A dataset summarizes research data on a delimited situation in a structured manner. The research data should be prepared in such a way that easy reuse is possible. In principle, the data record should be tabular and column-based. In most cases, soil and agricultural data have a spatial reference. The spatial position of the measuring points or areas should be given in the table as detailed as possible.
A dataset summarizes research data on a delimited situation in a structured manner. The research data should be prepared
+in such a way that easy reuse is possible. In principle, the data record should be tabular and column-based. In
+most cases, soil and agricultural data have a spatial reference. The spatial position of the measuring points or
+areas should be given in the table as detailed as possible.
A typical dataset for data transfer to the BonaRes Data Centre has the following properties:
Each column (attribute) of the table contains the attribute name in the first row and the attribute values in the following rows, which means the data within the table are column-oriented. Each table or dataset must be given a short, concise name. For widespread reuse, work should be done in English if possible.
Each column (attribute) of the table contains the attribute name in the first row and the attribute values in the
+following rows, which means the data within the table are column-oriented. Each table or dataset must be given a
+short, concise name. For widespread reuse, work should be done in English if possible.
Typically, each table contains the following standard attributes:
Table 1: Example table with typical standard attributes of a data table
Attribute 2
Attribute n
-_Fig. 1 Example table with typical standard attributes of a data table_
Attribute 2
Attribute n
+ #
+ The following formal criteria must be met:
tables are unformatted (do not contain grafical elements, colored lines, …)
there are no internal references or formulas within a table
tables contain only one worksheet (avoid Excel folders with multiple sheets)
in case of multiple sheets, upload each sheet as a separate table
each column contains a unique attribute name (between upper and lower case not differentiated z. B. “beetles” and “Beetles”)
column delimiter is consistent and clearly identifies throughout the table (e. g. ”;” or “,”)
attribute names contain no spaces (an underscore „_“ is allowed to use), special characters, umlauts, “ß” or units
...are a maximum of 30 characters long
...do not start with a number
...are only assigned once
missing values are explicitly marked and clearly differ from “none specification "and" 0 "
values within a column are constant (no change of reference variable or unit)
values in the cells contain no units, explanations or abbreviations e. g. "Under detection limit” or “< 0.00 ”
only one value specified per cell
cells are not connected
... do not contain separators such as “;” (decimal numbers are uniformly written with “.” or “,” and differ from column delimiter)
IDs are only assigned once
each line is available once(there are no double lines e. g. due to copy errors)
cells contain no spaces
The prepared dataset should be submitted in the file format txt, csv, xls or xslx. Avoid file formats that cannot be read with common programs. For example, formats for special company software for data loggers. In addition to tables, the BonaRes Repository also publishes all formats of research data that are common in science, such as pictures, videos, texts. The BonaRes Centre also is able to deal with complex file structures (Access, SQL, Shape, ...). In this case contact the support of BonaRes Repository.
File Formats
Datasets submitted in file formats, which can be integrated to the SQL database of the BonaRes Data Centre is made available with full service (options for file formats and coordinate system, description of the data model, ...). Other research data e.g., Pictures, videos or comparable formats can be downloaded by the re-user in the file format as submitted. If you have any questions, contact the support of BonaRes Repository
The following formal criteria must be met:
✓ tables are unformatted (do not contain grafical elements, colored lines, …)
-✓ there are no internal references or formulas within a table
-✓ tables contain only one worksheet (avoid Excel folders with multiple sheets)
✓ each column contains a unique attribute name
-(between upper and lower case not differentiated z. B. “beetles” and “Beetles”)
-✓ column delimiter is consistent and clearly identifies throughout the table (e. g. ”;” or “,”)
✓ attribute names contain no spaces (an underscore „_“ is allowed to use), special characters,
-umlauts, “ß” or units
-✓ ... are a maximum of 30 characters long
-✓ ... do not start with a number
-✓ ... are only assigned once
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.
Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.
Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.
Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.
Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.
- name.md
- /submit_research_data/name.md
After completing the metadata template, click on the “submit new dataset” button and fill the upload form.
+ #
+ Filling out the Upload form
The first step in the upload form is to provide a title and a brief but understandable description of the dataset – analogue to the abstract of a paper but specified to this data. This information is the basis of the metadata.
The project in which the data were collected must be specified in the following field. You can choose from the BonaRes collaborative projects and some long-term field experiments. For all other data that cannot be assigned to any of these projects, “Other” must be specified. In the future, it should also be possible to manually enter the individual projects.
When selecting the research domain, the most appropriate domain should be selected. Only one domain can be selected. The research domains are based on the categories of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (FK No. 207 Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine).
Now the research question for which the available data were determined can be specified. Of course, there are not "the" good and "the" bad data - but data are of high quality in relation to the research question they are supposed to answer. This enables the potential reuser to better assess the suitability of the data for her research.
Fields with two lines in the lower right corner can be enlarged if necessary.
If possible, one or more soil functions that match the dataset should be selected that address the underlying study.
In the next step, the dataset, metadata, any additional material, such as pictures, plans or drawings, can be uploaded. Please upload just the actual dataset (only one table, one dataset, one worksheet). Multiple worksheets should be split and uploaded separately.
+To illustrate the research data, you can use a data model that shows the data, e.g. a diagram.
Afterwards, additional information can be given specifically for the BonaRes Centre. In addition, the BonaRes data guideline must be approved and assured that the authority exists to hand over the data to the repository and that it has not yet been published elsewhere. This means that the data owner does not necessarily have to submit the data himself and can also designate someone else as the data provider.
If all fields have been filled in, the dataset can be transferred to the BonaRes Centre by clicking on “Submit”. The BonaRes Centre sends an automatic confirmation email afterwards with a ticket number.
If the upload was successful, a summary of the submitted information appears. The processing status can also be viewed on this page. As long as the submitted data are formally checked
(Status: Submitted), it is possible to make changes. As soon as the data have been added to the database and the metadata have been sent
+(Status: in progress), contact must be made with the BonaRes Centre for subsequent changes.
The history gives an overview of the completed processing steps of the respective dataset.
An overview of all datasets submitted so far appears in the user account under “Submission” under “My dataset submissions”. If you have any questions or problems, the ticket number should always be given.
After a dataset has been transferred to the BonaRes Centre, it is checked formally and in terms of content (e. g. thematically fit into the BonaRes Repository) by data stewards. Formal checks are, e. g. empty columns, outliers or not plausible values. Conspicuous data are communicated back to the data provider. In the future, the test should carried out by an automated tool. After a dataset passed this formal check, further metadata will be prepared (see chapter Metadata), which can be downloaded as PDF.
+ #
+ Prepared metadata with information from the upload tool and the data table:
Description: Title, summary, research domain, research question, date of submission, editor, reference system, geographical location (very rough)
Categorization: Project category, standard keywords for BonaRes with associated thesaurus, topic category, soil functions
Access: Restrictions on use, license for use
Distribution: Output format, data provider
Quality: Lineage statement
Metadata: Metadata standard and version
Data model: First column descriptions of the data table
@@ -224,7 +320,7 @@
- Download and Fill
+ Download and fill the metadata Template
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.
Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.
Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.
Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.
Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.
- name.md
- /submit_research_data/name.md
If data are already published in another open repository, the BonaRes Centre offers to take over the metadata of the dataset and to disseminate it via its own infrastructure. There is a link to the location of the dataset. This means that the research data can also be found via the BonaRes Repository without the need for republication. Contact the support of the BonaRes Repository here:support-data@bonares.de.
diff --git a/how_to_publish/index.html b/how_to_publish/index.html
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How to publish a dataset in the BonaRes Repository
@@ -20,26 +20,24 @@
@@ -192,25 +190,11 @@
How to publish a dataset in the BonaRes Repository
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.
Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.
Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.
Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.
Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.
Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.
Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.
Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.
Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.
- name.md
- /submit_research_data/name.md
A one-time registration is required to use the services of the BonaRes Centre e. g., the upload tool and the metadata editor
Specification of user name and email address, as well as assignment of a password
The following conditions must be met for the password:
it must consist of at least 8 characters
it must contain at least 3 small letters
it must differ from the user name and email address
it must contain at least 3 character classes (e.g. uppercase, lowercase, special characters, numbers)
Receive a confirmation email from the BonaRes Repository (double opt in)
Confirm the registration by clicking the link in the email
If the intention is to submit several datasets of a research group, it is possible to organize all of the associated data providers in one project in the BonaRes Centre. In this case, the BonaRes Centre should be contactedBEFORE registration, so the project can be created in advance. The same project affiliation allows you to search for specific project data. Pre-entries about shared templates within the project save time and effort when describing the metadata. The rights for editing the metadata are distributed in a targeted manner.
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-[[{"l":"Handbook for BonaRes Repository","p":["Authors: Carsten Hoffmann, Sina Schulz, Einar Eberhardt, Meike Grosse, Susanne Stein, Xenia Specka, Nikolai Svoboda, Uwe Heinrich","This living document has been produced in the framework of the German research initiative BonaRes(Soil as a sustainable resource for the bio-economy). The third version is published in the BonaRes Series, 2020 with more than 600 standards, as relevant for the soil- and agricultural research data management. As the report is a living document, the report is transferred to this web application to compile, discuss and recommend the latest state of data standards for soil and agricultural research.","It is grouped based on three major data life stages and might act as a helpful reference work for the soil-agricultural research data community.","Submit Research Data","Metadata","Creation of templates","Help","Glossary","German Translation"]},{"l":"Motivation","p":["The use of open and widely accepted standards is the basis for modern (FAIR, [1]) research data management. In this context, task of this report is to describe, compare, review and recommend standards for the whole data life and to assist soil- and agricultural scientists to store their research data into a data infrastructure to make them findable and accessible in the long-term for any reuse. Missing and competitive national and international standards and potential conflicts are stated and, based on internal and external expert knowledge, outstanding standards are highlighted and summarized to recommendations:","Favored = highly recommended for application OK = acceptable alternative but maybe requires later transformation","In the Appendix the highly recommended standards as well as many code lists, glossaries and web links are listed in tables"]},{"l":"The BonaRes Repository","p":["In July 2017, the BonaRes Centre launched the BonaRes Repository for soil and agricultural research data. Beside data from national research projects, the repository is open for other soil-related data, e.g. from agricultural long-term field experiments (LTE). The BonaRes Centre provides DOI, easy access and long-term availability for all uploaded research data. According to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access (2003)[2] and the initiative“Digitale Information”[3], metadata and research data will not be subject to any restrictions on reuse. Metadata are always available and, after a limited embargo-time, also research data are provided accessible for the international research community. Further information is given in the BonaRes Data Guideline [4].","According to the GitHub FAIRMetrics, the BonaRes Repository serves all relevant elements of FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, see [1]), and additionally, provides legal security for sensitive data and facilitate data up- and downloads. To meet these demands and to enhance research data reusability (FAIR Principle R 1.3)[1], the use of relevant open community standards and data documentation during data life is necessary. Such standards concern, beside others, the classification and description of soils, field- and lab methods, agricultural technology, plant varieties, fertilizers, farming and agricultural business, data quality control, ontologies, data formats, data storage and -archiving, and metadata management. All standards which are recommended within this document are supported by the BonaRes repository. Research data which were collected under standardized conditions, described with coherent metadata, proofed by quality tests, and stored in the repository, will be visible, accessible and citable for any data reuse (e.g. modelling), exchange or review.","In the long term it is planned to consolidate the BonaRes Repository into international infrastructures for soil and agricultural research data. This requires data interoperability by internationally accepted and applied standards. Transformation tools may help to translate data from national to international valid systems and formats.","[1] Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016). DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18","[2] Berlin Declaration on Open Access (2003). https://openaccess.mpg.de/Berliner-Erklaerung.","[3] Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany (2013). http://www.allianzinitiative.de/en/.","[4] Svoboda, N. and U. Heinrich (2017). The BonaRes Data Guideline. BonaRes Data Centre. http://doi.org/10.20387/BonaRes-E1AZ-ETD7."]}],[{"l":"Data Preparation","p":["A dataset summarizes research data on a delimited situation in a structured manner. The research data should be prepared in such a way that easy reuse is possible. In principle, the data record should be tabular and column-based. In most cases, soil and agricultural data have a spatial reference. The spatial position of the measuring points or areas should be given in the table as detailed as possible.","A typical dataset for data transfer to the BonaRes Data Centre has the following properties:","Each column (attribute) of the table contains the attribute name in the first row and the attribute values in the following rows, which means the data within the table are column-oriented. Each table or dataset must be given a short, concise name. For widespread reuse, work should be done in English if possible.","Typically, each table contains the following standard attributes:","The following formal criteria must be met:","✓ tables are unformatted (do not contain grafical elements, colored lines, …)✓ there are no internal references or formulas within a table✓ tables contain only one worksheet (avoid Excel folders with multiple sheets)","✓ each column contains a unique attribute name(between upper and lower case not differentiated z. B. “beetles” and “Beetles”)✓ column delimiter is consistent and clearly identifies throughout the table (e. g. ”;” or “,”)","✓ attribute names contain no spaces (an underscore „_“ is allowed to use), special characters, umlauts, “ß” or units✓ ... are a maximum of 30 characters long✓ ... do not start with a number✓ ... are only assigned once"]}],[{"l":"How to publish a dataset in the BonaRes Repository","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.","Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.","Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.","Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.","Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.","How to Publish"]}],[{"l":"Registration on BonaRes Repository","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.","Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.","Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.","Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.","Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.","Registration"]}],[{"l":"Download and Fill the metadata Template","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.","Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.","Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.","Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.","Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.","Download and Fill"]}],[{"l":"Dataset and Metada Submission","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique nibh in leo varius tincidunt nec id magna. Donec sit amet gravida purus. Aliquam molestie hendrerit aliquam. Nullam efficitur tortor nunc, ac porttitor nisi semper sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus aliquet diam sem, facilisis fringilla ipsum commodo in. Mauris venenatis turpis sed metus tempus eleifend. Mauris pulvinar, mauris et faucibus cursus, orci eros ullamcorper metus, vel feugiat sapien metus porta quam. Fusce in sollicitudin quam.","Quisque vehicula, nisl ac pellentesque porta, lorem ligula vestibulum nisl, sit amet vulputate leo ligula eu nunc. Fusce eu pulvinar ex, a posuere arcu. Nullam rutrum volutpat gravida. Mauris eu ultrices tellus. Praesent neque erat, pharetra at lorem vitae, vestibulum eleifend metus. Nullam interdum, massa id semper vulputate, risus felis aliquet arcu, ut finibus turpis lorem at est. Nunc sit amet ultrices lectus, sit amet malesuada ex. Vestibulum viverra leo ut consequat fermentum.","Ut dictum ligula a vehicula ornare. Suspendisse euismod semper tempor. Aliquam pellentesque ex in est aliquam, non iaculis velit cursus. Suspendisse dapibus diam tincidunt luctus porta. Curabitur volutpat sapien et ante rhoncus faucibus. Phasellus tempor iaculis porttitor. Duis est mauris, tristique at interdum eget, finibus eget ligula. Vestibulum suscipit, leo sit amet accumsan venenatis, velit justo tincidunt lorem, interdum aliquam diam mi nec sem.","Donec vel fringilla nisi. Integer aliquet ligula vitae neque ultricies, ultricies tristique lorem fringilla. Phasellus iaculis eu risus auctor tempor. Praesent neque nunc, faucibus ut tempor non, lobortis ac arcu. Integer varius hendrerit massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi blandit quam sapien, vel porttitor lectus scelerisque sed.","Aenean hendrerit rutrum dolor id maximus. Sed diam dui, volutpat nec scelerisque in, faucibus eget orci. Nulla vitae massa augue. Etiam