); display.println("Humidity: " + String(dhtData.humidity) + "%"); // Display warning message warn = true; } // ... return warn; }
Status Display:
Displays essential information, including the current time, date, and environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) on the OLED screen:
display.setCursor(0, 48); display.drawRect(12, 14, 104, 28, SSD1306_WHITE); display.setCursor(34, 0); display.println(&timeinfo, "%d-%m-%Y"); display.setCursor(16, 20); display.setTextSize(2); display.println(&timeinfo, "%H:%M:%S");
This component manages communication with the external world using the MQTT protocol.
MQTT Client:
Establishes a secure connection with the MQTT broker using the WiFiClientSecure and PubSubClient libraries:
WiFiClientSecure espClient; PubSubClient client(espClient); espClient.setCACert(root_ca); client.setServer(MQTT_SERVER, MQTT_PORT);
Publish Sensor Data:
Publishes sensor readings (LDR values, temperature, humidity) to specified topics on the MQTT broker using client.publish:
char buffer[256]; serializeJson(doc, buffer); // Serialize sensor data into JSON format client.publish(LDR_TOPIC, buffer);
Subscribe to Servo Control:
Subscribes to a designated topic to receive control commands for the servo motor from the MQTT broker using client.subscribe:
The callback function (callback) processes received commands and controls the servo motor accordingly:
void callback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length) { String incommingMessage = ""; // ... process received message ... if (topic_Str == SERVO_TOPIC) { handleServoMotor(incommingMessage, &servo); } }
- The system utilizes light sleep mode for power conservation when not actively processing tasks.
- On Change Detection is implemented for sensors, triggering readings only when significant changes occur, minimizing unnecessary power consumption.
- Alarm configurations and user settings are saved to non-volatile memory using the Preferences library, ensuring data retention even after power loss.
- Secure communication with the MQTT broker is established using TLS/SSL encryption through the WiFiClientSecure library, protecting sensitive data during transmission.
- The modular design facilitates the integration of additional sensors and actuators.
- The hardware abstraction layer provides flexibility in adapting to different hardware configurations.
The MediBox software architecture effectively integrates various hardware and software components to deliver a comprehensive smart pharmaceutical storage system. The modular design promotes maintainability, scalability, and flexibility for future enhancements. The system's robust functionality, coupled with its advanced features, provides users with a reliable and user-friendly solution for managing medication storage and dispensing.