From 63fd0c296c5c6600572ec63045df255f1099f777 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yaya <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 19:43:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add a post

 _posts/ | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 _posts/

diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..636dfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+## Git :
+#Company Account : 
+C:\Users\shunduan>ssh -T
+#Hi yayalingo! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
+### 解决推送被拒绝的问题
+1. **拉取远程仓库最新更改**:
+    ```bash
+    git pull origin main
+    ```
+2. **解决任何冲突并提交(如果有冲突)**:
+    - 打开并编辑有冲突的文件,解决冲突
+    - 然后执行以下命令
+    ```bash
+    git add .
+    git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts"
+    ```
+3. **推送本地更改到远程仓库**:
+    ```bash
+    git push -u origin main
+    ```
+### Git 常用命令
+### 初始化和配置
+git init                      # 初始化一个新的Git仓库
+git clone <repository_url>    # 克隆远程仓库
+git config --global "Your Name"    # 设置用户名
+git config --global ""  # 设置用户邮箱
+git remote add origin #添加远程link
+### 基本操作
+git status                    # 查看仓库当前状态
+git add .                     # 添加所有更改的文件到暂存区
+git commit -m "Commit message" # 提交更改并添加提交消息
+git pull origin main          # 拉取远程仓库最新更改并合并到本地
+git push origin main          # 推送本地更改到远程仓库
+### 分支操作
+git branch                    # 列出所有本地分支
+git branch <branch_name>      # 创建一个新分支
+git checkout <branch_name>    # 切换到指定分支
+git merge <branch_name>       # 合并指定分支到当前分支
+git branch -d <branch_name>   # 删除指定分支
+### 日志和查看
+git log                       # 查看提交历史
+git diff                      # 查看未暂存的更改
+git show <commit_hash>        # 显示指定提交的详细信息
+这些命令应该覆盖了大多数常见的 Git 操作场景。如果你需要更详细的命令或帮助,随时可以使用 `git help <command>` 来查看具体命令的详细用法。例如:
+git help push
+希望这些简化的指南和常用命令能够帮助你更有效地使用 Git。
+Push -
+- 初始化仓库并添加文件:
+    ```bash
+    Copy
+    git init
+    git add
+    git commit -m "Initial commit"
+    ```
+- 添加远程仓库并推送:
+    ```bash
+    git remote add origin
+    git push --set-upstream origin master
+    ```
+Path : C:\Users\shunduan\OneDrive - Magna\Desktop\file\KB\GItHub_Page
+## Jekyll
+bundle exec jekyll serve   #本地查看页面Jekyll
+bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=""
+We only cover RubyInstaller-2.4 and newer here. Older versions need to [install the Devkit]( manually.
+1. Download and install a **Ruby+Devkit** version from [RubyInstaller Downloads]( Use default options for installation.
+2. Run the `ridk install` step on the last stage of the installation wizard. This is needed for installing gems with native extensions. You can find additional information regarding this in the [RubyInstaller Documentation]( From the options choose `MSYS2 and MINGW development toolchain`.
+3. Open a new command prompt window from the start menu, so that changes to the `PATH` environment variable becomes effective. Install Jekyll and Bundler using `gem install jekyll bundler`
+4. Check if Jekyll has been installed properly: `jekyll -v`
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