et nunc nunc. Nulla quis orci vehicula, gravida sem ut, tempor nisl. In aliquam malesuada erat nec consectetur. Vestibulum pharetra venenatis mi, vel tempus nunc elementum a. Morbi ac elementum enim. Praesent vestibulum ornare nisl nec porttitor. Proin ut maximus sem.","Dataset and Metadata"]}],[{"l":"Data Provision","p":["Structured research data, reasonably described by standardized metadata facilitates its provision and increase its visibility. Open metadata, free and widely accepted geo-data protocols and accepted licenses facilitate data queries and access for user.","This chapter provides an overview of metadata standards, possibilities for data publication, accepted licenses and thesauri and ontologies as applied in soil and agricultural science.","Submission Details Submission Details Submission Details Submission Details Submission Details"]}],[{"l":"Frequently Asked Questions","p":["FAQ FAQ FAQ"]}],[{"l":"Frequently Asked Questions","p":["Contact Contact Contact"]}],[{"l":"Data management","p":["The topic data management includes methodical standards to structure and quality assure research data as recorded by standardized methods. Quality by supervised or unsupervised procedures e.g. data completeness, normal distribution, integrity, and removal of outliers, is prerequisite for wellmaintained data storage, -exchange, -processing and-evaluation. Descriptive data should be checked on misspellings, synonyms and inconsistencies to enable clear data allocation and combination of different data sets.","When research data are collected, tested, described, and maybe pre-processed (e.g. pedotransferfunctions, biological models, upscaling) data must be technically prepared to be transferred into the database. At this point internal database management becomes relevant. Data (base) management includes e.g. rules on the data structure, languages and formats used. These need to meet the requirements on later data applications such as archiving, evaluation, reuse, and publishing. Research data management is widely implemented within research institutes in so-called Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and in national or international (inter-)disciplinary data repositories. An example for national agricultural data management is the PIAF system ( P lanning, I nformation and A nalysis for F ield trials). An international and interdisciplinary open data repository for the wide field of environmental science is the PANGAEA.","Internationally accepted Data Management Plans (DMP) and open research data portals may help to plan, manage and publish research data. Tools and guidelines are provided by open access platforms and repositories such as ReDBox(Australia), OpenAIRE, CGIAR, EUDAT, EOSC, and INSPIRE.","This chapter provides an overview of standards with general requirements on data quality, -structure -formats, and–types as well as geographic reference systems, units and dimensions.","Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary"]}],[{"l":"Data management","p":["The topic data management includes methodical standards to structure and quality assure research data as recorded by standardized methods. Quality by supervised or unsupervised procedures e.g. data completeness, normal distribution, integrity, and removal of outliers, is prerequisite for wellmaintained data storage, -exchange, -processing and-evaluation. Descriptive data should be checked on misspellings, synonyms and inconsistencies to enable clear data allocation and combination of different data sets.","When research data are collected, tested, described, and maybe pre-processed (e.g. pedotransferfunctions, biological models, upscaling) data must be technically prepared to be transferred into the database. At this point internal database management becomes relevant. Data (base) management includes e.g. rules on the data structure, languages and formats used. These need to meet the requirements on later data applications such as archiving, evaluation, reuse, and publishing. Research data management is widely implemented within research institutes in so-called Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and in national or international (inter-)disciplinary data repositories. An example for national agricultural data management is the PIAF system ( P lanning, I nformation and A nalysis for F ield trials). An international and interdisciplinary open data repository for the wide field of environmental science is the PANGAEA.","Internationally accepted Data Management Plans (DMP) and open research data portals may help to plan, manage and publish research data. Tools and guidelines are provided by open access platforms and repositories such as ReDBox(Australia), OpenAIRE, CGIAR, EUDAT, EOSC, and INSPIRE.","This chapter provides an overview of standards with general requirements on data quality, -structure -formats, and–types as well as geographic reference systems, units and dimensions.","German Translation German Translation German Translation German Translation German Translation"]}],[{"l":"Agricultural Tools and Machineries","p":["Standards for tractors and machineries in agriculture are developed by the ISO/TC 23. Numerous tillage tools for sowing preparation and soil loosening equipment are defined in rulebooks and standards.","Overview of existing standards","In Table 4 the most important national and international standards on agricultural tools and machineries are compiled.","Table 4: Recommended standards for tillage tools and agricultural machines"]}],[{"l":"Metadata","p":["A key precondition to store and share data and to fulfil the FAIR data principles (see Introduction) is the proper description of research data by metadata. When set-up an own interoperable metadata schema for a data repository it is very important to use assignable elements of widespread and open metadata standards.","Overview of existing standards","Standards only dealing with metadata for diverse purposes and are published by ISO. Metadata for geographic information are regulated in ISO 19115-1ff series (Geographic information - Metadata). ISO 19115-1:2014 and -2:2009 contain many code lists on identification information, geometry types and other relevant topics.","Requirements for metadata related to geographic information services are defined in EN ISO 19119:2016. A technical guideline for encoding of metadata using a XML-schema is provided by ISO/TS 19139-1:2019-03(XML schema implementation). Regulations for metadata are also part of other standards that relate to soil data, for example INSPIRE DS Soil or ISO 28258:2013.","The German Infrastructure for Spatial Information (GDI-DE) requires the application of ISO 19115, 19119 and 19139 in the context of INSPIRE for acquisition and support of metadata. For such purposes the Drafting Team Metadata and European Commission Joint Research Centre published a technical guideline with INSPIRE implementing rules for metadata [1].","The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) provides a list of common metadata standards.","The BonaRes Metadata Schema[2] has been created by combining elements of the two schemes INSPIRE (EU) and DataCite (DOI) since few relevant elements within these two standards have been found."]},{"i":"inspire-european-union","l":"INSPIRE (European Union)","p":["The INSPIRE directive contains metadata elements on dataset-level that should be applied for documenting metadata for an entire dataset or a dataset series. Metadata can also be stored on object-level. This means that metadata can be described for each individual spatial object. Due to the product-oriented approach of INSPIRE, metadata provide not only information on data quality and validity, but also on conditions for accessibility, use of data, access restriction (including reasons) and charges."]},{"l":"DataCite","p":["The DataCite was developed to provide easy access to scientific data over internet. It provides domain agnostic services which belongs to the concept of a long term or persistent identifier. DataCite is using Digital Object Identifiers(DOIs) to register a resource associated with metadata. The objective of DataCite is to increase the acceptance of research data as legitimate, citable contributions to the scientific record and to archive data for future study. Besides a wide range of metadata elements, DataCite provides the opportunity to acknowledge contributions of disciplinary work. To enable an accurate and consistent identification of a resource (e.g. for citation) the metadata scheme offers a list of essential metadata properties. The da|ra is the DOI registration agency for social and economic research data. The recent Metadata Scheme is 4.4 [3]."]},{"i":"dublin-core-metadata-element-set-version-1-1","l":"Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (Version 1.1)","p":["This set is a vocabulary of fifteen properties to describe a resource. It is maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative(DCMI). The Dublin Core metadata elements formally endorsed in ISO 15836-1:2017 and ISO 15836-2:2019, ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012 and RFC 5013[4]."]},{"l":"DDI"},{"i":"data-documentation-initiative","l":"(Data Documentation Initiative)","p":["Open standard (metadata model) to describe social and economic research data and survey data. Basic concept is the description of the complete Data Life Cycle with XML."]},{"l":"GESIS"},{"i":"leibniz-institute-for-the-social-sciences","l":"(Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences)","p":["In line with DDI, presentation of detailed metadata and standards for surveys and interviews, e.g. in the following technical reports: Zenk-Möltgen and Habbel 2012 [5], Jensen and Schweers 2014 [6]."]},{"l":"METS"},{"i":"metadata-encoding--transmission-standard","l":"(Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard)","p":["This is a standard for coding and management of metadata from digital or analogue sources of different formats(picture, text, audio, video…). Precondition are beside others sections for the presentation of the internal structure of a digital object, group related files, technical metadata, and information about the source. METS documents can link and integrate different metadata (e.g. from PREMIS, Dublin CORE or MARC)."]},{"l":"PREMIS"},{"i":"preservation-metadata-implementation-strategies","l":"(PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies)","p":["Initiative for the development and maintenance of internationally recognized long-term archiving metadata standards. PREMIS aims to develop recommendations, suggestions and best practices for implementing preservation metadata, further development of the standards, as well as the connection to other standards."]},{"i":"quali-service-university-of-bremen","l":"Quali-Service (University of Bremen)","p":["Emerging data service center for qualitative primary data (focus on interviews) and provision of reports about metadata standards, e.g. Betancort Cabrera and Haake 2014 [7]."]},{"l":"Conflicts and solutions"},{"l":"INSPIRE vs. ISO Metadata","p":["The problematic issue of metadata and data is that almost any piece of data can be metadata in a more specific context. In the application schema of ISO 28258 any piece of information that can be handled as data should at least be handled as data, but can additionally be handled as metadata. According to ISO 28258 information e.g. on projects or soil maps can be described as data (in the form of features) or metadata. In line with INSPIRE this information is metadata of a dataset [8].","[1] JRC (2007, update 2013). \"INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119.\" from click here","[2] Specka X., Gärtner, P., Hoffmann, C., Svoboda, N., Stecker, M., Einspanier, U., Senkler, K., Zoarder, M.A.M., Heinrich, U. (2019): The BonaRes metadata schema for geospatial soil-agricultural research data - Merging INSPIRE and DataCite metadata schemes. Computers and Geosciences 132: 33-41","[3] Group, DataCite Metadata Working (2021). DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Research Data (v4.4).","[4] Kunze, J. and T. Baker (2007). IETF RFC 5013. The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.","[5] Zenk-Möltgen, W., & Habbel, N. (2012). Der GESIS Datenbestandskatalog und sein Metadatenschema: Version 1.8.","[6] Jensen, U., & Schweers, S. (2014). Das erweiterte Metadatenschema der VFU soeb 3.","[7] Betancort Cabrera, N. (2014). Das Qualiservice Metadatenschema: Version 1.1. Qualiservice Technical Reports","[8] Gärtner, P., N. Svoboda, T. Kühnert, M.A.M. Zoarder and U. Heinrich (2017). The BonaRes Metadata Schema. BonaRes Data Centre. DOI: 10.20387/BonaRes-5PGG-8YRP"]}],[{"l":"Geo-data Services","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales, non hendrerit nulla iaculis. Nunc ut elementum neque, et eleifend odio."]},{"l":"Overview of existing standards","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales,"]},{"i":"wms-web-map-service","l":"WMS (Web Map Service)","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales, ( OpenGeoSpatial). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel"]},{"i":"wfs-web-feature-service","l":"WFS (Web Feature Service)","p":["WFS allow any usage that might work with web services to get geographic features from one or more distributed spatial information system or a map itself. Similar to WMS (mapping output as an image), WFS deal with create, update, delete and query functions of feature instances from regarding database. WFS serve eight general operations: Capabilities, DescribeFeatureType, DescribeFilterModel, Feature, FeatureWithLock, Property, LockFeature and Transaction. Rules and applications of WFS are provided by EN ISO 19142:2010."]},{"i":"wcas-web-catalogue-service","l":"WCAS (Web Catalogue Service)"},{"i":"also-known-as-csw-catalogue-services-for-the-web","l":"Also known as: CSW, Catalogue Services for the Web","p":["CSW service provides options to publish and searching capabilities of metadata about geospatial data, services, and related information objects. Request types that CSW services offers include: GetCapabilities, DescribeByRecord, GetRecords, GetRecordById, GetDomain, Harvest and Transaction. Requests can encode the parameters in three different ways: GET with URL parameters, POST with form-encoded payload and POST with XML payload."]},{"i":"wcs-web-coverage-service","l":"WCS (Web Coverage Service)","p":["WCS returns the original data with its descriptions along with actual semantics. This service allows access into coverage data for client-side rendering. WCS also offers clients to get information of a certain portions based on constraints and certain criteria, similar to WFS and WMS service."]},{"i":"wmts-web-map-tile-service","l":"WMTS (Web Map Tile Service)","p":["WMTS makes detailed rendering of a raster data or a large volume of vector data in tiles which supports Key-Value-Pair(KV, process oriented) encoding interfaces, REST (Representational state transfer) encoding and SOAP encoding."]},{"i":"tjs-table-joining-service","l":"TJS (Table Joining Service)","p":["The TJS standard joins attribute data with its associated geospatial framework. Attribute data can be stored in one network and mapped with geographic data into another network which contains geometries for the attribute data. TJS provides simple web-based services for searching, accessing and using attribute data from different sources which can generate database, perform analysis and populate maps."]},{"i":"wmc-web-map-context","l":"WMC (Web Map Context)","p":["The OGC XML file standard WMC describes meta-information of a WMS (e.g. the URL, different layers within the service, bounding box rectangle, coordinate system) in XML file, stores and loads XML schema which belongs to it."]},{"i":"wps-web-processing-service","l":"WPS (Web Processing Service)","p":["WPS service defines how to implement a geoprocessing service, geographic calculations or models as a service. It offers simple web-based standardized method of finding, accessing and using of geoprocessing services, at the same time also direct requests and responses of those services. WPS uses HTTP GET, HTTP POST, SOAP and XML as a mechanism for describing the data and for interoperability."]}],[{"l":"Accompanying Disciplines","p":["Beside common soil and agricultural data, accompanying data from different research fields concern the research field soil-agricultural science.","Overview of existing standards"]},{"l":"Land use classification","p":["The CORINE Land Cover provides an EU-wide unique and comparable data set of land cover with 44 land use classes, out of which 37 classes are relevant for Germany. Mapping of the land cover and land use was performed on the basis of satellite remote sensing images on a scale of 1:100,000.","The German land survey authorities provide topographic data and maps. Their contents are reported in the feature type catalogue of the Official Topographical Cartographic Information System ( ATKIS), where topographical appearances are classified in categories with land use information. ATKIS data are available in different scales (from 1:1,000,000 up to 1:25,000). Because of the higher spatial resolution, compared to e.g. CORINE Land Cover, the feature type’s catalogue comprises more land use classes (around 130 feature types)."]},{"l":"Meteorology","p":["Meteorological raw-data are often available in time series with different temporal distributions. The conversion into convertible data and the supply for further processing is challenging.","The German DIN 1319-1:1995-01ff series defines basics in meteorological measurement techniques e.g. terms of measuring equipment (Parts 1 and 2) and measurement uncertainties (3 and 4).","On international scale the EN ISO 20988:2007 provides a detailed guideline to estimate measurement uncertainties for meteorological data. It includes statistical operations on systematic data deviations, calibration, ring trials, drift controls, and evaluation on variances. In particular the standard helps to evaluate and validate air quality data.","ISO 9169:2006 defines the performance characteristics of an automatic meteorological system.","Meteorological measurements are described in guidelines VDI 3786ff including an extensive glossary and instructions on data aggregation for archiving (1) and air temperature (3)."]},{"l":"Vegetation","p":["Phenology stages can be described by the BBCH scale [1]. The coding system was first published in 1992 by different expert groups and was than extended to all common crop types.","The Minimum Information standard MIAPPE is open and community driven. It defines a list of necessary attributes to describe and to harmonize data from plant phenotyping experiments.","The Braun-Blanquet-Scale, as part of the Relevé Method, defines approaches of vegetation survey.","The Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (FAO/IPGRI, Version 2.1) are widely used as standardized lists for breeding and germplasm data and for information exchange across crops. It is compatible with the descriptor lists used by FAO World information and Early Warning System on plant genetic resources (PGR) and the GENESYS global portal.","[1] Meier, U., H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, C. Feller, H. Hack, M. Heß, P.D. Lancashire, et al. (2009). The BBCH system to coding the phenological growth stages of plants – history and publications –. Journal f. Kulturpflanzen 61(2): 41-52."]}],[{"l":"Data Publication","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales, non hendrerit nulla iaculis. Nunc ut elementum neque, et eleifend odio.","Pellentesque porta hendrerit enim ac venenatis. Proin lacinia purus eget arcu laoreet, non porttitor dolor faucibus. Fusce odio enim, interdum at laoreet facilisis, fermentum quis ante. Aliquam ornare risus faucibus lorem efficitur, quis bibendum dolor condimentum. Pellentesque condimentum vulputate scelerisque. Fusce hendrerit ut sapien sed lobortis. Sed vehicula ligula a lobortis dignissim. Nam convallis eleifend est, vitae consequat ligula.","Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc egestas laoreet diam, id aliquet velit. Pellentesque eu nunc iaculis, sodales ex quis, ultricies turpis. Vivamus sit amet mauris diam. Quisque efficitur lectus ante, sit amet iaculis nibh tincidunt eget. Sed vulputate vitae diam eu tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum lorem sit amet ipsum luctus mollis. Suspendisse ac quam malesuada nisi rutrum varius. Vivamus scelerisque tempus pulvinar. Ut id sapien pharetra, sollicitudin quam eget, lacinia nibh. Ut at massa dui. Cras congue augue non lorem condimentum consequat. Donec vestibulum lectus vitae dictum suscipit. Nullam vestibulum vitae nibh sed mollis.","[1] Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.","[2] Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.","[3] Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos."]}],[{"l":"Recommended standards","p":["Table 9: Overview of highly recommended standards (alphabetical order)","[1] VDLUFA (2016). Verband Deutscher Landwirtschaftlicher Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten. Method Books.","[2] Bundessortenamt (2000). Richtlinien für die Durchführung von landwirtschaftlichen Wertprüfungen und Sortenversuchen. Hannover.","[3] KTBL (2014). Betriebsplanung 2014/2015. