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43 pin mapping

Specifications .
Flash (program memory) 4096b
RAM 256 bytes
EEPROM 64 bytes
Bootloader No
GPIO Pins 15
ADC Channels 4
PWM Channels 4
Interfaces USI
Special features On-chip boost converter
Clock options Internal 1/4/8MHz

The ATtiny43 is a very unusual microcontroller - the featureset is unremarkable, inferior to just about anything else in the ATtiny product line - except for one thing: A built-in boost converter that allows it to run off of just ~1.1v (startup - it will keep running as low as 0.7v) - so you can run a project off a single alkaline battery. It generates ~3v while in active mode, and can provide up to 30mA for peripherals. When using the boost converter, you must run at 4MHz or less. The "Internal 4MHz" option sets the fuses to start at 1MHz and then switches to 4MHz upon startup. See the datasheet for details of the layout, external components required, and further details of the boost converter operation.

Boost Converter Capability

The boost converter will start up as long as the battery voltage is 1.2v or higher (in my testing, it seems to start at 1.1v), generating 3v. It will keep running as long as VBat is at least 0.8v, possibly even lower. It is capable of supplying 30mA to external devices as long as VBat > 1.0v (at lower VBat, the maximum current is lower - if overloaded, 3v output is not guaranteed)

Tone Support

Tone() uses Timer1. For best results, use pin 5 or 6 (PIN_PB5, PIN_PB6) as this will use the hardware output compare to generate the square wave instead of using interrupts. Any use of tone() will take out PWM on pins 5 amd 6.

I2C Support

There is no hardware I2C peripheral. I2C functionality can be achieved with the hardware USI. As of version 1.1.3 this is handled transparently via the special version of the Wire library included with this core. You must have external pullup resistors installed in order for I2C functionality to work at all.

SPI Support

There is no hardware SPI peripheral. SPI functionality can be achieved with the hardware USI - as of version 1.1.3 of this core, this should be handled transparently via the SPI library. Take care to note that the USI does not have MISO/MOSI, it has DI/DO; when operating in master mode, DI is MISO, and DO is MOSI. When operating in slave mode, DI is MOSI and DO is MISO. The #defines for MISO and MOSI assume master mode (as this is much more common).

UART (Serial) Support

There is no hardware UART support. If running off the internal oscillator, you may need to calibrate it to get the speed close enough to the correct speed for UART communication to work. The core incorporates a built-in software serial named Serial - this uses the analog comparator pins, in order to use the Analog Comparator's interrupt, so that it doesn't conflict with libraries and applications that require PCINTs. TX is AIN0, RX is AIN1. Although it is named Serial, it is still a software implementation, and you cannot send or receive at the same time. The SoftwareSerial library may be used; if it is used at the same time as the built-in software Serial, only one of them can send or receive at a time (if you need to be able to use both at the same time, or send and receive at the same time, you must use a device with a hardware UART). While one should not attempt to particularly high baud rates out of the software serial port, there is also a minimum baud rate as well

To disable the RX channel (to use only TX), the following commands should be used after calling Serial.begin(). No special action is needed to disable the TX line if only RX is needed.

ACSR &=~(1<<ACIE);
ACSR |=~(1<<ACD);

ADC Reference options

  • DEFAULT: Vcc
  • INTERNAL1V1: Internal 1.1v reference
  • INTERNAL: synonym for INTERNAL1V1

Purchasing ATtiny43 Boards

I (Spence Konde / Dr. Azzy) sell ATtiny841 boards through my Tindie store - your purchases support the continued development of this core.

Interrupt Vectors

This table lists all of the interrupt vectors available on the ATtiny43, as well as the name you refer to them as when using the ISR() macro. Be aware that a non-existent vector is just a "warning" not an "error" - however, when that interrupt is triggered, the device will (at best) immediately reset - and not cleanly either. The catastrophic nature of the failure often makes debugging challenging. Vector addresses are "word addressed". vect_num is the number that you will be shown if you get a duplicate vector number.

vect_num Vector Address Vector Name Interrupt Definition
0 0x0000 RESET_vect Any reset (pin, WDT, power-on, BOD)
1 0x0001 INT0_vect External Interrupt Request 0
2 0x0002 PCINT0_vect Pin Change Interrupt 0 (PORT A)
3 0x0003 PCINT1_vect Pin Change Interrupt 1 (PORT B)
4 0x0004 WDT_vect Watchdog Time-out (interrupt mode)
5 0x0005 TIMER1_COMPA_vect Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
6 0x0006 TIMER1_COMPB_vect Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
7 0x0007 TIMER1_OVF_vect Timer/Counter1 Overflow
8 0x0008 TIMER0_COMPA_vect Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A
9 0x0009 TIMER0_COMPB_vect Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B
10 0x000A TIMER0_OVF_vect Timer/Counter0 Overflow
11 0x000B ANA_COMP_vect Analog Comparator
12 0x000C ADC_vect ADC Conversion Complete
13 0x000D EE_RDY_vect EEPROM Ready
14 0x000E USI_START_vect USI Start
15 0x000F USI_OVF_vect USI Overflow