This program is designed to run on Rasberry Pi zero (or any other similar board) to provide automated 2FA ID verification service. The verification process includes three parts: OpenCert based certificate verification, Azure cloud service based face recognition and ZFM-20 series Fingerprint scanner (which can be easily found on Adafruit or other sites, other ZFM fingerprint sensor may also be used as alternative).
- A Rasberry Pi or similar board that can meet the same software and hardware requirement
- A screen with SPI protocol
- An audio system (that may include dac, amp and speaker ) with I2S protocol
- a ZFM series fingerprint sensor that goes through UART protocol
- a Pi Camera
- PIL (python image library)
- opencv
- pyzbar
- picamera
- replace the KEY and ENDPOINT field in the image_process file with your credentials
Follow the steps on to create your blockchain based cerifitcate as your ID:
- You should first record your fingerprint data locally as test.fingerprint file:
- Type "python3" in bash
- Then prepare a photo of jpg or png format
- And turn the fingerpirnt data and photo into base64 format
- Type " FILENAME" in bash
- And add them to the certificate following the instruction on the opencert site and deploy the certificate:
- The tool to generate certificate from json can be found at
- The tool to deploy the certificate can be found at
In the end, put you certificate into a web server so that it can be acessed with a link. Turn that that URL to a QR Code and you are all good to go!
- The program has been tested on Rasberry Pi zero and Rasberry Pi 4 and was fully functioning.
- To autorun it as a service at boot:
- Edit the WorkingDirectory in verification.service file and then add it to the system as a service
- To manually start it
- Type "python3 to start the verification program" in bash