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Graal Changelog

This changelog summarizes major changes between Graal versions relevant to developers building technology on top of Graal. The main focus is on APIs exported by Graal but other significant performance/stability changes are mentioned as well.


  • CompileTheWorld now includes class initializers.
  • Rename DebugMetric to DebugCounter.
  • Rename -G:Meter option to -G:Count.
  • Add new debug feature DebugMethodMetric to collect metrics per compilation

Version 0.12

  • Added initial code for AArch64 port.
  • Moved @ServiceProvider mechanism from JVMCI to Graal.

Version 0.11

23-Dec-2015, Repository Revision

  • Moved support for command line options from JVMCI to Graal.
  • Made invocation plugin initialization lazy: plugins for a class are initialized first time compiler parses a method in the class.
  • Removed method handle special case logic for 8u60 and later.
  • Generate graph builder plugins for @NodeIntrinsic and @Fold methods instead of using reflection.
  • Converted LoadHubNode into normal FloatingNode from FloatingGuardedNode.
  • Enabled CRC32 intrinsics on SPARC.
  • Added log methods to Debug with 9 and 10 arguments.

Version 0.10

17-Nov-2015, Repository Revision

  • Added experimental Trace Register Allocator.
  • All JVMCI (and HotSpot) code has been moved into a separate repository.
  • JVMCI code is now in* name space.
  • Graal now passes the gate on top of a JVMCI enabled JDK9 binary.
  • Separate Graal compiler can be specified for Truffle compilation with new -G:TruffleCompiler option.
  • Initialization of the Truffle compiler is delayed until first Truffle compilation request.

Version 0.8

15-Jul-2015, Repository Revision


  • Add support for constructing low-level IR in SSA form (default behavior).
  • Add support for SSA linear scan register allocation (default behavior).
  • Remove dummy parameter includeAbstract from ResolvedJavaType#resolveMethod(); The behavior is now the includeAbstract==true case. The includeAbstract==false variant is available via resolveConcreteMethod().
  • HotSpot modifications have been renamed to JVMCI in preparation for JEP 243. As a result HotSpot options containing "Graal" have been changed to "JVMCI" (e.g., -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI).
  • All the APIs used to interface with the VM (api.meta, api.code etc.) have been moved to jdk.internal.jvmci packages (e.g., jdk.internal.jvmci.meta).
  • Fast JVMCI services do not need to implement an interface anymore, implementations simply need to be annotated with jdk.internal.jvmci.service.ServiceProvider.


Version 0.7

29-Apr-2015, Repository Revision


  • By default the Graal code is now only compiled by C1 which should improve application start-up.
  • Merged with jdk8u40-b25.
  • The Graal class loader now loads all lib/graal/graal*.jar jars.
  • Fast Graal services (see are now looked up using service files in lib/graal/services.
  • Add utilities ModifiersProvider#isConcrete, ResolvedJavaMethod#hasBytecodes, ResolvedJavaMethod#hasReceiver to Graal API.
  • Add GraalDirectives API, containing methods to influence compiler behavior for unittests and microbenchmarks.
  • Introduce LIRSuites, an extensible configuration for the low-level compiler pipeline.


  • New, faster partial evaluation (no more TruffleCache).
  • If a method is annotated with @ExplodeLoop and contains a loop that can not be exploded, partial evaluation will fail.
  • Truffle background compilation is now multi-threaded.
  • Experimental merge=true flag for @ExplodeLoop allows building bytecode-based interpreters (see BytecodeInterpreterPartialEvaluationTest).
  • Added Node#deepCopy as primary method to copy ASTs.
  • Disable inlining across Truffle boundary by default. New option TruffleInlineAcrossTruffleBoundary default false.
  • Node.replace(Node) now guards against non-assignable replacement, and Node.isReplacementSafe(Node) checks in advance.
  • Instrumentation: AST "probing" is now safe and implemented by Node.probe(); language implementors need only implement Node.isInstrumentable() and Node.createWrapperNode().
  • Instrumentation: A new framework defines a category of simple "instrumentation tools" that can be created, configured, and installed, after which they autonomously collect execution data of some kind.
  • Instrumentation: A new example "instrumentation tool" is a language-agnostic collector of code coverage information (CoverageTracker); there are two other examples.
  • Removed unsafe compiler directives; use sun.misc.Unsafe instead.
  • Removed Node#onAdopt().