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e. V. Darmstadt.","[4] Bundessortenamt (2021). Beschreibende Sortenliste. Getreide, Mais, Öl- und Fasepflanzen, Leguminosen, Rüben, Zwischenfrüchte. Hannover.","[5] SSSA (2017). Methods of Soil Analysis (Part 1-5).","[6] Blume, Hans-Peter, Berthold Deller, Klaus Furtmann, Rainer Horn, Reimar Leschber, Andreas Paetz and Berndt-Michael Wilke (2016). Handbuch der Bodenuntersuchung: Terminologie, Verfahrensvorschriften und Datenblätter ; physikalische, chemische, biologische Untersuchungsverfahren ; gesetzliche Regelwerke. Berlin; Wien u.a., Beuth","[7] Boden, Ad-hoc-AG (2005). Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung (German Soil Survey Guideline). Hannover.","[8] WRB, IUSS Working Group (2014). World reference base for soil resources 2014: International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps: Update 2015. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106: 203."]}],[{"l":"Code Lists","p":["Code lists are useful tools for expressing longer lists of potential values and help to organize and harmonize databases. Whenever a universal accepted code exists for a certain parameter, it is recommended extend the database with a code column."]},{"l":"Soil survey","p":["In the Tables 11-16 the most important code lists for field soil survey, description and classification, as parts of national and international standards, are listed:"]},{"l":"Table 10","p":["Overview of code lists on soil data survey","For the German Soil Survey Guideline all parameters for field soil description provided with code lists are given in Table 11. The number of the field in the official form for soil scientific profile description, where a certain soil parameter has to be documented is also listed in the table. The accessibility of code lists is given by the corresponding page number in the guideline, number and title of code list. Code lists for deduction of soil parameters are not mentioned in this overview, because they are not relevant for field soil description.","Table 12 gives an overview of parameters in the German standard DIN 4220 for soil feature designation and classification as provided by code lists. Code lists used for deduction of soil parameters are not listed, as they are not required for field soil description."]},{"l":"Table 11","p":["Parameters for field soil description provided with code lists in German Soil Survey Guideline (Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung KA5, 5th edition, 2005)"]},{"l":"Table 12","p":["Parameters for field soil description provided with code lists in DIN 4220:2008-11","The Guidelines for Soil Assessment [2] includes code lists for several soil parameters (Table 13). Symbols and class definitions of these code lists deviate conspicuously from other national standards (KA5 [1] or DIN 4220) with the exception of the code lists for horizon symbols, which is taken from the German Soil Survey Guideline, 4th edition (KA4)."]},{"l":"Table 13","p":["Parameters for field soil description provided with code lists in the Guidelines for Soil Assessment","The FAO Guidelines for soil description contain code lists for numerous soil parameters (Table 14). In many cases several code lists are given for a distinct parameter describing different aspects of the parameter."]},{"l":"Table 14","p":["Parameters provided with code lists in FAO Guidelines for soil description (4th edition, 2006) [3]"]},{"l":"Table 15","p":["Parameters provided with code lists in ISO 25177:2019, Soil description in the field"]},{"l":"Table 16","p":["INSPIRE Code List register for soil parameter (selected)"]},{"i":"important-code-lists-for-crops-breeding-agriculture-land-use-and-measures","l":"Important code lists for crops, breeding, agriculture, land use, and measures","p":["A code list for crops is provided by the Clemson University(2008) [8].","Based on the EU-regulation 1305/2013(in Germany “InVeKoS”) code lists on different crop types and culture codes, 3 digits were established (e.g., Flächennutzungsnachweis, FNN).","Codes for tractors and other agricultural machineries are provided by the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ( HS-Codes) which was developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).","In Germany crop types and varieties are registered, described and coded by the Federal Plant Variety Office( BSA, Bundessortenamt) [9]. It provides descriptive variety lists e.g. for cereals, maize, oil and fiber plants.","In the United States, fertilizers are listed in the UFTRS Code List(Uniform Fertilizer Tonnage Reporting System, 3 digits).","Land use classes are coded in the CORINE Land Cover ( CLC) including a 3-level nomenclature. Agricultural areas start with number “2”.","The Agronomy Ontology ( AgrO) is built by CGIAR and describes agronomic practices, techniques and variables used in agronomic experiments. It provides codes for tillage practices.","The Central Product Classification (CPC)[7] Version 2.1 was published by the United Nations (2015) and classifies goods and services such as crop products.","The code system UCUM(Unified Code for Units of Measure) includes units of measures being contemporarily used in international science and engineering. UCUM is based on EN ISO 80000 and is used e.g. for electronical data interchange protocols.","The EPPO-Code(European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) contains plants, pests and pathogens in the frame of agriculture and crop protection.","The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Security ( BVL) provides code lists on land use (1 letter), plant protection (active substances, 4 digits), function (1 letter), authorization holders (3-4 characters), and type of formulation (2 letters).","The Genetic Resources Information System ( GRIS) provides breeding and variety information and codes for wheat and triticale (09:2018: 171,000 varieties)","The Indicative Crop Classification( ICC-FAO) lists crop codes. The 2-4 digits codes do not differ between varieties and sowing dates (e.g. winter wheat). In 2017 a new version 1.1 was published which is now closely based on the Central Product Classification (CPC) [7].","The International Code Council( ICC) develops affordable code lists for global markets, agriculture and science.","The NCDI provides an extensive list of codes, besides many others, for field crops","Within its World Program for the Census of Agriculture 2010, the FAO published an “Alphabetic List of Crops with Botanical Names and Crop Codes” [6].","Within the extended BBCH-scale phenological development stages are described and coded for all kinds of agricultural plants and products [10]."]},{"l":"Important code lists for data management and metadata","p":["There are 33 code lists in ISO 19115-1ff(including references to other ISO standards, e.g. language code- ISO 639-2). Code lists of EN ISO 19115-1:2003, 19115-2:2010 and 19119:2016 are used in INSPIRE and GDI-DE metadata schema as data type for several metadata elements, e.g. CI_RoleCode, MD_CharacterSetCode, MD_ClassificationCode, MD_keywordTypeCode, MD_RestrictionCode, and MD_TopicCategoryCode.","While the standard EN ISO 19108:2005 deals with geographic information and a temporal schema, ISO 8601:2019 contains data elements and interchange formats and represents date and times. Both have been implemented for INSPIRE.","RFC 4646: tags for identifying languages, RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier, TGN (Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names) for coverage and DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCIM-TYPE], to describe nature or genre of the resource have been used in Dublin Core.","The INSPIRE Metadata Regulation 1205/2008/EC [11] mandate the presence of at least one keyword. This can be associated with a controlled vocabulary which in ISO standard is referred to as “thesaurus”."]},{"l":"Table 17","p":["Further relevant code lists and glossaries"]},{"l":"Table 18","p":["Glossaries and vocabularies","[1] Boden, Ad-hoc-AG (2005). Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung (German Soil Survey Guideline). Hannover.","[2] Bundesministerium der Finanzen (1996): Arbeitsanleitung neues Feldschätzungsbuch: Bodenschätzung. Berlin.","[3] FAO (2006). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Guidelines for soil description. 4th edition. Rome.","[4]Schoeneberger, P.J., Wysocki, D.A., Benham, E.C (2012). Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils. Lincoln, NE; Reprint 2021","[5] WRB, IUSS Working Group (2014). World reference base for soil resources 2014: International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps: Update 2015. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106: 203.","[6] FAO (2005). A system of integrated agricultural censuses and surveys. Volume 1: World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010. Rome.","[7] UN (2015). Central product classification (CPC) version 2.1. New York.","[8] University, Clemson (2008). Computer Crop Codes for Soil Samples ( http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/CropCodesWeb.htm).","[9] Bundessortenamt (2021). Beschreibende Sortenliste. Getreide, Mais, Öl- und Fasepflanzen, Leguminosen, Rüben, Zwischenfrüchte. Hannover.","[10] Hack, H; Bleiholder, H.; Buhr, L.; Meier, U.; Schnock-Fricke, U.; Weber, E.; Weber, E. (1992). Einheitliche Codierung der phaenologischen Entwicklungsstadien mono- und diktyler Planzen - Erweiterte BBCH-Skala, Allgemein. Narichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd 44: 265-270.","[11] JRC (2007, update 2013). \"INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119.\" from http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/documents/Metadata/INSPIRE_MD_IR_and_ISO_v1_2_20100616.pdf."]}],[{"l":"Data Archiving","p":["Research data which are replaced by new data and no longer actively used need to be stored permanently on separate storage devices with long durability. To enable long-term search and access to archived data standard digital archival systems should be used.","Overview of existing standards"]},{"i":"din-31644-2012-04-digital-archives","l":"DIN 31644:2012-04 - Digital Archives","p":["This standard describes criteria for trustworthy digital archives in general and pre-conditions for the establishment and operation of digital archives. The German standard contains information on archival packages, data identification (e.g. DOI), and descriptive, technical and structural metadata. Users of this standard are encouraged to work through the task list within its takeover project. For practical assistance, a control list is annexed.","The project nestor(=Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage of Digital Resources) provides an archiving seal based on DIN 31644."]},{"i":"iso-14721-2012-open-archival-information-system-oais","l":"ISO 14721:2012 - Open archival information system, OAIS","p":["Originally developed by NASA and other space companies, OAIS provides frameworks for archival concepts, long-term digital information preservation, terminologies and concepts for describing and comparing archive architectures."]},{"i":"iso-163632012---audit-and-certification-of-trustworthy-digital-repositories","l":"ISO 16363:2012 - Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories","p":["The ISO sets out comprehensive metrics for what an archive can be used based on OAIS. Primary Trustworthy Digital Repository Authorization Body (ISO-PTAB)."]},{"i":"iso-169192014-space-data-and-information-transfer-systems","l":"ISO 16919:2014 Space data and information transfer systems","p":["This standard specifies the requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of candidate trustworthy digital repositories."]}],[{"l":"Mentioned Standards","p":["ANSI/NISO Z.39.84-2005: Syntax for the Digital Object Identifier","ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012: The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set","ASTM E1910 / E 1910M - 15: Standard Test Method for Agricultural pH Control Agents, Measurement of pH Change and Buffering Capacity","DIN 11389:1988-04: Tractors and agricultural machinery - Combines - Definitions, Characteristics, Performance","DIN 1301-1:2010- Einheiten - Teil 1: Einheitennamen, Einheitenzeichen","DIN 1313:1998-12: Quantities","DIN 1319 1ff Fundamentals of Metrology (Parts 1-4)","DIN 1319-1:1995-01: Fundamentals of Metrology. Part 1: Basic Terminology","DIN 13303-1:1982-05: Stochastics; probability theory, common fundamental concepts of mathematical and of descriptive statistics; concepts, signs and symbols","DIN 13303-2:1982-11: Stochastics - mathematical statistics; concepts, signs and symbols.","DIN 18121-2:2012-02: Soil, investigation and testing – Water content – Part 2: Determination by rapid methods","DIN 18123:2011-04: Soil, investigation and testing – Determination of grain-size distribution","DIN 18128:2002-12: Soil - Investigation and testing - Determination of ignition loss","DIN 18916:2002-08: Vegetation technology in landscaping - Plants and plant care","DIN 18917:2002-08: Vegetation technology in landscaping — Turf and seeding","DIN 19745:2006-10: Soil quality – Principles of the determination of the water content by Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and Time Domain Transmissometry (TDT)","DIN 19746:2005-06: Soil quality - Determination of mineral nitrogen (nitrat and ammonium) in soil profiles (Nmin laboratory method)","DIN 19747:2009-07: Investigation of solids – Pre-treatment, preparation and processing of samples for chemical, biological and physical investigations","DIN 31644:2012-04: Information and documentation – Criteria for trustworthy digital archives","DIN 32645:2008-11: Chemical analysis – Decision limit, detection limit and determination limit under repeatability conditions – Terms, methods, evaluation","DIN 32646:2003-12: Chemical analysis - Limit of detection and limit of determination (quantitation) as processing parameters - Estimation in an interlaboratory test under reproducibility conditions; Terms, meaning, proceeding","DIN 38402-1:2011-09: German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge – General information","DIN 4220:2008-11: Bodenkundliche Standortbeurteilung - Kennzeichnung, Klassifizierung und Ableitung von Bodenkennwerten","DIN 53804-1:2002-04: Statistical evaluation - Part 1: Continuous characteristics","DIN 66115:1983-02: Particle size analysis - Sedimentation analysis in the gravitational field - pipette method","DIN 66270:1998: Information technology — Software document evaluation — Quality characteristics","DIN 70020-5:1986-12: Automotive engineering - tyres and wheels - concepts and measuring conditions","DIN 7807:1995-02: Agricultural drive wheel tractor tyres in radial construction - Service description (load index - speed symbol) marked tyres","DIN 8113:2009-02: Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles","DIN EN 25663:1993 Water quality - Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen - Method after mineralization with selenium","DIN EN ISO 3166-1_2014-10.pdf","DIN ISO 11843-1:2004 Capability of detection - Terms and definitions","DIN SPEC 35810:2014-11: Stakeholder Engagement - Guidelines for decision making processes dealing with climate change","EN 12526:1998: Castors and wheels – Vocabulary, recommended symbols and multilingual dictionary","EN 12527:1998: Castors and wheels — Test methods and apparatus","EN 15934:2012: Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste – Calculation of dry matter fraction after determination of dry residue or water content","EN 15936:2012: Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste – Determination of total organic carbon (TOC) by dry combustion","EN 16760:2015: Bio-based products – Life Cycle Assessment","EN 709:1997: Agricultural and forestry machinery – Pedestrian controlled tractors with mounted rotary cultivators, motor hoes, motor hoes with drive wheel(s) – Safety;","EN ISO 10012:2003: Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment","EN ISO 14001:2015: Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use","EN ISO 14021:2016: Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)","EN ISO 14031:2013: Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines","EN ISO 14044:2006: Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines","EN ISO 14045:2012: Environmental management – Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems – Principles, requirements and guidelines","EN ISO 19101-1:2014: Geographic information – Reference model - Part 1: Fundamentals","EN ISO 19105:2005: Geographic information – Conformance and testing","EN ISO 19106:2006: Geographic information – Profiles","EN ISO 19107:2005: Geographic information – Spatial schema","EN ISO 19108:2005: Geographic information - Temporal schema","EN ISO 19111-2:2012: Geographic information – Spatial referencing by coordinates – Part 2: Extension for parametric values","EN ISO 19111:2007: Geographic information – Spatial referencing by coordinates","EN ISO 19112:2005: Geographic information – Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers","EN ISO 19115-1:2014: Geographic information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals","EN ISO 19115-2:2010: Geographic information – Metadata – Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data","EN ISO 19116:2006: Geographic information – Positioning services","EN ISO 19118:2011: Geographic information – Encoding","EN ISO 19119:2016: Geographic information – Services","EN ISO 19123:2007: Geographic information – Schema for coverage geometry and functions","EN ISO 19125-2:2006: Geographic information – Simple feature access – Part 2: SQL option.","EN ISO 19128:2008: Geographic information – Web map server interface","EN ISO 19131:2008: Geographic information – Data product specifications","EN ISO 19133:2007: Geographic information – Location-based services – Tracking and navigation.","EN ISO 19135:2015: Geographic information – Procedures for item registration","EN ISO 19136:2009: Geographic information – Geography Markup Language (GML)","EN ISO 19142:2010: Geographic information – Web Feature Service","EN ISO 19143:2012: Geographic information – Filter encoding","EN ISO 19156:2013: Geographic information – Observations and measurements","EN ISO 19157:2013: Geographic information – Data quality","EN ISO 50001:2011: Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use","EN ISO 520:2010: Cereals and pulses – Determination of the mass of 1 000 grains","EN ISO 6709:2009: Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates","EN ISO 80000-1:2013: Quantities and units – Part 1: General","EN ISO 9000:2015: Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary","EN ISO 9001:2015: Quality management systems – Requirements","EN ISO 9004:2009: Managing for the sustained success of an organization – A quality management approach","ISO 10005:2005: Quality management systems – Guidelines for quality plans","ISO 10006:2003: Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality management in projects","ISO 10007:2003: Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration management (ISO 10007:2003)","ISO 10012:2003: Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment","ISO 10381: Soil quality - Sampling (Part 1-6)","ISO 10390:2005- Soil quality - Determination of pH","ISO 10693:1995: Soil quality – Determination of carbonate content – Volumetric method","ISO 11063:2012: Soil quality – Method to directly extract DNA from soil samples","ISO 11074:2015: Soil quality – Vocabulary","ISO 11260:1994: Soil quality – Determination of effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation level using barium chloride solution.","ISO 11261:1995: Soil quality - Determination of total nitrogen - Modified Kjeldahl method","ISO 11272:1998: Soil quality – Determination of dry bulk density","ISO 11274:1998: Soil quality – Determination of the water-retention characteristic – Laboratory methods","ISO 11276:1995: Soil quality – Determination of pore water pressure –Tensiometer method","ISO 11277:1998: Soil quality – Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material – Method by sieving and sedimentation","ISO 11461:2001: Soil quality – Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction using coring sleeves – Gravimetric method","ISO 11466_1995: Soil quality - Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia","ISO 11783-1:2007: Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Serial control and communications data network - Part 1: General standard for mobile data communication","ISO 11786:1995: Agricultural tractors and machinery - Tractor-mounted sensor interface - Specifications","ISO 12782-1:2012: Soil quality - Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 1: Extraction of amorphous iron oxides and hydroxides with ascorbic acid","ISO 12782-2:2012: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 2: Extraction of crystalline iron oxides and hydroxides with dithionite","ISO 12782-3:2012: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 3: Extraction of aluminium oxides and hydroxides with ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid","ISO 12782-4:2012-09: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 4: Extraction of humic substances from solid samples","ISO 12782-5:2012: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 5: Extraction of humic substances from aqueous