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Garden Migration Guide


Upgrading from version 8 to version 9 includes handling both breaking changes and deprecated components. To ensure that existing code functions correctly with v9, it is essential to address the breaking changes. Managing the deprecated components can be deferred as a subsequent task to prepare for v10, where these components will be completely removed.

Breaking Changes

The theme object, along with its utility functions, introduce a minimal set of breaking changes for Garden version 9. It is important to proceed with caution when upgrading each Garden package individually. To begin a v9 migration, these initial steps must be taken before upgrading individual packages:

  • All existing v8 packages must be set to v8.75.0 or higher in order to complete a successful individual package migration to v9.
  • Since @zendeskgarden/react-theming is central to all Garden packages, it must be updated to v9 first. Detailed theming upgrade instructions are provided under the breaking changes section.

Garden has transitioned from utilizing Popper to adopting the enhanced Floating UI library. In the past, Popper's modifiers were directly accessible as component props, creating a rigid dependency that hindered updates to the positioning library. To address this, these properties have been removed since Floating UI is designed to intuitively handle component positioning in the majority of scenarios. Should you find yourself in need of specific functionality provided by the former modifiers, we encourage you to file an issue, making sure to mention the relevant Floating UI middleware for clarity. Garden will consider additional positioning prop support on a case-by-case basis.

All Packages

  • Garden v9 packages use styled-components version range ^5.3.1.

    • react-theming@v9 uses version range ^4.2.0 || ^5.3.1 to support v8 to v9 upgrades.
  • Garden v9 upgraded from react-merge-refs v1 to v2.

    • The breaking change exports ESM only.
    • Build and test pipelines may need to be updated to account for the .mjs extension. See Garden's jest.config.js for details.
  • The following breaking changes are listed alphabetically by package. While individual packages can be upgraded one at a time, @zendeskgarden/react-theming must be upgraded first.


  • The following React component prop types have changed:
    • Removed IItem type export. Use ITimelineItemProps instead.
    • IStepperLabelProps['icon']: ReactNode -> ReactElement
    • ITimelineItemProps['icon']: ReactNode -> ReactElement


  • Removed ButtonGroup: UI no longer recommended by Garden
  • Removed IIconProps type export. Use IButtonStartIconProps or IButtonEndIconProps instead.
  • Anchor: renders with an underline for improved accessibility. The same treatment applies to <Button isLink>. The default can be removed with <Anchor isUnderlined={false}> for word-wrapped or redundant UI where the underline is considered to be a visual distraction. While technically not a breaking change, the migration guide highlights this change for upgrade cases that may render unexpected styling.


  • Removed Sidebar and Subnav: UI no longer recommended by Garden
  • Removed PRODUCT type export. Use IHeaderItemProps['product'] instead.
  • Removed hasFooter prop for Body (no replacement needed)
  • Removed message and connect values from product prop in Header.Item and Nav.Item Typings have been updated accordingly
  • The following React component types have changed:
    • Removed IBodyProps type export.
    • Header.ItemIcon: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> -> SVGAttributes<SVGElement>
    • Nav.ItemIcon: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> -> SVGAttributes<SVGElement>
  • Added Nav.List as a semantic wrapper for Nav.Item. See the README for details.


  • Colorpicker: renamed to ColorPicker
  • ColorpickerDialog: renamed to ColorPickerDialog
    • removed popperModifiers prop (see note)
  • ColorSwatch
    • The new name prop is required because the refactored component is now backed by a native radio or checkbox group.
    • Removed rowIndex, colIndex, defaultRowIndex, and defaultColIndex. For the sake of accessibility, focus state should not be exposed or controlled.
  • ColorSwatchDialog
    • same breaking changes as ColorSwatch.
    • popperModifiers prop (see note)


  • Removed GardenPlacement type export. Use IDatePickerProps['placement'] instead.
  • Datepicker: renamed to DatePicker
    • removed eventsEnabled prop (no longer exposed by Floating UI)
    • removed popperModifiers prop (see note)
  • DatepickerRange: renamed to DatePickerRange


  • Use this package if you were using @zendeskgarden/react-drag-drop in v8


  • Use this package if you were using @zendeskgarden/ in v8
    • The v8 version of @zendeskgarden/react-dropdowns is no longer maintained and is renamed to @zendeskgarden/react-dropdowns.legacy in v9
  • Menu
    • value auto is no longer valid for the fallbackPlacements prop.
    • new restoreFocus prop (default: true) returns focus to trigger after menu interaction. When menu expansion is controlled to allow multiple item selection, set restoreFocus={false} and manage trigger focus manually on close.
  • Removed label prop from OptGroup. Use legend instead.


  • Removed MultiThumbRange: UI no longer recommended by Garden
  • The following types have changed:
    • removed IFieldProps
    • removed IIconProps. Use IFauxInputStartIconProps or IFauxInputEndIconProps instead.
    • IMediaInputProps['start']: any -> ReactElement
    • IMediaInputProps['end']: any -> ReactElement


  • Exported constants prefixed with ARRAY_ no longer have a prefix.


