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Bug Report: module 'numba' has no attribute 'generated_jit' #1650

3 tasks done
ganbaaelmer opened this issue Sep 19, 2024 · 0 comments
3 tasks done

Bug Report: module 'numba' has no attribute 'generated_jit' #1650

ganbaaelmer opened this issue Sep 19, 2024 · 0 comments


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Current Behaviour

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[34], line 24
22 get_ipython().system('pip install numba==0.58.1')
23 import numba as nb
---> 24 import pandas_profiling # library for automatic EDA
27 from scipy import stats # statistical library
28 from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import ztest # statistical function for hypothesis testing

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\
1 """Main module of pandas-profiling.
3 .. include:: ../../
4 """
----> 6 from pandas_profiling.controller import pandas_decorator
7 from pandas_profiling.profile_report import ProfileReport
8 from pandas_profiling.version import version

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pandas_profiling\controller\
1 """This file add the decorator on the DataFrame object."""
2 from pandas import DataFrame
----> 4 from pandas_profiling.profile_report import ProfileReport
7 def profile_report(df: DataFrame, **kwargs) -> ProfileReport:
8 """Profile a DataFrame.
10 Args:
15 A ProfileReport of the DataFrame.
16 """

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pandas_profiling\
9 import yaml
10 from import tqdm
---> 11 from visions import VisionsTypeset
13 from pandas_profiling.config import Config, Settings
14 from pandas_profiling.expectations_report import ExpectationsReport

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\
1 """Core functionality"""
3 from visions import types, typesets, utils
----> 4 from visions.backends import *
5 from visions.declarative import create_type
6 from visions.functional import (
7 cast_to_detected,
8 cast_to_inferred,
9 detect_type,
10 infer_type,
11 )

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\visions\
6 try:
7 import pandas as pd
----> 9 import visions.backends.pandas
10 from visions.backends.pandas.test_utils import pandas_version
12 if pandas_version[0] < 1:

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\visions\backends\
1 import visions.backends.pandas.traversal
----> 2 import visions.backends.pandas.types

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\visions\backends\pandas\
1 import visions.backends.pandas.types.boolean
2 import visions.backends.pandas.types.categorical
----> 3 import visions.backends.pandas.types.complex
4 import visions.backends.pandas.types.count
5 import

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\visions\backends\pandas\types\
5 from visions.backends.pandas.series_utils import series_not_empty, series_not_sparse
6 from visions.backends.pandas.types.float import string_is_float
----> 7 from visions.backends.shared.parallelization_engines import pandas_apply
8 from visions.types.complex import Complex
9 from visions.types.string import String

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\visions\backends\
----> 1 from . import nan_handling, parallelization_engines, utilities

File c:\Users\Client\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\visions\backends\shared\
30 # TODO: There are optimizations here, just have to define precisely the desired missing ruleset in the
31 # generated jit
32 if has_numba:
---> 34 @nb.generated_jit(nopython=True)
35 def is_missing(x):
36 """
37 Return True if the value is missing, False otherwise.
38 """
39 if isinstance(x, nb.types.Float):

AttributeError: module 'numba' has no attribute 'generated_jit'

Expected Behaviour

can't use it

import pandas_profiling

Data Description

can't use it

import pandas_profiling

Code that reproduces the bug

can't use it

`import pandas_profiling`

pandas-profiling version



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Rtree                             1.0.1
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Scrapy                            2.11.1
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Twisted                           23.10.0
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Windows 11


  • There is not yet another bug report for this issue in the issue tracker
  • The problem is reproducible from this bug report. This guide can help to craft a minimal bug report.
  • The issue has not been resolved by the entries listed under Common Issues.
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