These GUI-tests allow you to check whether a complete installation with the database, yus-daemon, etc
is working correctly.
It also uses some common names to test whether the different searches work, e.g. we assume that we can find
a medicament named Aspirin.
To use it, check the following requirements
- you have the necessary gems installed, eg. by calling
bundle install --gemfile Gemfile.watir
- watir-webdriver
- watir
- rspec
- You have changed HomeURL in spec/spec_helper.rb to point to the site you want to test
Then you can run a single test by calling bundle exec rspec spec/smoke_test.rb
Here is a irb sample, which demonstrates the main points.
require Dir.pwd + ‘/spec/spec_helper.rb’
@browser = # should open firefox, the default watir browser
@browser.goto OddbUrl # Now it should show the home page of the your test site
page =, true)
puts @browser.selects0.text # should ouput Preisvergleich <..> # goes to the paypal site
@browser.back # to back => /search_type/).select(‘Interaktion’)
Firefox has a TestWise-Recorder which allows you to record a session and create watir scripts. provides a lot of good documentation, eg.