  • DrawerModal: renamed to Drawer
  • TooltipModal: renamed to TooltipDialog
    • removed popperModifiers prop (see note)
  • Removed internal useFocusVisible hook for both Modal and Drawer. For non-Garden modal content that still depends on the polyfill for focus styling, either:
    1. Use updated :focus-visible styling provided by the focusStyles and getFocusBoxShadow theming utilities, or
    2. Use @zendeskgarden/container-focusvisible to restore the polyfill
  • Removed GARDEN_PLACEMENT type export. Use ITooltipDialogProps['placement'] instead.


  • The following types have changed:
    • removed ToastPlacement. Use IToastOptions['placement'] instead.
    • removed ToastContent. Use IToast['content'] instead.


  • Pagination: renamed to OffsetPagination
    • changed type export from HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement> to HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
    • removed transformPageProps prop
    • added labels prop
  • Renamed PAGE_TYPE type export to PageType


  • Removed isHovered, isActive, and isFocused props from Table.OverflowButton


  • The default theme object has removed values for colors.background and colors.foreground. Use the 'background.default' and 'foreground.default' variables together with the v9 getColor utility instead.
  • The theming palette has undergone a comprehensive redesign and now includes enhanced support for both light and dark modes. To facilitate a smoother transition, we have introduced a temporary utility, getColorV8, which is deprecated. This utility enables the application of the legacy version 8 color scheme to custom components that are not part of the Garden framework. It is recommended to utilize this stopgap measure until such components can be updated to leverage the full capabilities of v9 getColor.
  • Removed the theme default prop from all components. Garden components must be nested within <ThemeProvider> to receive the theme object and render successfully.
  • Removed focusVisibleRef prop (and the resulting scoping <div>) from <ThemeProvider>. Current browser support obviates the need for a :focus-visible polyfill.
  • Removed message and connect values from PALETTE.product
  • Utility function getColor has been refactored with a signature that supports v9 light/dark modes. Replace usage with getColorV8 until custom components can be upgraded to utilize the new getColor function.
  • Utility functions getFocusBoxShadow and focusStyles no longer take hue, shade, spacerHue, or spacerShade parameters. Use the color or shadeColor parameters instead. The new object parameters take the shape of refactored getColor.
  • Utility function getDocument has been removed. Use useDocument instead.
  • Utility function isRtl has been removed. Use props.theme.rtl instead.
  • Utility function withTheme has been removed. Use styled-components useTheme instead.
  • The following exports have changed:
    • removed retrieveTheme. Use retriveComponentStyles instead.
    • constants prefixed with ARRAY_ no longer have a prefix.
  • The following types have changed:
    • renamed ARROW_POSITION to ArrowPosition
    • renamed MENU_POSITION to MenuPosition


  • Tooltip
    • removed eventsEnabled prop (no longer exposed by Floating UI)
    • removed popperModifiers prop (see note)


  • CodeBlock: The language set has been reduced from 32 to 13, for a significant decrease in bundle size. If you encounter any essential languages that are missing, please create an issue. Garden will evaluate incorporating any business-critical languages.
  • The following React component types have changed:
    • Span.Icon: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> -> SVGAttributes<SVGElement>
    • Span.StartIcon: HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> -> SVGAttributes<SVGElement>


  • This package has been removed.
  • Migrate to @zendeskgarden/container-utilities and @zendeskgarden/react-theming to continue receiving updates.

Deprecated components

The following subcomponents have been renamed to streamline imports and improve affinity with their parent components. The deprecated exports will be removed in a future major release. Use the following mappings to update subcomponent properties.


  • FooterItem -> Footer.Item
  • HeaderItem -> Header.Item
  • HeaderItemIcon -> Header.ItemIcon
  • HeaderItemText -> Header.ItemText
  • HeaderItemWrapper -> Header.ItemWrapper
  • NavItem -> Nav.Item
  • NavItemIcon -> Nav.ItemIcon
  • NavItemText -> Nav.ItemText


  • Hint -> Field.Hint
  • Label -> Field.Label
  • Message -> Field.Message


  • Hint -> Field.Hint
  • Label -> Field.Label
  • Message -> Field.Message


  • Col -> Grid.Col
  • Row -> Grid.Row


  • Body -> Modal.Body
  • Close -> Modal.Close
  • Footer -> Modal.Footer
  • FooterItem -> Modal.FooterItem
  • Header -> Modal.Header


  • Close -> Alert.Close, Notification.Close
  • Paragraph -> Alert.Paragraph, Notification.Paragraph, Well.Paragraph
  • Title -> Alert.Title, Notification.Title, Well.Title


  • Body -> Table.Body
  • Caption -> Table.Caption
  • Cell -> Table.Cell
  • GroupRow -> Table.GroupRow
  • Head -> Table.Head
  • HeaderCell -> Table.HeaderCell
  • HeaderRow -> Table.HeaderRow
  • OverflowButton -> Table.OverflowButton
  • Row -> Table.Row
  • SortableCell -> Table.SortableCell


  • Tab -> Tabs.Tab
  • TabList -> Tabs.TabList
  • TabPanel -> Tabs.TabPanel


  • Paragraph -> Tooltip.Paragraph
  • Title -> Tooltip.Title


Migration Guide