BE WARNED: Never use multiple tools, which are connecting to the Indego in parallel. The server only accepts one connection and you will experience some strange problems using multiple connections.
On Windows: bin/IndegoController.bat [arguments]
On Linux: bin/IndegoController [arguments]
-?,--help Prints this help
--base-url <arg> Optionally specifies the URL of the web service
-c,--command <arg> The command, which should be sent to the device
-p,--password <arg> The password for authentication
-q,--query-status Queries the status of the device
--query-calendar Queries the calendar of the device
-u,--username <arg> The username for authentication (usually mail
Query the current device state:
IndegoController -u [email protected] -p supersecret -q
Start mowing and query the current state:
IndegoController -u [email protected] -p supersecret -c MOW -q
Since the most home automation systems are able to talk to MQTT brokers, a small adapter is provided, which maps device commands and device status to/from MQTT topics.
On Windows: bin/IndegoMqttAdapter.bat [arguments]
On Linux: bin/IndegoMqttAdapter [arguments]
-?,--help Prints this help
-c,--config <arg> The configuration file to use
-d,--debug Logs more details
The programm needs a config file. A sample configuration is provided in "". Adapt this file to your needs.
The following MQTT read-only topics are created:
Topic | Description |
online | 1, if Indego isonline; 0, otherwise |
stateCode | the numeric status code of the Indego (see |
stateError | the numeric error code of the Indego (0: no error) |
stateMessage | a clear-text status message |
stateLevel | a simple status, suitable for visualizing (2: mowing; 1: mowing but in pause; 0: docked; <0: in error) |
mowedPercent | how many percent of the garden is mowed currently |
mapSvgCacheTs | a numeric timestamp of the latest garden image |
mapUpdateAvailable | 1, a new map can be downloaded; 0, otherwise |
mowedTs | a numeric timestamp of the last mowing operation |
mowMode | (unknown purpose) |
runtimeTotalOperationMins | the total operating time (in minutes) |
runtimeTotalChargeMins | the total charging time (in minutes) |
runtimeSessionOperationMins | the operating time (in minutes) of the current session |
runtimeSessionChargeMins | the charging time (in minutes) of the current session |
The following MQTT topics are created, which can be written by an other client:
Topic | Description |
command | can be written with a textual command code, which is executed by the mower (one of: MOW, PAUSE, RETURN) |
This adapter can be used to connect the Indego to the IFTTT platform by using the Maker channel.
On Windows: bin/IndegoIftttAdapter.bat [arguments]
On Linux: bin/IndegoIftttAdapter [arguments]
-?,--help Prints this help
-c,--config <arg> The configuration file to use
-d,--debug Logs more details
The programm needs a config file. A sample configuration is provided in "". Adapt this file to your needs.
For receiving events from the Indego create the following recipe:
- Choose "Maker" as "IF THIS" part
- Select "Receive a web request"
- Name your event as you like and put the name in the "" file
- Create trigger
- Create the "THAT" rule as you like
For sending commands the Indego create a following recipe:
- Create a "IF THIS" rule as you like
- Choose "Maker" as "THAT" part
- Select "Make a web request"
- Use the following URL-Scheme: http(s)://{your-server}:{receiver-port}/{secret}/command/{commandcode}
- Example: http://myhome.dyn.ip:20001/myiftttsecret/command/MOW
- Example: http://myhome.dyn.ip:20001/myiftttsecret/command/RETURN
- Note: The IFTTT adapter has to be reachable under "myhome.dyn.ip" and port 20001 in this example. Please configure a dynamic name for your internet connection and a port forwarding in your router.
- Use "get" as method
- Use "text/plain" as content type
If you are using maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
<version>0.8</version> <!-- or latest version -->
The following snippet gives you an example how to control the mower. For details please see the JavaDoc.
// Create controller instance
IndegoController controller = new IndegoController(username, password);
// Connect to server
// Query the device state
DeviceStateInformation state = controller.getState();
DeviceStatus statusWithMessage = DeviceStatus.decodeStatusCode(state.getCode());
// Start mowing
// Disconnect from server