Tested on Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt-get install gtkwave libsdl2-dev verilator iverilog yosys
Install GHDL: http://askubuntu.com/questions/655961/use-14-04-application-in-15-04/786463#786463 Tested on GHDL v0.33
Run all testbenches:
cd vhdl
Run a single testbench: either of:
./run counter
./run counter_tb
./run counter_tb.vhdl
The corresponding counter.vhdl
file is analyzed first automatically.
Clean up generated files:
We use the following naming convention: files that end in XXX_tb.vhdl
are runnable testbenches.
They may or may not have a corresponding XXX.vhdl
file which is the component being tested.
If that file exists, it must be analyzed before the _tb
is run.
cd interactive
make run
make run RUN=move
make clean