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Object Detection Example Flow

This example flow use COCO-SSD model to perform object detection and annotate the image with bounding boxes.

Create Self Signed Certificate

In order to access the camera inside a browser, the Node-RED shall run on HTTPS. The following steps use openssl utility to create a privdate key and a self-signed certificate

  • privatekey.pem: the private key
  • certificate.pem: the self-signed certificate
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 -key privatekey.pem -out node-csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -in node-csr.pem -signkey privatekey.pem -out certificate.pem

Note: You need to answer the questions and enter the Common Name when prompted.

Install the Dependencies

In order to correctly load Tensorflow JavaScript npm package: @tensorflow/tfjs-node, make sure there is no other @tensorflow/tfjs-node package that could be searched by Node.js require() under node_modules directories in current directory and all its parent directories.

Then run the npm install to install all dependencies in current directory.

Launch Node-RED

Now you can use npm run start to launch the object detection flow and access the Node-RED editor in https://localhost:1880. Since the website uses the self-signed certificate you generated earlier, you may need to accept some warning messages in the browser in order to view the page.

Walk Through the Details

In the example flow, an image is processed by COCO SSD model and annotated with the detected objects.

There are three points that you can trigger the flow:

  • Select an image file: choose an image from your system
  • Inject: inject an fixed image from internet
  • Camera: use the camera from browser

Then the image is fed into the pre-processing node. However, for Select an image file and Inject nodes, they need an extra node to load the image binary from the URL or file system location.

pre-processing node performs the data pre-processing and compose a tensor named map for the next node. When you launch the Node-RED, you can see a log message in the console, similar to this:

[info] [tf-model:COCO SSD lite] input(s) for the model: ["image_tensor"]

It tells you the model's input node list only contain one tensor. Therefore, the named map object for the model would be:

    "image_tensor": tf.Tensor

Here is the code inside the pre-processing node to prepare the named map object:

const image = tf.tidy(() => {
  return tf.node.decodeImage(msg.payload, 3).expandDims(0);

return {payload: { image_tensor: image } };

It is a tf-function node; you can use Tensorflow.js APIs with the tf namespace. Here, it uses tf.node.decodeImage() to decode the image as a 3D tensor and call expandDims() to prepend the batch dimension. The code is surrended by tf.tidy() to clean up intermittent tensors. Then the tensor is assigned as image_tensor property in the named map object. This named map then can be used for the COCO SSD lite node. For details of Tensorflow.js API, please check the website here.

In COCO SSD lite node, it performs the model inference and returns the prediction results, including detected objects and bounding boxes. The results are not easy to digest without post processing. So we pass the results directly to post-processing node.

Inside post-processing node, it calculates the bounding boxes and detected objects by using the IoU and Min Score settings. The output would be a list of the following object:s

    "bbox": [x, y, w, h],
    "className": "class label",
    "score": "score"

You can use Min Score to filter out objects with low scores or lower the score to get more detected objects if possible.

Before we annotate the image with detected objects, bounding-box node needs two inputs:

  • original image
  • detected objects with bounding box information

We use a function node here to merge these two data into another named map object:

    "image": <Original Image Buffer>,
    "objects": <list of detected object>

This function node executes a special logic to queue up the original image and wait for the inference results which also contains a complete flag. Image data and prediction results are paired up as a named map object and passed to the bounding-box node. Finally, the bounding box node draws the detected objects onto the image.