diff --git a/site/layouts/partials/tree.html b/site/layouts/partials/tree.html
index 6c00cd7c7..7da47501f 100644
--- a/site/layouts/partials/tree.html
+++ b/site/layouts/partials/tree.html
@@ -1,61 +1,81 @@
-{{ define "treemenu" }}
- {{ $nextDepth := add .depth 1 }}
- {{- $activeLink := $.root.Permalink }}
- {{- $className := "" }}
- {{- $deprecated := true }}
- {{- with $.root.Site.GetPage .url }}
- {{- if not .Params.deprecated }}
- {{- $deprecated = false }}
- {{- $branchLink := .Permalink }}
- {{- if in $activeLink $branchLink }}
- {{- $className = "tree-branch-active" -}}
- {{ end }}
- {{- if eq $activeLink $branchLink }}
- {{- $className = "tree-active tree-branch-active" -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{ .Title }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if not $deprecated }}
- {{- end }}
-{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
+{{ define "treemenu" }}
+ {{ $nextDepth := add .depth 1 }}
+ {{ $activeLink := $.root.Permalink }}
+ {{ $className := "" }}
+ {{ $deprecated := true }}
+ {{ with $.root.Site.GetPage .url }}
+ {{ if not .Params.deprecated }}
+ {{ $deprecated = false }}
+ {{ $branchLink := .Permalink }}
+ {{ if in $activeLink $branchLink }}
+ {{ $className = "tree-branch-active" }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ if eq $activeLink $branchLink }}
+ {{ $className = "tree-active tree-branch-active" }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ .Title }}
+ {{ if lt $.depth 3 }}
+ {{ range (readDir $.path) }}
+ {{ if not (in .Name "image" | or (eq .Name "_index.md")) }}
+ {{ $fullPath := printf "%s/%s" $.path .Name }}
+ {{ $fullUrl := replace $fullPath "/content" "" }}
+ {{ $fullUrl = replace $fullUrl ".md" "" }}
+ {{ $stat := os.Stat $fullPath }}
+ {{ if $stat.IsDir }}
+ {{ template "treemenu" dict "path" $fullPath "url" $fullUrl "root" $.root "depth" $nextDepth }}
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ with $.root.Site.GetPage $fullUrl }}
+ {{ $link := printf "%s" .Permalink }}
+ -
+ {{ .Title }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file