samples","ISO 13065:2015: Sustainability criteria for bioenergy","ISO 13878:1998: Soil quality -- Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion (\"elemental analysis\")","ISO 14001:2015: Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use","ISO 14021:2016: Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)","ISO 14031:2013: Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines","ISO 14040:2006: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework.","ISO 14044:2006: Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines","ISO 14045:2012: Environmental management – Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems – Principles, requirements and guidelines","ISO 14063:2006: Environmental management – Environmental communication – Guidelines and examples","ISO 14240-2_2011: Soil quality – Determination of soil microbial biomass – Part 2: Fumigation-extraction method.","ISO 14269-1:1997: Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry - Operator enclosure environment - Part 1: Vocabulary","ISO 14688: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Identification and classification of soil (1-3)","ISO 14721:2012: Space data and information transfer systems - Open archival information system (OAIS) - Reference model","ISO 15178:2000: Soil quality—Determination of total sulfur by dry combustion","ISO 15685:2012: Soil quality – Determination of potential nitrification and inhibition of nitrification – Rapid test by ammonium oxidation","ISO 15709:2002: Soil quality – Soil water and the unsaturated zone – Definitions, symbols and theory","ISO 15903:2002 (E): Soil quality— Format for recording soil and site information","ISO 16231:2013: Self-propelled agricultural machinery – Assessment of stability (Part 1-2)","ISO 16269series: Statistical interpretation of data","ISO 17628:2015: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Geothermal testing – Determination of thermal conductivity of soil and rock using a borehole heat exchanger","ISO 17892-2:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 2: Determination of bulk density.","ISO 17892-3:2015: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 3: Determination of particle density","ISO 17892-4:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 4: Determination of particle size distribution","ISO 17892-5:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 5: Incremental loading oedometer test","ISO 17892-6:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 6: Fall cone test","ISO 17962:2015: Agricultural machinery – Equipment for sowing – Minimization of the environmental effects of fan exhaust from pneumatic systems","ISO 19103:2015(E): Geographic information — Conceptual schema language","ISO 19115-2:2009: Geographic information – Metadata – Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data","ISO 19157:2013: Geographic information – Data quality","ISO 2057:1981: Agricultural tractors Remote control hydraulic cylinders for trailed implements","ISO 20988_2007: Air quality – Guidelines for estimating measurement uncertainty","ISO 22475-1:2006: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Sampling methods and groundwater measurements – Part 1: Technical principles for execution","ISO 22476-2:2005: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing – Part 2: Dynamic probing","ISO 2332:2009: Agricultural tractors and machinery - Connection of implements via three-point linkage - Clearance zone around implement","ISO 23611: Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates (Parts 1-6)","ISO 25177:2008: Soil quality – Field soil description","ISO 26000:2010: Guidance on social responsibility","ISO 26322-1:2008: Tractors for agriculture and forestry - Safety - Part 1: Standard tractors","ISO 28258:2013: Soil quality – Digital exchange of soil-related data","ISO 3534-1:2006: Statistics – Vocabulary and symbols – Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability","ISO 3534-2:2006: Statistics – Vocabulary and symbols – Part 2: Applied statistics","ISO 3600:2015: Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - Operator’s manuals - Content and format.","ISO 4002: Equipment for sowing and planting (Parts 1-2)","ISO 4004:1983: Agricultural tractors and machinery - Track widths","ISO 4197:1989: Equipment for working the soil - Hoe blades - Fixing dimensions","ISO 4226:2007: Air quality – General aspects – Units of measurement","ISO 4254: Agricultural machinery –Safety (Parts 1-12)","ISO 500-1:2014: Agricultural tractors - Rear-mounted power take-off types 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Part 1: General specifications, safety requirements, dimensions for master shield and clearance zone","ISO 520:2010: Cereals and pulses – Determination of the mass of 1 000 grains","ISO 5527:2015: Cereals – Vocabulary","ISO 5663:1984: Water quality - Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen - Method after mineralization with selenium","ISO 5678:1993: Agricultural machinery; equipment for working the soil; S-tines: main dimensions and clearance zones","ISO 5679:1979: Equipment for working soil - Disks -Classification - Main fixing dimensions and specifications","ISO 5680:1979: Equipment for working soil - Tines and shovels for cultivators - Main fixing dimensions","ISO 6107-1:2004- Water quality – Vocabulary","ISO 6689-1:1997: Equipment for harvesting - Combines and functional components - Part 1: Vocabulary","ISO 6880:1983: Machinery for agriculture; Trailed units of shallow tillage equipment; Main dimensions and attachment points","ISO 7168-1:1999: Air quality – Exchange of data – Part 1: General data format","ISO 7256:1984: Sowing equipment - Test methods (Part 1 - 2)","ISO 8524:1986: Equipment for distributing granulated pesticides or herbicides -Test method","ISO 8601:2004: Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times","ISO 8909-1:1994: Forage harvesters - Part 1: Vocabulary","ISO 8910:1993: Machinery and equipment for working the soil - Mouldboard plough working elements- Vocabulary","ISO 8945:1989: Equipment for working the soil - Rotary cultivator blades - Fixing dimensions","ISO 8947:1993: Agricultural machinery - equipment for working the soil - S-tines - test method","ISO 9000:2015: Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary","ISO 9001:2015: Quality management systems – Requirements","ISO 9004:2009: Managing for the sustained success of an organization – A quality management approach","ISO 9169:2006: Air quality –Definition and determination of performance characteristics of an automatic measuring system","ISO/DIS 18400:2015 Soil quaility - Sampling","ISO/DIS 19109:2013: Geographic information – Rules for application schema","ISO/DIS 19110:2013: Geographic information – Methodology for feature cataloguing","ISO/DIS 19119:2015: Geographic information – Services","ISO/DIS 5681:2014: Equipment for crop protection - Vocabulary","ISO/IEC 10646:2014: Information technology - Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)","ISO/IEC 11404:2007: Information technology — GeneralPurpose Datatypes (GPD)","ISO/IEC 13250-2:2006: Information technology - Topic Maps - Part 2: Data model","ISO/IEC 17025:2005: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories","ISO/IEC 19501:2005: Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2","ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1","ISO/TR 14047:2012: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations","ISO/TR 19120:2001: Geographic information - Functional standards","ISO/TR 19121:2000: Geographic information - Imagery and gridded data","ISO/TS 19139:2007: Geographic information - Metadata -XML schema implementation","VDI 3786: Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements (Parts 1-4)","VDI 3957:2014: Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants on plants (biomonitoring) - Fundamentals and aims","VDI 4070-1:2016-02: Sustainable management in small and medium-sized enterprises - Guidance notes for sustainable management","VDI 4605:2016-02- Evaluation of sustainability","VDI 4800-1:2016-01: Resource efficiency - Methodological principles and strategies","VDI 4800-2:2016-03: Resource efficiency -Evaluation of the use of raw materials.","VDI 6101:2014-07: Machine operation with regard to the trafficability of soils used for agriculture"]}],[{"l":"Thesauri and Ontologies","p":["The use of controlled vocabularies with standardized, generally accepted and clearly assigned identifiers, definitions and semantics are necessary for smooth data integration and to allow human- and machine readable exchange, query and reproduction of information. Semantic data annotation by controlled vocabularies is precondition to provide interoperability of data repositories. Standardizes ontologies enable integration of data and information to the Semantic Web.","To link data and ensure its reusability it is important that thesauri are published online, using an open license and endowed with an URI ( W3C, Best Practices for Publish Linked Data, 2014). General information for development and operate thesauri are described in ISO 25964 - Information and documentation – Thesauri & interoperability with other vocabularies, that is published in two parts:","1:2011 Thesauri for information retrieval This is part one of an international standard for thesauri, that is published in two parts. It provides recommendations for the development and maintenance of thesauri intended for information retrieval applications. It is applicable to vocabularies about all types of information resources including knowledge bases and portals, bibliographic databases, text, etc. It provides a data model and recommended format for the import and export of thesaurus data and can be applied for monolingual and multilingual thesauri. Based on the data model it includes also an XML schema for data exchange.","2:2013 Interoperability with other vocabularies Provides guidelines for high quality information retrieval across networked resources that have been indexed with different vocabularies or Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS). It helps to set up mappings between different concepts(classification schema, taxonomies, subject heading schemas, ontologies, name authority lists, terminologies and synonym rings)."]},{"l":"Overview of controlled vocabularies in agricultural and environmental science"},{"l":"AGROVOC","p":["Is a multilingual vocabulary developed by the FAO. It defines and relates more than 36,000 concepts in 33 languages. The thesaurus is updated on a monthly basis. It is published as an RDF/SKOS-XL concept schema and accessible as Linked Data via SPARQL-endpoint. The thesaurus is aligned with 16 vocabularies as related to agriculture. Editing is possible for registered users through the web-based editing tool VocBench 3. AGROVOC is released under the license CC-BY IGO 3.0 and published by the web-based SKOS browser “Skosmos”. The JAVA Command Line application “AgroTagger” assigns and index semantic terms to textual content and as a keyword extractor from a set of web URLs. It allows to index web documents identifying main topics and creating RDF triples that link a Web URL to AGROVOC URIs."]},{"l":"GEMET"},{"i":"general-multilingual-environmental-thesaurus","l":"(General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus)","p":["This thesaurus was developed by the European Environmental Information and Observation Network (EIONET). It summarizes different structured vocabularies and aims to define a common terminology for environmental terms in the European context. It is available in more than 27 languages and consists of more than 6000 records. At least one GEMET keyword is required to be conform to the INSPIRE metadata schema for geospatial data (ISO 19115, ISO 19119, ISO 19139)."]},{"l":"AgrO","p":["The Agronomy Ontology (AgrO) is develoed by CGIAR and describes agronomic practices, techniques and variables used in agronomic experiments. AgrO use traits, ICASA variables, and other existing ontologies. In March 2019 it was in the alpha phase and nit released officially."]},{"l":"BCO","p":["The application ontology Biological Collections Ontology (BCO) includes semantics relations on biodiversity, museum collections, environmental samples, and ecological surveys."]},{"l":"CAB Thesaurus","p":["This open access, multi-lingual thesaurus is operated by CAB International (CABI) science-based organization and includes almost 3 million terms in world’s science and technical fields. It includes some 250,000 plant, animal and microorganism names."]},{"l":"Crop Ontology","p":["This ontology includes a large database with ontologies of crops and crop-related terms, structured in the categories phenotype, breeding, germplasm and trait. Terms are defined by a unique combination of trait, method used and scale. It is open access and open to improve by the crop community."]},{"l":"EUROVOC","p":["This multilingual thesaurus maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union for indexing of documents of European institutions. It is available in 24 languages."]},{"l":"GCMD"},{"l":"Global Change Master Directory","p":["This directory was developed by NASA and can be implemented as thesaurus into a database. Keywords are provided in different scientific disciplines such as agriculture, atmosphere and hydrology."]},{"i":"iso-11074-2015","l":"ISO 11074:2015"},{"i":"soil-quality-vocabulary","l":"Soil quality, Vocabulary","p":["This standard summarizes all relevant terms of soil science in a glossary and is available in a trilingual edition. It defines a list of terms used in the preparation of other standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings: general terms, description of soil, sampling and assessment of soils, remediation, and soil ecotoxicology."]},{"l":"NAL"},{"l":"National Agricultural Library","p":["The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) produced this agricultural vocabulary. It contains more than 135,000 terms, is updated annually, bilingual (English, Spanish), and available as Linked Open Data. Provided download formats are XML, RDF- OLS. It is mainly used for indexing and for improving retrieval of agricultural information."]},{"l":"NCBI Taxon","p":["The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides an extensive list of field crops including codes"]},{"i":"ontology-of-units-of-measure-and-related-concepts-om-version-2-0","l":"Ontology of Units of Measure and Related Concepts (OM), Version 2.0","p":["This ontology models concepts and relations for units, quantities, measurements and dimensions including conversion factors. It was developed by the Wageningen University and modelled in OWL 2."]},{"l":"QUDT"},{"i":"quantities-units-dimensions-and-data-types-ontologies","l":"Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types Ontologies","p":["This ontology is under development by the NASA and provides first unified model of quantities, dimensions, units, and conversion factors. Each unit has its own URI and can thus be used as unique unit-identifier for data-sets."]},{"i":"units-ontology-uo","l":"Units Ontology (UO)"},{"l":"AnaEE Thesaurus"},{"l":"EngMath","p":["This ontology was developed for mathematical modeling and is mostly used by engineers."]},{"l":"EPPO Plant Protection Thesaurus","p":["This European thesaurus includes pest-specific information, names (multi-lingual) and codes for plants, animals and microorganisms."]},{"l":"GACS","p":["The GACS project developed this semantic concept scheme which integrates three important agricultural thesauri: AGROVOC, CAB and NAL thesauri. GACS was planned to be a hub for all concepts and shared value lists related to agriculture. In November 2019 the participants agreed that GACS URIs should not be promoted for use since GACS is not actively being maintained. Data is from 2016 and will not be actively maintained in the future."]},{"l":"LandVoc","p":["This vocabulary was created by Land Portal organization and includes a set of 270 concept about land governance. LandVoc is mainly derived from AGROVOC but links together other vocabularies."]},{"l":"PROV-O","p":["This W3C ontology provides a set of classes, properties, and restrictions that can be used to represent and interchange provenance information generated in different systems and under different contexts. It can also be specialized to create new classes and properties to model provenance information for different applications and domains."]},{"l":"Semantic Sensor Network Ontology","p":["This ontology was developed by the W3C Semantic Sensor Networks Incubator Group and describes sensors, observations, and related concepts [1]. It provides numerous suggestions on the management of sensor data including metadata of sensor description (e.g. accuracy, detection limit)."]},{"i":"overview-of-vocabulary-portals-look-up-services-registries-visualization-and-gazetteers","l":"Overview of vocabulary portals, look-up services, registries, visualization, and gazetteers"},{"l":"AgroPortal","p":["The web portal provides access to agricultural ontologies and thesauri. Via a search field terms can be entered and concepts of more than 100 agricultural vocabularies. Registered user can provide new ontologies to this web service."]},{"l":"GODAN"},{"l":"Agrisemantics Map of Data Standards","p":["This portal provides a global overview of existing vocabularies for the exchange of agricultural data. It is grouped in 14 main categories, such as “Natural Resources, Earth and Environment”."]},{"l":"GeoNames","p":["This geographical database contains more than 11 million names of places."]},{"l":"Ontobee","p":["This ontology register includes some 200 ontologies from natural science, including agriculture. It presents ontology term URIs to HTML web pages (user-friendly web browsing) and to RDF source codes for Semantic Web applications."]},{"i":"ontology-lookup-service-ols","l":"Ontology Lookup Service (OLS)","p":["OLS is a web service interface which allows queries from a register with more than 200 ontologies. The lookup service includes more than 5 million terms. Results link to single ontologies, concepts and output formats."]},{"l":"Open Tree of Life","p":["Was funded by the NSF, describes and visualizes the biological taxonomic classification system and can be used to allocate taxonomic species names and classes."]},{"l":"Planteome","p":["The project provides a platform to search and browse plant species, plant traits, phenotypes and gene expressions from different information systems."]},{"i":"overview-of-tools-specifications-initiatives-data-models-and-ontology-languages","l":"Overview of tools, specifications, initiatives, data models and ontology languages"},{"l":"SKOS"},{"l":"Simple Knowledge Organization System","p":["SKOS is a W3C recommendation for the representation of thesauri, classification etc. or any other controlled vocabulary. It gives guidelines to facilitate publication and use of vocabularies as Linked Data. SKOS is part of the Semantic Web standards built upon RDF and RDFS. SKOS was formal released in 2009 by W3C as a new standard that connects different KOS and the linked data community. It defines classes and properties to present common features of a standard thesaurus."]},{"l":"RDF"},{"l":"Resource Description Framework","p":["RDF is a family of W3C specifications that is applied as a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources. Via an Application Programming Interface (e.g. RDF API) a standardized interface can be implemented e.g. in within web-based data portals."]},{"i":"iso-iec-13250-2-2006","l":"ISO/IEC 13250-2:2006"},{"i":"information-technology--topic-maps","l":"Information technology – Topic Maps","p":["This standard regulates the representation and interchange of knowledge, especially for information retrieval. Topic Maps enable the linkage of multiple indexes from different sources. The standard defines the abstract structure and interpretation of Topic Maps, rules for merging them and a set of fundamental subject identifiers. The purpose of the data model is to define the interpretation of the Topic Maps interchange syntax, and to serve as a foundation for the definition of supporting standards for canonicalization, querying, constraints, etc."]},{"i":"owl-web-ontology-language","l":"OWL (Web Ontology Language)","p":["Ontology language developed (and updated to OWL 2) by the W3C. It meets the requirements of the Semantic Web. Ontologies which were written in OWL 2 (e.g. OM) can be used and exchanged as RDF documents. Relations between agricultural terms, a set of 179 custom relations is provided by e.g. Agrontology(as used in AGROVOC)."]},{"l":"VocBench","p":["Is an open source, web-based multilingual vocabulary editing and workflow tool. It was originally developed and released by the FAO and the Artificial Intelligence Research Group of the University of Rome Tor Vergata to manage AGROVOC, but now hosts a still expanding set of vocabularies."]},{"i":"data-catalog-vocabulary-dcat","l":"Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)","p":["This RDF specification was designed by W3C to facilitate the interoperability between and search across different data catalogues. DCAT does not make any assumptions about the format of the datasets described in a catalogue. It incorporates terms from other vocabularies with stable term with appropriate meanings (e.g., foaf:homepage or dct:title)."]},{"l":"RDFS"},{"l":"Resource Description Framework Schema","p":["This RDF schema can be used for sematic data models and was published by the W3C (1998). It includes several classes with certain properties using the RDF extensible representation data model, providing basic elements for the description of ontologies."]},{"i":"schemaorg","l":"schema.org","p":["Is a collaborative activity founded by technology companies (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft), to develop a standardized ontology to structure web data, based on existing markup languages. It provides a standardized schema for structured data on the internet and defines entities and relationships to be used to describe data sets or web pages. It is used to structure data in the research data search tool “Google Dataset Search”."]},{"l":"Use cases for applied thesauri in databases"},{"l":"AGRIS"},{"i":"international-system-for-agricultural-science-and-technology","l":"(International System for Agricultural Science and Technology)","p":["Is a global public domain database published by the FAO with more than 8 million records on agricultural science and technology. The AGRIS Search system allows scientists, researchers and students to perform sophisticated searches using keywords from the AGROVOC thesaurus, specific journal titles or names of countries, institutions, and authors. The AGRIS is a RDF-aware system and AGRIS database is exposed as RDF."]},{"l":"Conflicts and solutions","p":["The AGROVOC thesaurus is widely accepted and appreciated within the agricultural science community. However, soil terms and concepts are often missing or inadequately described or assigned. Terms and concepts are permanently edited and improved by the experts (AGROVOC Editors) using the editing tool VocBench3.","[1] Group, W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator (2009). Semantic Sensor Network Ontology ( http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn)."]}],[{"l":"Credits","p":["This online version of the Standards Report was implemented and designed by Josua Kaden, HU Berlin.","Used Software:","PyCharm 2022.2.3 (Community Edition) VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.","and ReType"]}],[{"l":"Markdown example","p":["You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.","Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files."]},{"l":"Markdown","p":["Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for","For more details see Basic writing and formatting syntax."]},{"l":"Jekyll Themes","p":["Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file."]},{"l":"Support or Contact","p":["Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out."]}]]