  • Implemented a new generated code layout that reduces the code size.
  • Changed all methods enclosed in a @TypeSystem must now be static.
  • Changed all methods enclosed in generated type system classes are now static.
  • Deprecated the type system constant used in the generated type system classes.
  • Changed NodeFactory implementations are no longer generated by default. Use {Node}Gen#create instead of {Node}Factory#create to create new instances of nodes.
  • Added @GenerateNodeFactory to generate NodeFactory implementations for this node and its subclasses.
  • Deprecated @NodeAssumptions for removal in the next release.
  • Deprecated experimental @Implies for removal in the next release.
  • Added new package c.o.t.api.dsl.examples to the c.o.t.api.dsl project containing documented and debug-able Truffle-DSL use cases.
  • Changed "typed execute methods" are no longer required for use as specialization return type or parameter. It is now sufficient to declare them in the @TypeSystem.
  • Added @Cached annotation to express specialization local state.
  • Added Specialization#limit to declare a limit expression for the maximum number of specialization instantiations.
  • Changed syntax and semantics of Specialization#assumptions and Specialization#guards. They now use a Java like expression syntax.
  • Changed guard expressions that do not bind any dynamic parameter are invoked just once per specialization instantiation. They are now asserted to be true on the fast path.
  • Renamed @ImportGuards to @ImportStatic.
  • Changed declaring a @TypeSystemReference for a node that contains specializations is not mandatory anymore.
  • Changed types used in specializations are not restricted on types declared in the type system anymore.
  • Changed nodes that declare all execute methods with the same number of evaluated arguments as specialization arguments do not require @NodeChild annotations anymore.
  • Changed types used in checks and casts are not mandatory to be declared in the type system.

Version 0.6

19-Dec-2014, Repository Revision


  • Merged with jdk8u25-b17.
  • Added interface for future support of remote and replay compilation.
  • Changed name suite specification from mx/ to mx/
  • Changed semantics (and signature) of ResolvedJavaType#resolveMethod() (old behavior available via resolveConcreteMethod()).
  • Moved ResolvedJavaField#read[Constant]Value and getMethodHandleAccess() to ConstantReflectionProvider.


  • Instrumentation: add Instrumentable API for language implementors, with most details automated (see package
  • The BranchProfile constructor is now private. Use BranchProfile#create() instead.
  • Renamed @CompilerDirectives.SlowPath to @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary
  • Renamed RootNode#isSplittable to RootNode#isCloningAllowed
  • Removed RootNode#split. Cloning ASTs for splitting is now an implementation detail of the Truffle runtime implementation.
  • Renamed DirectCallNode#isSplittable to DirectCallNode#isCallTargetCloningAllowed
  • Renamed DirectCallNode#split to DirectCallNode#cloneCallTarget
  • Renamed DirectCallNode#isSplit to DirectCallNode#isCallTargetCloned
  • Added PrimitiveValueProfile.
  • Added -G:TruffleTimeThreshold=5000 option to defer compilation for call targets
  • Added RootNode#getExecutionContext to identify nodes with languages
  • Removed FrameTypeConversion interface and changed the corresponding FrameDescriptor constructor to have a default value parameter instead.
  • Removed CompilerDirectives.unsafeFrameCast (equivalent to a (MaterializedFrame) cast).
  • Added TruffleRuntime#getCapability API method.
  • Added NodeInterface and allowed child field to be declared with interfaces that extend it.
  • Added CompilerOptions and allowed it to be set for ExecutionContext and RootNode.
  • Added experimental object API (see new project

Version 0.5

23-Sep-2014, Repository Revision


  • New register allocator optimization: -G:+ConstantLoadOptimization.
  • SPARC backend is able to run benchmark and passing most of the JTTs.
  • Fix: Stamp: interface types can not be trusted except after explicit runtime checks.
  • Changed format of suite specification from a properties file (mx/projects) to a Python file (mx/


  • Added TruffleRuntime#getCallTargets() to get all call targets that were created and are still referenced.
  • Added NeverValidAssumption to complement AlwaysValidAssumption.
  • Fixed a bug in AssumedValue that may not invalidate correctly.
  • New option, -G:+/-TruffleCompilationExceptionsAreThrown, that will throw an OptimizationFailedException for compiler errors.

Version 0.4

19-Aug-2014, Repository Revision


  • Made initialization of Graal runtime lazy in hosted mode.
  • Added supported for new jrelibrary dependency type in mx/projects.
  • Java projects with compliance level higher than the JDKs specified by JAVA_HOME and EXTRA_JAVA_HOMES are ignored once mx/projects has been processed.
  • ResolvedJavaType.resolveMethod now takes a context type used to perform access checks. It now works correctly regarding default methods.
  • Removed Java based compilation queue (
  • Enabled use of separate class loader (via -XX:+UseGraalClassLoader) for classes loaded from graal.jar to hide them from application classes.