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+[[{"l":"Handbook for BonaRes Repository","p":["Authors: Carsten Hoffmann, Sina Schulz, Einar Eberhardt, Meike Grosse, Susanne Stein, Xenia Specka, Nikolai Svoboda, Uwe Heinrich","This living document has been produced in the framework of the German research initiative BonaRes(Soil as a sustainable resource for the bio-economy). The third version is published in the BonaRes Series, 2020 with more than 600 standards, as relevant for the soil- and agricultural research data management. As the report is a living document, the report is transferred to this web application to compile, discuss and recommend the latest state of data standards for soil and agricultural research.","It is grouped based on three major data life stages and might act as a helpful reference work for the soil-agricultural research data community.","Submit Research Data","Metadata","Creation of templates","Help","Glossary","German Translation"]},{"l":"Motivation","p":["The use of open and widely accepted standards is the basis for modern (FAIR, [1]) research data management. In this context, task of this report is to describe, compare, review and recommend standards for the whole data life and to assist soil- and agricultural scientists to store their research data into a data infrastructure to make them findable and accessible in the long-term for any reuse. Missing and competitive national and international standards and potential conflicts are stated and, based on internal and external expert knowledge, outstanding standards are highlighted and summarized to recommendations:","Favored = highly recommended for application OK = acceptable alternative but maybe requires later transformation","In the Appendix the highly recommended standards as well as many code lists, glossaries and web links are listed in tables"]},{"l":"The BonaRes Repository","p":["In July 2017, the BonaRes Centre launched the BonaRes Repository for soil and agricultural research data. Beside data from national research projects, the repository is open for other soil-related data, e.g. from agricultural long-term field experiments (LTE). The BonaRes Centre provides DOI, easy access and long-term availability for all uploaded research data. According to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access (2003)[2] and the initiative“Digitale Information”[3], metadata and research data will not be subject to any restrictions on reuse. Metadata are always available and, after a limited embargo-time, also research data are provided accessible for the international research community. Further information is given in the BonaRes Data Guideline [4].","According to the GitHub FAIRMetrics, the BonaRes Repository serves all relevant elements of FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, see [1]), and additionally, provides legal security for sensitive data and facilitate data up- and downloads. To meet these demands and to enhance research data reusability (FAIR Principle R 1.3)[1], the use of relevant open community standards and data documentation during data life is necessary. Such standards concern, beside others, the classification and description of soils, field- and lab methods, agricultural technology, plant varieties, fertilizers, farming and agricultural business, data quality control, ontologies, data formats, data storage and -archiving, and metadata management. All standards which are recommended within this document are supported by the BonaRes repository. Research data which were collected under standardized conditions, described with coherent metadata, proofed by quality tests, and stored in the repository, will be visible, accessible and citable for any data reuse (e.g. modelling), exchange or review.","In the long term it is planned to consolidate the BonaRes Repository into international infrastructures for soil and agricultural research data. This requires data interoperability by internationally accepted and applied standards. Transformation tools may help to translate data from national to international valid systems and formats.","[1] Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016). DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18","[2] Berlin Declaration on Open Access (2003). https://openaccess.mpg.de/Berliner-Erklaerung.","[3] Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany (2013). http://www.allianzinitiative.de/en/.","[4] Svoboda, N. and U. Heinrich (2017). The BonaRes Data Guideline. BonaRes Data Centre. http://doi.org/10.20387/BonaRes-E1AZ-ETD7."]}],[{"l":"Data Preparation","p":["A dataset summarizes research data on a delimited situation in a structured manner. The research data should be prepared in such a way that easy reuse is possible. In principle, the data record should be tabular and column-based. In most cases, soil and agricultural data have a spatial reference. The spatial position of the measuring points or areas should be given in the table as detailed as possible.","A typical dataset for data transfer to the BonaRes Data Centre has the following properties:","Each column (attribute) of the table contains the attribute name in the first row and the attribute values in the following rows, which means the data within the table are column-oriented. Each table or dataset must be given a short, concise name. For widespread reuse, work should be done in English if possible.","Typically, each table contains the following standard attributes:","Table 1: Example table with typical standard attributes of a data table"]},{"i":"the-following-formal-criteria-must-be-met","l":"The following formal criteria must be met:","p":["... do not contain separators such as “;” (decimal numbers are uniformly written with “.” or “,” and differ from column delimiter)","...are a maximum of 30 characters long","...are only assigned once","...do not start with a number","attribute names contain no spaces (an underscore „_“ is allowed to use), special characters, umlauts, “ß” or units","cells are not connected","cells contain no spaces","column delimiter is consistent and clearly identifies throughout the table (e. g. ”;” or “,”)","Datasets submitted in file formats, which can be integrated to the SQL database of the BonaRes Data Centre is made available with full service (options for file formats and coordinate system, description of the data model, ...). Other research data e.g., Pictures, videos or comparable formats can be downloaded by the re-user in the file format as submitted. If you have any questions, contact the support of BonaRes Repository","each column contains a unique attribute name (between upper and lower case not differentiated z. B. “beetles” and “Beetles”)","each line is available once(there are no double lines e. g. due to copy errors)","IDs are only assigned once","in case of multiple sheets, upload each sheet as a separate table","missing values are explicitly marked and clearly differ from “none specification \"and\" 0 \"","only one value specified per cell","tables are unformatted (do not contain grafical elements, colored lines, …)","tables contain only one worksheet (avoid Excel folders with multiple sheets)","The prepared dataset should be submitted in the file format txt, csv, xls or xslx. Avoid file formats that cannot be read with common programs. For example, formats for special company software for data loggers. In addition to tables, the BonaRes Repository also publishes all formats of research data that are common in science, such as pictures, videos, texts. The BonaRes Centre also is able to deal with complex file structures (Access, SQL, Shape, ...). In this case contact the support of BonaRes Repository.","there are no internal references or formulas within a table","values in the cells contain no units, explanations or abbreviations e. g. \"Under detection limit” or “< 0.00 ”","values within a column are constant (no change of reference variable or unit)"]}],[{"l":"How to publish a dataset in the BonaRes Repository","p":["Registration on BonaRes Repository","Download and fill the metadata templateRegistration","Dataset and Metadata submission"]}],[{"l":"Registration on BonaRes Repository","p":["A one-time registration is required to use the services of the BonaRes Centre e. g., the upload tool and the metadata editor","Specification of user name and email address, as well as assignment of a password","The following conditions must be met for the password:","it must consist of at least 8 characters","it must contain at least 3 small letters","it must differ from the user name and email address","it must contain at least 3 character classes (e.g. uppercase, lowercase, special characters, numbers)","Registration window on the BonaRes website","Receive a confirmation email from the BonaRes Repository (double opt in)","Confirm the registration by clicking the link in the email","If the intention is to submit several datasets of a research group, it is possible to organize all of the associated data providers in one project in the BonaRes Centre. In this case, the BonaRes Centre should be contacted BEFORE registration, so the project can be created in advance. The same project affiliation allows you to search for specific project data. Pre-entries about shared templates within the project save time and effort when describing the metadata. The rights for editing the metadata are distributed in a targeted manner."]}],[{"l":"Download and Fill the metadata Template","p":["If data are already published in another open repository, the BonaRes Centre offers to take over the metadata of the dataset and to disseminate it via its own infrastructure. There is a link to the location of the dataset. This means that the research data can also be found via the BonaRes Repository without the need for republication. Contact the support of the BonaRes Repository here: support-data@bonares.de."]},{"l":"Download","p":["Download the metadata template here"]},{"l":"How to Fill out the metadata template","p":["Author(s): Include an ORCID","Contributor: click on “choose an element” and select an option.","Dataset details: describe what each column stands for and precise the units and methods if applicable","Embargo: refers to a period (max 24 months) during which the data cannot be downloaded.","For large datasets use extra excel file. See below. Image/grapic: provide an image that represents your dataset","Funding information: provide cross ref links if available.","Geographic area: provide bounding box information from where the data was collected.","Keywords: click on links and select keywords then write them under each link.","Metadata template: example of excel file for simple data sets","Metadata template: page 1","Metadata template: page2","Metadata template: page3","Place keywords: precise location","Related data already published: click on “choose an element” and select an option of the Relation Type.","Summary English: Maximum of xxxxxx characters","Summary German: Maximum of xxxxx characters","Title English: Max of xxxxx characters","Title German: Max of xxxx characters"]}],[{"l":"Dataset and Metada Submission","p":["After completing the metadata template, click on the “submit new dataset” button and fill the upload form.","Submit a new dataset"]},{"l":"Filling out the Upload form","p":["(Status: Submitted), it is possible to make changes. As soon as the data have been added to the database and the metadata have been sent(Status: in progress), contact must be made with the BonaRes Centre for subsequent changes.","Access: Restrictions on use, license for use","Additional Information","After a dataset has been transferred to the BonaRes Centre, it is checked formally and in terms of content (e. g. thematically fit into the BonaRes Repository) by data stewards. Formal checks are, e. g. empty columns, outliers or not plausible values. Conspicuous data are communicated back to the data provider. In the future, the test should carried out by an automated tool. After a dataset passed this formal check, further metadata will be prepared (see chapter Metadata), which can be downloaded as PDF.","Afterwards, additional information can be given specifically for the BonaRes Centre. In addition, the BonaRes data guideline must be approved and assured that the authority exists to hand over the data to the repository and that it has not yet been published elsewhere. This means that the data owner does not necessarily have to submit the data himself and can also designate someone else as the data provider.","An overview of all datasets submitted so far appears in the user account under “Submission” under “My dataset submissions”. If you have any questions or problems, the ticket number should always be given.","Categorization: Project category, standard keywords for BonaRes with associated thesaurus, topic category, soil functions","Data model: First column descriptions of the data table","Description: Title, summary, research domain, research question, date of submission, editor, reference system, geographical location (very rough)","Distribution: Output format, data provider","Fields with two lines in the lower right corner can be enlarged if necessary.","If all fields have been filled in, the dataset can be transferred to the BonaRes Centre by clicking on “Submit”. The BonaRes Centre sends an automatic confirmation email afterwards with a ticket number.","If possible, one or more soil functions that match the dataset should be selected that address the underlying study.","If the upload was successful, a summary of the submitted information appears. The processing status can also be viewed on this page. As long as the submitted data are formally checked","In the next step, the dataset, metadata, any additional material, such as pictures, plans or drawings, can be uploaded. Please upload just the actual dataset (only one table, one dataset, one worksheet). Multiple worksheets should be split and uploaded separately. To illustrate the research data, you can use a data model that shows the data, e.g. a diagram.","List of all records","Metadata: Metadata standard and version","Now the research question for which the available data were determined can be specified. Of course, there are not \"the\" good and \"the\" bad data - but data are of high quality in relation to the research question they are supposed to answer. This enables the potential reuser to better assess the suitability of the data for her research.","Quality: Lineage statement","Submission details","The first step in the upload form is to provide a title and a brief but understandable description of the dataset – analogue to the abstract of a paper but specified to this data. This information is the basis of the metadata.","The history gives an overview of the completed processing steps of the respective dataset.","The project in which the data were collected must be specified in the following field. You can choose from the BonaRes collaborative projects and some long-term field experiments. For all other data that cannot be assigned to any of these projects, “Other” must be specified. In the future, it should also be possible to manually enter the individual projects.","Upload dataset, metadata and supplemental material","Upload form: Project","Upload form: Selection of the relevant Research Domain","Upload form: Selection the soil functions","Upload form: Specifying the research question","Upload form: Title and description of the dataset","When selecting the research domain, the most appropriate domain should be selected. Only one domain can be selected. The research domains are based on the categories of the German Research Foundation (DFG)(FK No. 207 Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine)."]