  • Change API for stack walking to a visitor: TruffleRuntime#iterateFrames replaces TruffleRuntime#getStackTrace
  • New flag -G:+TraceTruffleCompilationCallTree to print the tree of inlined calls before compilation.
  • truffle.jar: strip out build-time only dependency into a seperated JAR file (truffle-dsl-processor.jar)
  • New flag -G:+TraceTruffleCompilationAST to print the AST before compilation.
  • New experimental TypedObject interface added.
  • Renamed flag -G:+TruffleSplittingEnabled to -G:+TruffleSplitting
  • New flag -G:+TruffleSplittingNew to enable the experimental splitting mode based on function arguments.
  • New flag -G:+TruffleSplittingTypedInstanceStamps to enable splitting for TypedObject instances.
  • New flag -G:+TruffleSplittingClassInstanceStamps to enable splitting for Java object instances except TypedObject.
  • New flag -G:TruffleSplittingStartCallCount=3 which sets the number of minimal calls until splitting is performed.
  • New flag -G:-TruffleSplittingAggressive if enabled splits every function call.
  • Added isVisited method for BranchProfile.
  • Added new ConditionProfile, BinaryConditionProfile and CountingConditionProfile utility classes to profile if conditions.

Version 0.3

9-May-2014, Repository Revision


  • Explicit support for oop compression/uncompression in high level graph.
  • LIRGenerator refactoring.
  • Explicit types for inputs (InputType enum).
  • Added graal.version system property to Graal enabled VM builds.
  • Transitioned to JDK 8 as minimum JDK level for Graal.
  • Added support for stack introspection.
  • New MatchRule facility to convert multiple HIR nodes into specialized LIR


  • The method CallTarget#call takes now a variable number of Object arguments.
  • Support for collecting stack traces and for accessing the current frame in slow paths (see TruffleRuntime#getStackTrace).
  • Renamed CallNode to DirectCallNode.
  • Renamed TruffleRuntime#createCallNode to TruffleRuntime#createDirectCallNode.
  • Added IndirectCallNode for calls with a changing CallTarget.
  • Added TruffleRuntime#createIndirectCallNode to create an IndirectCallNode.
  • DirectCallNode#inline was renamed to DirectCallNode#forceInlining().
  • Removed deprecated Node#adoptChild.

Version 0.2

25-Mar-2014, Repository Revision


  • Use HotSpot stubs for certain array copy operations.
  • New methods for querying memory usage of individual objects and object graphs in Graal API (MetaAccessProvider#getMemorySize, MetaUtil#getMemorySizeRecursive).
  • Added tiered configuration (C1 + Graal).
  • Initial security model for Graal GRAAL-22.
  • New (tested) invariant that equality comparisons for JavaType/JavaMethod/JavaField values use .equals() instead of ==.
  • Made graph caching compilation-local.
  • Added AllocSpy tool for analyzing allocation in Graal using the Java Allocation Instrumenter.
  • Initial support for memory arithmetic operations on x86.
  • Expanded Debug logging/dumping API to avoid allocation when this Debug facilities are not enabled.


  • New API TruffleRuntime#createCallNode to create call nodes and to give the runtime system control over its implementation.
  • New API RootNode#getCachedCallNodes to get a weak set of CallNodes that have registered to call the RootNode.
  • New API to split the AST of a call-site context sensitively. CallNode#split, CallNode#isSplittable, CallNode#getSplitCallTarget, CallNode#getCurrentCallTarget, RootNode#isSplittable, RootNode#split.
  • New API to inline a call-site into the call-graph. CallNode#isInlinable, CallNode#inline, CallNode#isInlined.
  • New API for the runtime environment to register CallTargets as caller to the RootNode. CallNode#registerCallTarget.
  • Improved API for counting nodes in Truffle ASTs. NodeUtil#countNodes can be used with a NodeFilter.
  • New API to declare the cost of a Node for use in runtime environment specific heuristics. See NodeCost, Node#getCost and NodeInfo#cost.
  • Removed old API for NodeInfo#Kind and NodeInfo#kind. As a replacement the new NodeCost API can be used.
  • Changed Node#replace reason parameter type to CharSequence (to enable lazy string building)
  • Deprecated Node#adoptChild and Node#adoptChildren, no longer needed in node constructor
  • New Node#insert method for inserting new nodes into the tree (formerly adoptChild)
  • New Node#adoptChildren helper method that adopts all (direct and indirect) children of a node
  • New API Node#atomic for atomic tree operations
  • Made Node#replace thread-safe

Version 0.1

5-Feb-2014, Repository Revision


  • Initial version of a dynamic Java compiler written in Java.
  • Support for multiple co-existing GPU backends (GRAAL-1).
  • Fixed a compiler bug when running RuneScape (GRAAL-7).
  • Bug fixes (GRAAL-4, GRAAL-5).


  • Initial version of a multi-language framework on top of Graal.
  • Update of the Truffle Inlining API.