}],[{"l":"Data Provision","p":["Structured research data, reasonably described by standardized metadata facilitates its provision and increase its visibility. Open metadata, free and widely accepted geo-data protocols and accepted licenses facilitate data queries and access for user.","This chapter provides an overview of metadata standards, possibilities for data publication, accepted licenses and thesauri and ontologies as applied in soil and agricultural science.","Submission Details Submission Details Submission Details Submission Details Submission Details"]}],[{"l":"Frequently Asked Questions","p":["FAQ FAQ FAQ"]}],[{"l":"Frequently Asked Questions","p":["Contact Contact Contact"]}],[{"l":"Data management","p":["The topic data management includes methodical standards to structure and quality assure research data as recorded by standardized methods. Quality by supervised or unsupervised procedures e.g. data completeness, normal distribution, integrity, and removal of outliers, is prerequisite for wellmaintained data storage, -exchange, -processing and-evaluation. Descriptive data should be checked on misspellings, synonyms and inconsistencies to enable clear data allocation and combination of different data sets.","When research data are collected, tested, described, and maybe pre-processed (e.g. pedotransferfunctions, biological models, upscaling) data must be technically prepared to be transferred into the database. At this point internal database management becomes relevant. Data (base) management includes e.g. rules on the data structure, languages and formats used. These need to meet the requirements on later data applications such as archiving, evaluation, reuse, and publishing. Research data management is widely implemented within research institutes in so-called Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and in national or international (inter-)disciplinary data repositories. An example for national agricultural data management is the PIAF system ( P lanning, I nformation and A nalysis for F ield trials). An international and interdisciplinary open data repository for the wide field of environmental science is the PANGAEA.","Internationally accepted Data Management Plans (DMP) and open research data portals may help to plan, manage and publish research data. Tools and guidelines are provided by open access platforms and repositories such as ReDBox(Australia), OpenAIRE, CGIAR, EUDAT, EOSC, and INSPIRE.","This chapter provides an overview of standards with general requirements on data quality, -structure -formats, and–types as well as geographic reference systems, units and dimensions.","Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary"]}],[{"l":"Data management","p":["The topic data management includes methodical standards to structure and quality assure research data as recorded by standardized methods. Quality by supervised or unsupervised procedures e.g. data completeness, normal distribution, integrity, and removal of outliers, is prerequisite for wellmaintained data storage, -exchange, -processing and-evaluation. Descriptive data should be checked on misspellings, synonyms and inconsistencies to enable clear data allocation and combination of different data sets.","When research data are collected, tested, described, and maybe pre-processed (e.g. pedotransferfunctions, biological models, upscaling) data must be technically prepared to be transferred into the database. At this point internal database management becomes relevant. Data (base) management includes e.g. rules on the data structure, languages and formats used. These need to meet the requirements on later data applications such as archiving, evaluation, reuse, and publishing. Research data management is widely implemented within research institutes in so-called Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and in national or international (inter-)disciplinary data repositories. An example for national agricultural data management is the PIAF system ( P lanning, I nformation and A nalysis for F ield trials). An international and interdisciplinary open data repository for the wide field of environmental science is the PANGAEA.","Internationally accepted Data Management Plans (DMP) and open research data portals may help to plan, manage and publish research data. Tools and guidelines are provided by open access platforms and repositories such as ReDBox(Australia), OpenAIRE, CGIAR, EUDAT, EOSC, and INSPIRE.","This chapter provides an overview of standards with general requirements on data quality, -structure -formats, and–types as well as geographic reference systems, units and dimensions.","German Translation German Translation German Translation German Translation German Translation"]}],[{"l":"Agricultural Tools and Machineries","p":["Standards for tractors and machineries in agriculture are developed by the ISO/TC 23. Numerous tillage tools for sowing preparation and soil loosening equipment are defined in rulebooks and standards.","Overview of existing standards","In Table 4 the most important national and international standards on agricultural tools and machineries are compiled.","Table 4: Recommended standards for tillage tools and agricultural machines"]}],[{"l":"Metadata","p":["A key precondition to store and share data and to fulfil the FAIR data principles (see Introduction) is the proper description of research data by metadata. When set-up an own interoperable metadata schema for a data repository it is very important to use assignable elements of widespread and open metadata standards.","Overview of existing standards","Standards only dealing with metadata for diverse purposes and are published by ISO. Metadata for geographic information are regulated in ISO 19115-1ff series (Geographic information - Metadata). ISO 19115-1:2014 and -2:2009 contain many code lists on identification information, geometry types and other relevant topics.","Requirements for metadata related to geographic information services are defined in EN ISO 19119:2016. A technical guideline for encoding of metadata using a XML-schema is provided by ISO/TS 19139-1:2019-03(XML schema implementation). Regulations for metadata are also part of other standards that relate to soil data, for example INSPIRE DS Soil or ISO 28258:2013.","The German Infrastructure for Spatial Information (GDI-DE) requires the application of ISO 19115, 19119 and 19139 in the context of INSPIRE for acquisition and support of metadata. For such purposes the Drafting Team Metadata and European Commission Joint Research Centre published a technical guideline with INSPIRE implementing rules for metadata [1].","The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) provides a list of common metadata standards.","The BonaRes Metadata Schema[2] has been created by combining elements of the two schemes INSPIRE (EU) and DataCite (DOI) since few relevant elements within these two standards have been found."]},{"i":"inspire-european-union","l":"INSPIRE (European Union)","p":["The INSPIRE directive contains metadata elements on dataset-level that should be applied for documenting metadata for an entire dataset or a dataset series. Metadata can also be stored on object-level. This means that metadata can be described for each individual spatial object. Due to the product-oriented approach of INSPIRE, metadata provide not only information on data quality and validity, but also on conditions for accessibility, use of data, access restriction (including reasons) and charges."]},{"l":"DataCite","p":["The DataCite was developed to provide easy access to scientific data over internet. It provides domain agnostic services which belongs to the concept of a long term or persistent identifier. DataCite is using Digital Object Identifiers(DOIs) to register a resource associated with metadata. The objective of DataCite is to increase the acceptance of research data as legitimate, citable contributions to the scientific record and to archive data for future study. Besides a wide range of metadata elements, DataCite provides the opportunity to acknowledge contributions of disciplinary work. To enable an accurate and consistent identification of a resource (e.g. for citation) the metadata scheme offers a list of essential metadata properties. The da|ra is the DOI registration agency for social and economic research data. The recent Metadata Scheme is 4.4 [3]."]},{"i":"dublin-core-metadata-element-set-version-1-1","l":"Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (Version 1.1)","p":["This set is a vocabulary of fifteen properties to describe a resource. It is maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative(DCMI). The Dublin Core metadata elements formally endorsed in ISO 15836-1:2017 and ISO 15836-2:2019, ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012 and RFC 5013[4]."]},{"l":"DDI"},{"i":"data-documentation-initiative","l":"(Data Documentation Initiative)","p":["Open standard (metadata model) to describe social and economic research data and survey data. Basic concept is the description of the complete Data Life Cycle with XML."]},{"l":"GESIS"},{"i":"leibniz-institute-for-the-social-sciences","l":"(Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences)","p":["In line with DDI, presentation of detailed metadata and standards for surveys and interviews, e.g. in the following technical reports: Zenk-Möltgen and Habbel 2012 [5], Jensen and Schweers 2014 [6]."]},{"l":"METS"},{"i":"metadata-encoding--transmission-standard","l":"(Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard)","p":["This is a standard for coding and management of metadata from digital or analogue sources of different formats(picture, text, audio, video…). Precondition are beside others sections for the presentation of the internal structure of a digital object, group related files, technical metadata, and information about the source. METS documents can link and integrate different metadata (e.g. from PREMIS, Dublin CORE or MARC)."]},{"l":"PREMIS"},{"i":"preservation-metadata-implementation-strategies","l":"(PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies)","p":["Initiative for the development and maintenance of internationally recognized long-term archiving metadata standards. PREMIS aims to develop recommendations, suggestions and best practices for implementing preservation metadata, further development of the standards, as well as the connection to other standards."]},{"i":"quali-service-university-of-bremen","l":"Quali-Service (University of Bremen)","p":["Emerging data service center for qualitative primary data (focus on interviews) and provision of reports about metadata standards, e.g. Betancort Cabrera and Haake 2014 [7]."]},{"l":"Conflicts and solutions"},{"l":"INSPIRE vs. ISO Metadata","p":["The problematic issue of metadata and data is that almost any piece of data can be metadata in a more specific context. In the application schema of ISO 28258 any piece of information that can be handled as data should at least be handled as data, but can additionally be handled as metadata. According to ISO 28258 information e.g. on projects or soil maps can be described as data (in the form of features) or metadata. In line with INSPIRE this information is metadata of a dataset [8].","[1] JRC (2007, update 2013). \"INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119.\" from click here","[2] Specka X., Gärtner, P., Hoffmann, C., Svoboda, N., Stecker, M., Einspanier, U., Senkler, K., Zoarder, M.A.M., Heinrich, U. (2019): The BonaRes metadata schema for geospatial soil-agricultural research data - Merging INSPIRE and DataCite metadata schemes. Computers and Geosciences 132: 33-41","[3] Group, DataCite Metadata Working (2021). DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Research Data (v4.4).","[4] Kunze, J. and T. Baker (2007). IETF RFC 5013. The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.","[5] Zenk-Möltgen, W., & Habbel, N. (2012). Der GESIS Datenbestandskatalog und sein Metadatenschema: Version 1.8.","[6] Jensen, U., & Schweers, S. (2014). Das erweiterte Metadatenschema der VFU soeb 3.","[7] Betancort Cabrera, N. (2014). Das Qualiservice Metadatenschema: Version 1.1. Qualiservice Technical Reports","[8] Gärtner, P., N. Svoboda, T. Kühnert, M.A.M. Zoarder and U. Heinrich (2017). The BonaRes Metadata Schema. BonaRes Data Centre. DOI: 10.20387/BonaRes-5PGG-8YRP"]}],[{"l":"Geo-data Services","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales, non hendrerit nulla iaculis. Nunc ut elementum neque, et eleifend odio."]},{"l":"Overview of existing standards","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales,"]},{"i":"wms-web-map-service","l":"WMS (Web Map Service)","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales, ( OpenGeoSpatial). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel"]},{"i":"wfs-web-feature-service","l":"WFS (Web Feature Service)","p":["WFS allow any usage that might work with web services to get geographic features from one or more distributed spatial information system or a map itself. Similar to WMS (mapping output as an image), WFS deal with create, update, delete and query functions of feature instances from regarding database. WFS serve eight general operations: Capabilities, DescribeFeatureType, DescribeFilterModel, Feature, FeatureWithLock, Property, LockFeature and Transaction. Rules and applications of WFS are provided by EN ISO 19142:2010."]},{"i":"wcas-web-catalogue-service","l":"WCAS (Web Catalogue Service)"},{"i":"also-known-as-csw-catalogue-services-for-the-web","l":"Also known as: CSW, Catalogue Services for the Web","p":["CSW service provides options to publish and searching capabilities of metadata about geospatial data, services, and related information objects. Request types that CSW services offers include: GetCapabilities, DescribeByRecord, GetRecords, GetRecordById, GetDomain, Harvest and Transaction. Requests can encode the parameters in three different ways: GET with URL parameters, POST with form-encoded payload and POST with XML payload."]},{"i":"wcs-web-coverage-service","l":"WCS (Web Coverage Service)","p":["WCS returns the original data with its descriptions along with actual semantics. This service allows access into coverage data for client-side rendering. WCS also offers clients to get information of a certain portions based on constraints and certain criteria, similar to WFS and WMS service."]},{"i":"wmts-web-map-tile-service","l":"WMTS (Web Map Tile Service)","p":["WMTS makes detailed rendering of a raster data or a large volume of vector data in tiles which supports Key-Value-Pair(KV, process oriented) encoding interfaces, REST (Representational state transfer) encoding and SOAP encoding."]},{"i":"tjs-table-joining-service","l":"TJS (Table Joining Service)","p":["The TJS standard joins attribute data with its associated geospatial framework. Attribute data can be stored in one network and mapped with geographic data into another network which contains geometries for the attribute data. TJS provides simple web-based services for searching, accessing and using attribute data from different sources which can generate database, perform analysis and populate maps."]},{"i":"wmc-web-map-context","l":"WMC (Web Map Context)","p":["The OGC XML file standard WMC describes meta-information of a WMS (e.g. the URL, different layers within the service, bounding box rectangle, coordinate system) in XML file, stores and loads XML schema which belongs to it."]},{"i":"wps-web-processing-service","l":"WPS (Web Processing Service)","p":["WPS service defines how to implement a geoprocessing service, geographic calculations or models as a service. It offers simple web-based standardized method of finding, accessing and using of geoprocessing services, at the same time also direct requests and responses of those services. WPS uses HTTP GET, HTTP POST, SOAP and XML as a mechanism for describing the data and for interoperability."]}],[{"l":"Accompanying Disciplines","p":["Beside common soil and agricultural data, accompanying data from different research fields concern the research field soil-agricultural science.","Overview of existing standards"]},{"l":"Land use classification","p":["The CORINE Land Cover provides an EU-wide unique and comparable data set of land cover with 44 land use classes, out of which 37 classes are relevant for Germany. Mapping of the land cover and land use was performed on the basis of satellite remote sensing images on a scale of 1:100,000.","The German land survey authorities provide topographic data and maps. Their contents are reported in the feature type catalogue of the Official Topographical Cartographic Information System ( ATKIS), where topographical appearances are classified in categories with land use information. ATKIS data are available in different scales (from 1:1,000,000 up to 1:25,000). Because of the higher spatial resolution, compared to e.g. CORINE Land Cover, the feature type’s catalogue comprises more land use classes (around 130 feature types)."]},{"l":"Meteorology","p":["Meteorological raw-data are often available in time series with different temporal distributions. The conversion into convertible data and the supply for further processing is challenging.","The German DIN 1319-1:1995-01ff series defines basics in meteorological measurement techniques e.g. terms of measuring equipment (Parts 1 and 2) and measurement uncertainties (3 and 4).","On international scale the EN ISO 20988:2007 provides a detailed guideline to estimate measurement uncertainties for meteorological data. It includes statistical operations on systematic data deviations, calibration, ring trials, drift controls, and evaluation on variances. In particular the standard helps to evaluate and validate air quality data.","ISO 9169:2006 defines the performance characteristics of an automatic meteorological system.","Meteorological measurements are described in guidelines VDI 3786ff including an extensive glossary and instructions on data aggregation for archiving (1) and air temperature (3)."]},{"l":"Vegetation","p":["Phenology stages can be described by the BBCH scale [1]. The coding system was first published in 1992 by different expert groups and was than extended to all common crop types.","The Minimum Information standard MIAPPE is open and community driven. It defines a list of necessary attributes to describe and to harmonize data from plant phenotyping experiments.","The Braun-Blanquet-Scale, as part of the Relevé Method, defines approaches of vegetation survey.","The Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (FAO/IPGRI, Version 2.1) are widely used as standardized lists for breeding and germplasm data and for information exchange across crops. It is compatible with the descriptor lists used by FAO World information and Early Warning System on plant genetic resources (PGR) and the GENESYS global portal.","[1] Meier, U., H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, C. Feller, H. Hack, M. Heß, P.D. Lancashire, et al. (2009). The BBCH system to coding the phenological growth stages of plants – history and publications –. Journal f. Kulturpflanzen 61(2): 41-52."]}],[{"l":"Data Publication","p":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis nisl finibus, laoreet ligula sit amet, pulvinar tellus. Nullam ut mi finibus, suscipit nisi vel, consectetur ante. Aliquam ac aliquam felis. Pellentesque feugiat neque vel arcu mattis mattis. Etiam pulvinar lacus sed quam egestas, eget tempor dui molestie. Donec ac vehicula magna, id accumsan nibh. Phasellus risus metus, lacinia sit amet nisi sed, ultricies lacinia arcu. Vivamus laoreet massa in diam sodales, non hendrerit nulla iaculis. Nunc ut elementum neque, et eleifend odio.","Pellentesque porta hendrerit enim ac venenatis. Proin lacinia purus eget arcu laoreet, non porttitor dolor faucibus. Fusce odio enim, interdum at laoreet facilisis, fermentum quis ante. Aliquam ornare risus faucibus lorem efficitur, quis bibendum dolor condimentum. Pellentesque condimentum vulputate scelerisque. Fusce hendrerit ut sapien sed lobortis. Sed vehicula ligula a lobortis dignissim. Nam convallis eleifend est, vitae consequat ligula.","Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc egestas laoreet diam, id aliquet velit. Pellentesque eu nunc iaculis, sodales ex quis, ultricies turpis. Vivamus sit amet mauris diam. Quisque efficitur lectus ante, sit amet iaculis nibh tincidunt eget. Sed vulputate vitae diam eu tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum lorem sit amet ipsum luctus mollis. Suspendisse ac quam malesuada nisi rutrum varius. Vivamus scelerisque tempus pulvinar. Ut id sapien pharetra, sollicitudin quam eget, lacinia nibh. Ut at massa dui. Cras congue augue non lorem condimentum consequat. Donec vestibulum lectus vitae dictum suscipit. Nullam vestibulum vitae nibh sed mollis.","[1] Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.","[2] Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.","[3] Ut ut est blandit, interdum erat sed, viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos."]}],[{"l":"Recommended standards","p":["Table 9: Overview of highly recommended standards (alphabetical order)","[1] VDLUFA (2016). Verband Deutscher Landwirtschaftlicher Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten. Method Books.","[2] Bundessortenamt (2000). Richtlinien für die Durchführung von landwirtschaftlichen Wertprüfungen und Sortenversuchen. Hannover.","[3] KTBL (2014). Betriebsplanung 2014/2015. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e. V. Darmstadt.","[4] Bundessortenamt (2021). Beschreibende Sortenliste. Getreide, Mais, Öl- und Fasepflanzen, Leguminosen, Rüben, Zwischenfrüchte. Hannover.","[5] SSSA (2017). Methods of Soil Analysis (Part 1-5).","[6] Blume, Hans-Peter, Berthold Deller, Klaus Furtmann, Rainer Horn, Reimar Leschber, Andreas Paetz and Berndt-Michael Wilke (2016). Handbuch der Bodenuntersuchung: Terminologie, Verfahrensvorschriften und Datenblätter ; physikalische, chemische, biologische Untersuchungsverfahren ; gesetzliche Regelwerke. Berlin; Wien u.a., Beuth","[7] Boden, Ad-hoc-AG (2005). Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung (German Soil Survey Guideline). Hannover.","[8] WRB, IUSS Working Group (2014). World reference base for soil resources 2014: International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps: Update 2015. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106: 203."]}],[{"l":"Code Lists","p":["Code lists are useful tools for expressing longer lists of potential values and help to organize and harmonize databases. Whenever a universal accepted code exists for a certain parameter, it is recommended extend the database with a code column."]},{"l":"Soil survey","p":["In the Tables 11-16 the most important code lists for field soil survey, description and classification, as parts of national and international standards, are listed:"]},{"l":"Table 10","p":["Overview of code lists on soil data survey","For the German Soil Survey Guideline all parameters for field soil description provided with code lists are given in Table 11. The number of the field in the official form for soil scientific profile description, where a certain soil parameter has to be documented is also listed in the table. The accessibility of code lists is given by the corresponding page number in the guideline, number and title of code list. Code lists for deduction of soil parameters are not mentioned in this overview, because they are not relevant for field soil description.","Table 12 gives an overview of parameters in the German standard DIN 4220 for soil feature designation and classification as provided by code lists. Code lists used for deduction of soil parameters are not listed, as they are not required for field soil description."]},{"l":"Table 11","p":["Parameters for field soil description provided with code lists in German Soil Survey Guideline (Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung KA5, 5th edition, 2005)"]},{"l":"Table 12","p":["Parameters for field soil description provided with code lists in DIN 4220:2008-11","The Guidelines for Soil Assessment [2] includes code lists for several soil parameters (Table 13). Symbols and class definitions of these code lists deviate conspicuously from other national standards (KA5 [1] or DIN 4220) with the exception of the code lists for horizon symbols, which is taken from the German Soil Survey Guideline, 4th edition (KA4)."]},{"l":"Table 13","p":["Parameters for field soil description provided with code lists in the Guidelines for Soil Assessment","The FAO Guidelines for soil description contain code lists for numerous soil parameters (Table 14). In many cases several code lists are given for a distinct parameter describing different aspects of the parameter."]},{"l":"Table 14","p":["Parameters provided with code lists in FAO Guidelines for soil description (4th edition, 2006) [3]"]},{"l":"Table 15","p":["Parameters provided with code lists in ISO 25177:2019, Soil description in the field"]},{"l":"Table 16","p":["INSPIRE Code List register for soil parameter (selected)"]},{"i":"important-code-lists-for-crops-breeding-agriculture-land-use-and-measures","l":"Important code lists for crops, breeding, agriculture, land use, and measures","p":["A code list for crops is provided by the Clemson University(2008) [8].","Based on the EU-regulation 1305/2013(in Germany “InVeKoS”) code lists on different crop types and culture codes, 3 digits were established (e.g., Flächennutzungsnachweis, FNN).","Codes for tractors and other agricultural machineries are provided by the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ( HS-Codes) which was developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).","In Germany crop types and varieties are registered, described and coded by the Federal Plant Variety Office( BSA, Bundessortenamt) [9]. It provides descriptive variety lists e.g. for cereals, maize, oil and fiber plants.","In the United States, fertilizers are listed in the UFTRS Code List(Uniform Fertilizer Tonnage Reporting System, 3 digits).","Land use classes are coded in the CORINE Land Cover ( CLC) including a 3-level nomenclature. Agricultural areas start with number “2”.","The Agronomy Ontology ( AgrO) is built by CGIAR and describes agronomic practices, techniques and variables used in agronomic experiments. It provides codes for tillage practices.","The Central Product Classification (CPC)[7] Version 2.1 was published by the United Nations (2015) and classifies goods and services such as crop products.","The code system UCUM(Unified Code for Units of Measure) includes units of measures being contemporarily used in international science and engineering. UCUM is based on EN ISO 80000 and is used e.g. for electronical data interchange protocols.","The EPPO-Code(European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) contains plants, pests and pathogens in the frame of agriculture and crop protection.","The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Security ( BVL) provides code lists on land use (1 letter), plant protection (active substances, 4 digits), function (1 letter), authorization holders (3-4 characters), and type of formulation (2 letters).","The Genetic Resources Information System ( GRIS) provides breeding and variety information and codes for wheat and triticale (09:2018: 171,000 varieties)","The Indicative Crop Classification( ICC-FAO) lists crop codes. The 2-4 digits codes do not differ between varieties and sowing dates (e.g. winter wheat). In 2017 a new version 1.1 was published which is now closely based on the Central Product Classification (CPC) [7].","The International Code Council( ICC) develops affordable code lists for global markets, agriculture and science.","The NCDI provides an extensive list of codes, besides many others, for field crops","Within its World Program for the Census of Agriculture 2010, the FAO published an “Alphabetic List of Crops with Botanical Names and Crop Codes” [6].","Within the extended BBCH-scale phenological development stages are described and coded for all kinds of agricultural plants and products [10]."]},{"l":"Important code lists for data management and metadata","p":["There are 33 code lists in ISO 19115-1ff(including references to other ISO standards, e.g. language code- ISO 639-2). Code lists of EN ISO 19115-1:2003, 19115-2:2010 and 19119:2016 are used in INSPIRE and GDI-DE metadata schema as data type for several metadata elements, e.g. CI_RoleCode, MD_CharacterSetCode, MD_ClassificationCode, MD_keywordTypeCode, MD_RestrictionCode, and MD_TopicCategoryCode.","While the standard EN ISO 19108:2005 deals with geographic information and a temporal schema, ISO 8601:2019 contains data elements and interchange formats and represents date and times. Both have been implemented for INSPIRE.","RFC 4646: tags for identifying languages, RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier, TGN (Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names) for coverage and DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCIM-TYPE], to describe nature or genre of the resource have been used in Dublin Core.","The INSPIRE Metadata Regulation 1205/2008/EC [11] mandate the presence of at least one keyword. This can be associated with a controlled vocabulary which in ISO standard is referred to as “thesaurus”."]},{"l":"Table 17","p":["Further relevant code lists and glossaries"]},{"l":"Table 18","p":["Glossaries and vocabularies","[1] Boden, Ad-hoc-AG (2005). Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung (German Soil Survey Guideline). Hannover.","[2] Bundesministerium der Finanzen (1996): Arbeitsanleitung neues Feldschätzungsbuch: Bodenschätzung. Berlin.","[3] FAO (2006). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Guidelines for soil description. 4th edition. Rome.","[4]Schoeneberger, P.J., Wysocki, D.A., Benham, E.C (2012). Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils. Lincoln, NE; Reprint 2021","[5] WRB, IUSS Working Group (2014). World reference base for soil resources 2014: International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps: Update 2015. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106: 203.","[6] FAO (2005). A system of integrated agricultural censuses and surveys. Volume 1: World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010. Rome.","[7] UN (2015). Central product classification (CPC) version 2.1. New York.","[8] University, Clemson (2008). Computer Crop Codes for Soil Samples ( http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/CropCodesWeb.htm).","[9] Bundessortenamt (2021). Beschreibende Sortenliste. Getreide, Mais, Öl- und Fasepflanzen, Leguminosen, Rüben, Zwischenfrüchte. Hannover.","[10] Hack, H; Bleiholder, H.; Buhr, L.; Meier, U.; Schnock-Fricke, U.; Weber, E.; Weber, E. (1992). Einheitliche Codierung der phaenologischen Entwicklungsstadien mono- und diktyler Planzen - Erweiterte BBCH-Skala, Allgemein. Narichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd 44: 265-270.","[11] JRC (2007, update 2013). \"INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119.\" from http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/documents/Metadata/INSPIRE_MD_IR_and_ISO_v1_2_20100616.pdf."]}],[{"l":"Data Archiving","p":["Research data which are replaced by new data and no longer actively used need to be stored permanently on separate storage devices with long durability. To enable long-term search and access to archived data standard digital archival systems should be used.","Overview of existing standards"]},{"i":"din-31644-2012-04-digital-archives","l":"DIN 31644:2012-04 - Digital Archives","p":["This standard describes criteria for trustworthy digital archives in general and pre-conditions for the establishment and operation of digital archives. The German standard contains information on archival packages, data identification (e.g. DOI), and descriptive, technical and structural metadata. Users of this standard are encouraged to work through the task list within its takeover project. For practical assistance, a control list is annexed.","The project nestor(=Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage of Digital Resources) provides an archiving seal based on DIN 31644."]},{"i":"iso-14721-2012-open-archival-information-system-oais","l":"ISO 14721:2012 - Open archival information system, OAIS","p":["Originally developed by NASA and other space companies, OAIS provides frameworks for archival concepts, long-term digital information preservation, terminologies and concepts for describing and comparing archive architectures."]},{"i":"iso-163632012---audit-and-certification-of-trustworthy-digital-repositories","l":"ISO 16363:2012 - Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories","p":["The ISO sets out comprehensive metrics for what an archive can be used based on OAIS. Primary Trustworthy Digital Repository Authorization Body (ISO-PTAB)."]},{"i":"iso-169192014-space-data-and-information-transfer-systems","l":"ISO 16919:2014 Space data and information transfer systems","p":["This standard specifies the requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of candidate trustworthy digital repositories."]}],[{"l":"Mentioned Standards","p":["ANSI/NISO Z.39.84-2005: Syntax for the Digital Object Identifier","ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012: The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set","ASTM E1910 / E 1910M - 15: Standard Test Method for Agricultural pH Control Agents, Measurement of pH Change and Buffering Capacity","DIN 11389:1988-04: Tractors and agricultural machinery - Combines - Definitions, Characteristics, Performance","DIN 1301-1:2010- Einheiten - Teil 1: Einheitennamen, Einheitenzeichen","DIN 1313:1998-12: Quantities","DIN 1319 1ff Fundamentals of Metrology (Parts 1-4)","DIN 1319-1:1995-01: Fundamentals of Metrology. Part 1: Basic Terminology","DIN 13303-1:1982-05: Stochastics; probability theory, common fundamental concepts of mathematical and of descriptive statistics; concepts, signs and symbols","DIN 13303-2:1982-11: Stochastics - mathematical statistics; concepts, signs and symbols.","DIN 18121-2:2012-02: Soil, investigation and testing – Water content – Part 2: Determination by rapid methods","DIN 18123:2011-04: Soil, investigation and testing – Determination of grain-size distribution","DIN 18128:2002-12: Soil - Investigation and testing - Determination of ignition loss","DIN 18916:2002-08: Vegetation technology in landscaping - Plants and plant care","DIN 18917:2002-08: Vegetation technology in landscaping — Turf and seeding","DIN 19745:2006-10: Soil quality – Principles of the determination of the water content by Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and Time Domain Transmissometry (TDT)","DIN 19746:2005-06: Soil quality - Determination of mineral nitrogen (nitrat and ammonium) in soil profiles (Nmin laboratory method)","DIN 19747:2009-07: Investigation of solids – Pre-treatment, preparation and processing of samples for chemical, biological and physical investigations","DIN 31644:2012-04: Information and documentation – Criteria for trustworthy digital archives","DIN 32645:2008-11: Chemical analysis – Decision limit, detection limit and determination limit under repeatability conditions – Terms, methods, evaluation","DIN 32646:2003-12: Chemical analysis - Limit of detection and limit of determination (quantitation) as processing parameters - Estimation in an interlaboratory test under reproducibility conditions; Terms, meaning, proceeding","DIN 38402-1:2011-09: German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge – General information","DIN 4220:2008-11: Bodenkundliche Standortbeurteilung - Kennzeichnung, Klassifizierung und Ableitung von Bodenkennwerten","DIN 53804-1:2002-04: Statistical evaluation - Part 1: Continuous characteristics","DIN 66115:1983-02: Particle size analysis - Sedimentation analysis in the gravitational field - pipette method","DIN 66270:1998: Information technology — Software document evaluation — Quality characteristics","DIN 70020-5:1986-12: Automotive engineering - tyres and wheels - concepts and measuring conditions","DIN 7807:1995-02: Agricultural drive wheel tractor tyres in radial construction - Service description (load index - speed symbol) marked tyres","DIN 8113:2009-02: Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles","DIN EN 25663:1993 Water quality - Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen - Method after mineralization with selenium","DIN EN ISO 3166-1_2014-10.pdf","DIN ISO 11843-1:2004 Capability of detection - Terms and definitions","DIN SPEC 35810:2014-11: Stakeholder Engagement - Guidelines for decision making processes dealing with climate change","EN 12526:1998: Castors and wheels – Vocabulary, recommended symbols and multilingual dictionary","EN 12527:1998: Castors and wheels — Test methods and apparatus","EN 15934:2012: Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste – Calculation of dry matter fraction after determination of dry residue or water content","EN 15936:2012: Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste – Determination of total organic carbon (TOC) by dry combustion","EN 16760:2015: Bio-based products – Life Cycle Assessment","EN 709:1997: Agricultural and forestry machinery – Pedestrian controlled tractors with mounted rotary cultivators, motor hoes, motor hoes with drive wheel(s) – Safety;","EN ISO 10012:2003: Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment","EN ISO 14001:2015: Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use","EN ISO 14021:2016: Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)","EN ISO 14031:2013: Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines","EN ISO 14044:2006: Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines","EN ISO 14045:2012: Environmental management – Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems – Principles, requirements and guidelines","EN ISO 19101-1:2014: Geographic information – Reference model - Part 1: Fundamentals","EN ISO 19105:2005: Geographic information – Conformance and testing","EN ISO 19106:2006: Geographic information – Profiles","EN ISO 19107:2005: Geographic information – Spatial schema","EN ISO 19108:2005: Geographic information - Temporal schema","EN ISO 19111-2:2012: Geographic information – Spatial referencing by coordinates – Part 2: Extension for parametric values","EN ISO 19111:2007: Geographic information – Spatial referencing by coordinates","EN ISO 19112:2005: Geographic information – Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers","EN ISO 19115-1:2014: Geographic information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals","EN ISO 19115-2:2010: Geographic information – Metadata – Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data","EN ISO 19116:2006: Geographic information – Positioning services","EN ISO 19118:2011: Geographic information – Encoding","EN ISO 19119:2016: Geographic information – Services","EN ISO 19123:2007: Geographic information – Schema for coverage geometry and functions","EN ISO 19125-2:2006: Geographic information – Simple feature access – Part 2: SQL option.","EN ISO 19128:2008: Geographic information – Web map server interface","EN ISO 19131:2008: Geographic information – Data product specifications","EN ISO 19133:2007: Geographic information – Location-based services – Tracking and navigation.","EN ISO 19135:2015: Geographic information – Procedures for item registration","EN ISO 19136:2009: Geographic information – Geography Markup Language (GML)","EN ISO 19142:2010: Geographic information – Web Feature Service","EN ISO 19143:2012: Geographic information – Filter encoding","EN ISO 19156:2013: Geographic information – Observations and measurements","EN ISO 19157:2013: Geographic information – Data quality","EN ISO 50001:2011: Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use","EN ISO 520:2010: Cereals and pulses – Determination of the mass of 1 000 grains","EN ISO 6709:2009: Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates","EN ISO 80000-1:2013: Quantities and units – Part 1: General","EN ISO 9000:2015: Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary","EN ISO 9001:2015: Quality management systems – Requirements","EN ISO 9004:2009: Managing for the sustained success of an organization – A quality management approach","ISO 10005:2005: Quality management systems – Guidelines for quality plans","ISO 10006:2003: Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality management in projects","ISO 10007:2003: Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration management (ISO 10007:2003)","ISO 10012:2003: Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment","ISO 10381: Soil quality - Sampling (Part 1-6)","ISO 10390:2005- Soil quality - Determination of pH","ISO 10693:1995: Soil quality – Determination of carbonate content – Volumetric method","ISO 11063:2012: Soil quality – Method to directly extract DNA from soil samples","ISO 11074:2015: Soil quality – Vocabulary","ISO 11260:1994: Soil quality – Determination of effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation level using barium chloride solution.","ISO 11261:1995: Soil quality - Determination of total nitrogen - Modified Kjeldahl method","ISO 11272:1998: Soil quality – Determination of dry bulk density","ISO 11274:1998: Soil quality – Determination of the water-retention characteristic – Laboratory methods","ISO 11276:1995: Soil quality – Determination of pore water pressure –Tensiometer method","ISO 11277:1998: Soil quality – Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material – Method by sieving and sedimentation","ISO 11461:2001: Soil quality – Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction using coring sleeves – Gravimetric method","ISO 11466_1995: Soil quality - Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia","ISO 11783-1:2007: Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Serial control and communications data network - Part 1: General standard for mobile data communication","ISO 11786:1995: Agricultural tractors and machinery - Tractor-mounted sensor interface - Specifications","ISO 12782-1:2012: Soil quality - Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 1: Extraction of amorphous iron oxides and hydroxides with ascorbic acid","ISO 12782-2:2012: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 2: Extraction of crystalline iron oxides and hydroxides with dithionite","ISO 12782-3:2012: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 3: Extraction of aluminium oxides and hydroxides with ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid","ISO 12782-4:2012-09: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 4: Extraction of humic substances from solid samples","ISO 12782-5:2012: Soil quality – Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials – Part 5: Extraction of humic substances from aqueous samples","ISO 13065:2015: Sustainability criteria for bioenergy","ISO 13878:1998: Soil quality -- Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion (\"elemental analysis\")","ISO 14001:2015: Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use","ISO 14021:2016: Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)","ISO 14031:2013: Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines","ISO 14040:2006: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework.","ISO 14044:2006: Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines","ISO 14045:2012: Environmental management – Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems – Principles, requirements and guidelines","ISO 14063:2006: Environmental management – Environmental communication – Guidelines and examples","ISO 14240-2_2011: Soil quality – Determination of soil microbial biomass – Part 2: Fumigation-extraction method.","ISO 14269-1:1997: Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry - Operator enclosure environment - Part 1: Vocabulary","ISO 14688: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Identification and classification of soil (1-3)","ISO 14721:2012: Space data and information transfer systems - Open archival information system (OAIS) - Reference model","ISO 15178:2000: Soil quality—Determination of total sulfur by dry combustion","ISO 15685:2012: Soil quality – Determination of potential nitrification and inhibition of nitrification – Rapid test by ammonium oxidation","ISO 15709:2002: Soil quality – Soil water and the unsaturated zone – Definitions, symbols and theory","ISO 15903:2002 (E): Soil quality— Format for recording soil and site information","ISO 16231:2013: Self-propelled agricultural machinery – Assessment of stability (Part 1-2)","ISO 16269series: Statistical interpretation of data","ISO 17628:2015: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Geothermal testing – Determination of thermal conductivity of soil and rock using a borehole heat exchanger","ISO 17892-2:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 2: Determination of bulk density.","ISO 17892-3:2015: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 3: Determination of particle density","ISO 17892-4:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 4: Determination of particle size distribution","ISO 17892-5:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 5: Incremental loading oedometer test","ISO 17892-6:2014: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Laboratory testing of soil – Part 6: Fall cone test","ISO 17962:2015: Agricultural machinery – Equipment for sowing – Minimization of the environmental effects of fan exhaust from pneumatic systems","ISO 19103:2015(E): Geographic information — Conceptual schema language","ISO 19115-2:2009: Geographic information – Metadata – Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data","ISO 19157:2013: Geographic information – Data quality","ISO 2057:1981: Agricultural tractors Remote control hydraulic cylinders for trailed implements","ISO 20988_2007: Air quality – Guidelines for estimating measurement uncertainty","ISO 22475-1:2006: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Sampling methods and groundwater measurements – Part 1: Technical principles for execution","ISO 22476-2:2005: Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing – Part 2: Dynamic probing","ISO 2332:2009: Agricultural tractors and machinery - Connection of implements via three-point linkage - Clearance zone around implement","ISO 23611: Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates (Parts 1-6)","ISO 25177:2008: Soil quality – Field soil description","ISO 26000:2010: Guidance on social responsibility","ISO 26322-1:2008: Tractors for agriculture and forestry - Safety - Part 1: Standard tractors","ISO 28258:2013: Soil quality – Digital exchange of soil-related data","ISO 3534-1:2006: Statistics – Vocabulary and symbols – Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability","ISO 3534-2:2006: Statistics – Vocabulary and symbols – Part 2: Applied statistics","ISO 3600:2015: Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - Operator’s manuals - Content and format.","ISO 4002: Equipment for sowing and planting (Parts 1-2)","ISO 4004:1983: Agricultural tractors and machinery - Track widths","ISO 4197:1989: Equipment for working the soil - Hoe blades - Fixing dimensions","ISO 4226:2007: Air quality – General aspects – Units of measurement","ISO 4254: Agricultural machinery –Safety (Parts 1-12)","ISO 500-1:2014: Agricultural tractors - Rear-mounted power take-off types 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Part 1: General specifications, safety requirements, dimensions for master shield and clearance zone","ISO 520:2010: Cereals and pulses – Determination of the mass of 1 000 grains","ISO 5527:2015: Cereals – Vocabulary","ISO 5663:1984: Water quality - Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen - Method after mineralization with selenium","ISO 5678:1993: Agricultural machinery; equipment for working the soil; S-tines: main dimensions and clearance zones","ISO 5679:1979: Equipment for working soil - Disks -Classification - Main fixing dimensions and specifications","ISO 5680:1979: Equipment for working soil - Tines and shovels for cultivators - Main fixing dimensions","ISO 6107-1:2004- Water quality – Vocabulary","ISO 6689-1:1997: Equipment for harvesting - Combines and functional components - Part 1: Vocabulary","ISO 6880:1983: Machinery for agriculture; Trailed units of shallow tillage equipment; Main dimensions and attachment points","ISO 7168-1:1999: Air quality – Exchange of data – Part 1: General data format","ISO 7256:1984: Sowing equipment - Test methods (Part 1 - 2)","ISO 8524:1986: Equipment for distributing granulated pesticides or herbicides -Test method","ISO 8601:2004: Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times","ISO 8909-1:1994: Forage harvesters - Part 1: Vocabulary","ISO 8910:1993: Machinery and equipment for working the soil - Mouldboard plough working elements- Vocabulary","ISO 8945:1989: Equipment for working the soil - Rotary cultivator blades - Fixing dimensions","ISO 8947:1993: Agricultural machinery - equipment for working the soil - S-tines - test method","ISO 9000:2015: Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary","ISO 9001:2015: Quality management systems – Requirements","ISO 9004:2009: Managing for the sustained success of an organization – A quality management approach","ISO 9169:2006: Air quality –Definition and determination of performance characteristics of an automatic measuring system","ISO/DIS 18400:2015 Soil quaility - Sampling","ISO/DIS 19109:2013: Geographic information – Rules for application schema","ISO/DIS 19110:2013: Geographic information – Methodology for feature cataloguing","ISO/DIS 19119:2015: Geographic information – Services","ISO/DIS 5681:2014: Equipment for crop protection - Vocabulary","ISO/IEC 10646:2014: Information technology - Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)","ISO/IEC 11404:2007: Information technology — GeneralPurpose Datatypes (GPD)","ISO/IEC 13250-2:2006: Information technology - Topic Maps - Part 2: Data model","ISO/IEC 17025:2005: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories","ISO/IEC 19501:2005: Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2","ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1","ISO/TR 14047:2012: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations","ISO/TR 19120:2001: Geographic information - Functional standards","ISO/TR 19121:2000: Geographic information - Imagery and gridded data","ISO/TS 19139:2007: Geographic information - Metadata -XML schema implementation","VDI 3786: Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements (Parts 1-4)","VDI 3957:2014: Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants on plants (biomonitoring) - Fundamentals and aims","VDI 4070-1:2016-02: Sustainable management in small and medium-sized enterprises - Guidance notes for sustainable management","VDI 4605:2016-02- Evaluation of sustainability","VDI 4800-1:2016-01: Resource efficiency - Methodological principles and strategies","VDI 4800-2:2016-03: Resource efficiency -Evaluation of the use of raw materials.","VDI 6101:2014-07: Machine operation with regard to the trafficability of soils used for agriculture"]}],[{"l":"Thesauri and Ontologies","p":["The use of controlled vocabularies with standardized, generally accepted and clearly assigned identifiers, definitions and semantics are necessary for smooth data integration and to allow human- and machine readable exchange, query and reproduction of information. Semantic data annotation by controlled vocabularies is precondition to provide interoperability of data repositories. Standardizes ontologies enable integration of data and information to the Semantic Web.","To link data and ensure its reusability it is important that thesauri are published online, using an open license and endowed with an URI ( W3C, Best Practices for Publish Linked Data, 2014). General information for development and operate thesauri are described in ISO 25964 - Information and documentation – Thesauri & interoperability with other vocabularies, that is published in two parts:","1:2011 Thesauri for information retrieval This is part one of an international standard for thesauri, that is published in two parts. It provides recommendations for the development and maintenance of thesauri intended for information retrieval applications. It is applicable to vocabularies about all types of information resources including knowledge bases and portals, bibliographic databases, text, etc. It provides a data model and recommended format for the import and export of thesaurus data and can be applied for monolingual and multilingual thesauri. Based on the data model it includes also an XML schema for data exchange.","2:2013 Interoperability with other vocabularies Provides guidelines for high quality information retrieval across networked resources that have been indexed with different vocabularies or Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS). It helps to set up mappings between different concepts(classification schema, taxonomies, subject heading schemas, ontologies, name authority lists, terminologies and synonym rings)."]},{"l":"Overview of controlled vocabularies in agricultural and environmental science"},{"l":"AGROVOC","p":["Is a multilingual vocabulary developed by the FAO. It defines and relates more than 36,000 concepts in 33 languages. The thesaurus is updated on a monthly basis. It is published as an RDF/SKOS-XL concept schema and accessible as Linked Data via SPARQL-endpoint. The thesaurus is aligned with 16 vocabularies as related to agriculture. Editing is possible for registered users through the web-based editing tool VocBench 3. AGROVOC is released under the license CC-BY IGO 3.0 and published by the web-based SKOS browser “Skosmos”. The JAVA Command Line application “AgroTagger” assigns and index semantic terms to textual content and as a keyword extractor from a set of web URLs. It allows to index web documents identifying main topics and creating RDF triples that link a Web URL to AGROVOC URIs."]},{"l":"GEMET"},{"i":"general-multilingual-environmental-thesaurus","l":"(General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus)","p":["This thesaurus was developed by the European Environmental Information and Observation Network (EIONET). It summarizes different structured vocabularies and aims to define a common terminology for environmental terms in the European context. It is available in more than 27 languages and consists of more than 6000 records. At least one GEMET keyword is required to be conform to the INSPIRE metadata schema for geospatial data (ISO 19115, ISO 19119, ISO 19139)."]},{"l":"AgrO","p":["The Agronomy Ontology (AgrO) is develoed by CGIAR and describes agronomic practices, techniques and variables used in agronomic experiments. AgrO use traits, ICASA variables, and other existing ontologies. In March 2019 it was in the alpha phase and nit released officially."]},{"l":"BCO","p":["The application ontology Biological Collections Ontology (BCO) includes semantics relations on biodiversity, museum collections, environmental samples, and ecological surveys."]},{"l":"CAB Thesaurus","p":["This open access, multi-lingual thesaurus is operated by CAB International (CABI) science-based organization and includes almost 3 million terms in world’s science and technical fields. It includes some 250,000 plant, animal and microorganism names."]},{"l":"Crop Ontology","p":["This ontology includes a large database with ontologies of crops and crop-related terms, structured in the categories phenotype, breeding, germplasm and trait. Terms are defined by a unique combination of trait, method used and scale. It is open access and open to improve by the crop community."]},{"l":"EUROVOC","p":["This multilingual thesaurus maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union for indexing of documents of European institutions. It is available in 24 languages."]},{"l":"GCMD"},{"l":"Global Change Master Directory","p":["This directory was developed by NASA and can be implemented as thesaurus into a database. Keywords are provided in different scientific disciplines such as agriculture, atmosphere and hydrology."]},{"i":"iso-11074-2015","l":"ISO 11074:2015"},{"i":"soil-quality-vocabulary","l":"Soil quality, Vocabulary","p":["This standard summarizes all relevant terms of soil science in a glossary and is available in a trilingual edition. It defines a list of terms used in the preparation of other standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings: general terms, description of soil, sampling and assessment of soils, remediation, and soil ecotoxicology."]},{"l":"NAL"},{"l":"National Agricultural Library","p":["The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) produced this agricultural vocabulary. It contains more than 135,000 terms, is updated annually, bilingual (English, Spanish), and available as Linked Open Data. Provided download formats are XML, RDF- OLS. It is mainly used for indexing and for improving retrieval of agricultural information."]},{"l":"NCBI Taxon","p":["The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides an extensive list of field crops including codes"]},{"i":"ontology-of-units-of-measure-and-related-concepts-om-version-2-0","l":"Ontology of Units of Measure and Related Concepts (OM), Version 2.0","p":["This ontology models concepts and relations for units, quantities, measurements and dimensions including conversion factors. It was developed by the Wageningen University and modelled in OWL 2."]},{"l":"QUDT"},{"i":"quantities-units-dimensions-and-data-types-ontologies","l":"Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types Ontologies","p":["This ontology is under development by the NASA and provides first unified model of quantities, dimensions, units, and conversion factors. Each unit has its own URI and can thus be used as unique unit-identifier for data-sets."]},{"i":"units-ontology-uo","l":"Units Ontology (UO)"},{"l":"AnaEE Thesaurus"},{"l":"EngMath","p":["This ontology was developed for mathematical modeling and is mostly used by engineers."]},{"l":"EPPO Plant Protection Thesaurus","p":["This European thesaurus includes pest-specific information, names (multi-lingual) and codes for plants, animals and microorganisms."]},{"l":"GACS","p":["The GACS project developed this semantic concept scheme which integrates three important agricultural thesauri: AGROVOC, CAB and NAL thesauri. GACS was planned to be a hub for all concepts and shared value lists related to agriculture. In November 2019 the participants agreed that GACS URIs should not be promoted for use since GACS is not actively being maintained. Data is from 2016 and will not be actively maintained in the future."]},{"l":"LandVoc","p":["This vocabulary was created by Land Portal organization and includes a set of 270 concept about land governance. LandVoc is mainly derived from AGROVOC but links together other vocabularies."]},{"l":"PROV-O","p":["This W3C ontology provides a set of classes, properties, and restrictions that can be used to represent and interchange provenance information generated in different systems and under different contexts. It can also be specialized to create new classes and properties to model provenance information for different applications and domains."]},{"l":"Semantic Sensor Network Ontology","p":["This ontology was developed by the W3C Semantic Sensor Networks Incubator Group and describes sensors, observations, and related concepts [1]. It provides numerous suggestions on the management of sensor data including metadata of sensor description (e.g. accuracy, detection limit)."]},{"i":"overview-of-vocabulary-portals-look-up-services-registries-visualization-and-gazetteers","l":"Overview of vocabulary portals, look-up services, registries, visualization, and gazetteers"},{"l":"AgroPortal","p":["The web portal provides access to agricultural ontologies and thesauri. Via a search field terms can be entered and concepts of more than 100 agricultural vocabularies. Registered user can provide new ontologies to this web service."]},{"l":"GODAN"},{"l":"Agrisemantics Map of Data Standards","p":["This portal provides a global overview of existing vocabularies for the exchange of agricultural data. It is grouped in 14 main categories, such as “Natural Resources, Earth and Environment”."]},{"l":"GeoNames","p":["This geographical database contains more than 11 million names of places."]},{"l":"Ontobee","p":["This ontology register includes some 200 ontologies from natural science, including agriculture. It presents ontology term URIs to HTML web pages (user-friendly web browsing) and to RDF source codes for Semantic Web applications."]},{"i":"ontology-lookup-service-ols","l":"Ontology Lookup Service (OLS)","p":["OLS is a web service interface which allows queries from a register with more than 200 ontologies. The lookup service includes more than 5 million terms. Results link to single ontologies, concepts and output formats."]},{"l":"Open Tree of Life","p":["Was funded by the NSF, describes and visualizes the biological taxonomic classification system and can be used to allocate taxonomic species names and classes."]},{"l":"Planteome","p":["The project provides a platform to search and browse plant species, plant traits, phenotypes and gene expressions from different information systems."]},{"i":"overview-of-tools-specifications-initiatives-data-models-and-ontology-languages","l":"Overview of tools, specifications, initiatives, data models and ontology languages"},{"l":"SKOS"},{"l":"Simple Knowledge Organization System","p":["SKOS is a W3C recommendation for the representation of thesauri, classification etc. or any other controlled vocabulary. It gives guidelines to facilitate publication and use of vocabularies as Linked Data. SKOS is part of the Semantic Web standards built upon RDF and RDFS. SKOS was formal released in 2009 by W3C as a new standard that connects different KOS and the linked data community. It defines classes and properties to present common features of a standard thesaurus."]},{"l":"RDF"},{"l":"Resource Description Framework","p":["RDF is a family of W3C specifications that is applied as a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources. Via an Application Programming Interface (e.g. RDF API) a standardized interface can be implemented e.g. in within web-based data portals."]},{"i":"iso-iec-13250-2-2006","l":"ISO/IEC 13250-2:2006"},{"i":"information-technology--topic-maps","l":"Information technology – Topic Maps","p":["This standard regulates the representation and interchange of knowledge, especially for information retrieval. Topic Maps enable the linkage of multiple indexes from different sources. The standard defines the abstract structure and interpretation of Topic Maps, rules for merging them and a set of fundamental subject identifiers. The purpose of the data model is to define the interpretation of the Topic Maps interchange syntax, and to serve as a foundation for the definition of supporting standards for canonicalization, querying, constraints, etc."]},{"i":"owl-web-ontology-language","l":"OWL (Web Ontology Language)","p":["Ontology language developed (and updated to OWL 2) by the W3C. It meets the requirements of the Semantic Web. Ontologies which were written in OWL 2 (e.g. OM) can be used and exchanged as RDF documents. Relations between agricultural terms, a set of 179 custom relations is provided by e.g. Agrontology(as used in AGROVOC)."]},{"l":"VocBench","p":["Is an open source, web-based multilingual vocabulary editing and workflow tool. It was originally developed and released by the FAO and the Artificial Intelligence Research Group of the University of Rome Tor Vergata to manage AGROVOC, but now hosts a still expanding set of vocabularies."]},{"i":"data-catalog-vocabulary-dcat","l":"Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)","p":["This RDF specification was designed by W3C to facilitate the interoperability between and search across different data catalogues. DCAT does not make any assumptions about the format of the datasets described in a catalogue. It incorporates terms from other vocabularies with stable term with appropriate meanings (e.g., foaf:homepage or dct:title)."]},{"l":"RDFS"},{"l":"Resource Description Framework Schema","p":["This RDF schema can be used for sematic data models and was published by the W3C (1998). It includes several classes with certain properties using the RDF extensible representation data model, providing basic elements for the description of ontologies."]},{"i":"schemaorg","l":"schema.org","p":["Is a collaborative activity founded by technology companies (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft), to develop a standardized ontology to structure web data, based on existing markup languages. It provides a standardized schema for structured data on the internet and defines entities and relationships to be used to describe data sets or web pages. It is used to structure data in the research data search tool “Google Dataset Search”."]},{"l":"Use cases for applied thesauri in databases"},{"l":"AGRIS"},{"i":"international-system-for-agricultural-science-and-technology","l":"(International System for Agricultural Science and Technology)","p":["Is a global public domain database published by the FAO with more than 8 million records on agricultural science and technology. The AGRIS Search system allows scientists, researchers and students to perform sophisticated searches using keywords from the AGROVOC thesaurus, specific journal titles or names of countries, institutions, and authors. The AGRIS is a RDF-aware system and AGRIS database is exposed as RDF."]},{"l":"Conflicts and solutions","p":["The AGROVOC thesaurus is widely accepted and appreciated within the agricultural science community. However, soil terms and concepts are often missing or inadequately described or assigned. Terms and concepts are permanently edited and improved by the experts (AGROVOC Editors) using the editing tool VocBench3.","[1] Group, W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator (2009). Semantic Sensor Network Ontology ( http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn)."]}],[{"l":"Credits","p":["This online version of the Standards Report was implemented and designed by Josua Kaden, HU Berlin.","Used Software:","PyCharm 2022.2.3 (Community Edition) VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.","and ReType"]}],[{"l":"Markdown example","p":["You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.","Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files."]},{"l":"Markdown","p":["Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for","For more details see Basic writing and formatting syntax."]},{"l":"Jekyll Themes","p":["Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file."]},{"l":"Support or Contact","p":["Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out."]}]]
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