diff --git a/src/ui/views/Negotiation.tsx b/src/ui/views/Negotiation.tsx
index 53ca2847c..c1db7a8e2 100644
--- a/src/ui/views/Negotiation.tsx
+++ b/src/ui/views/Negotiation.tsx
@@ -84,92 +84,64 @@ const SignButton = ({
 const Negotiation = ({
-	challengeNoRatings,
-	player = {},
+	p,
 }: View<"negotiation">) => {
-	useTitleBar({ title: `Contract Negotiation - ${player.name}` });
+	useTitleBar({ title: "Contract Negotiation" });
 	const { gender } = useLocalPartial(["gender"]);
 	let message;
 	if (resigning && salaryCapType === "soft") {
 		message = (
-			<p>
+			<>
 				You are allowed to go over the salary cap to make this deal because you
 				are re-signing{" "}
-				<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", player.pid])}>{player.name}</a> to
-				a contract extension.{" "}
+				<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", p.pid])}>{p.name}</a> to a
+				contract extension.{" "}
 					If you do not come to an agreement here,{" "}
-					<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", player.pid])}>{player.name}</a>{" "}
-					will become a free agent.
+					<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", p.pid])}>{p.name}</a> will
+					become a free agent.
 				</b>{" "}
 				{helpers.pronoun(gender, "He")} will then be able to sign with any team,
 				and you won't be able to go over the salary cap to sign{" "}
 				{helpers.pronoun(gender, "him")}.
-			</p>
+			</>
 	} else if (salaryCapType !== "none") {
 		const extra =
 			salaryCapType === "soft" ? (
 					{" "}
-					because{" "}
-					<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", player.pid])}>
-						{player.name}
-					</a>{" "}
-					is a free agent
+					because <a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", p.pid])}>{p.name}</a> is
+					a free agent
 			) : null;
 		message = (
-			<p>
+			<>
 				You are not allowed to go over the salary cap to make this deal (unless
 				it is for a minimum contract){extra}.
-			</p>
+			</>
 	return (
-			{message}
-			<p>
-				Current Payroll: {helpers.formatCurrency(payroll, "M")}
-				{salaryCapType !== "none" ? (
-					<>
-						<br />
-						Salary Cap: {helpers.formatCurrency(salaryCap, "M")}
-						<br />
-						Cap Space: {helpers.formatCurrency(capSpace, "M")}
-					</>
-				) : null}
-			</p>
-			<h2>
-				{" "}
-				<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", player.pid])}>
-					{player.name}
-				</a>{" "}
-			</h2>
-			<div className="d-flex align-items-center">
-				<Mood defaultType="user" p={player} />
-				<RatingsStatsPopover pid={player.pid} />
-			</div>
-			<p className="mt-2">
-				{player.age} years old
-				{!challengeNoRatings
-					? `; Overall: ${player.ratings.ovr}; Potential: ${player.ratings.pot}`
-					: null}
-			</p>
 			<div className="row">
 				<div className="col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-6">
+					<h1 className="d-flex mb-3">
+						<a href={helpers.leagueUrl(["player", p.pid])}>{p.name}</a>
+						<div className="ms-2 fs-6 d-flex align-items-center">
+							<Mood defaultType="user" p={p} />
+							<RatingsStatsPopover pid={p.pid} />
+						</div>
+					</h1>
 					<div className="list-group">
 						{contractOptions.map((contract, i) => {
 							return (
@@ -189,7 +161,7 @@ const Negotiation = ({
-										pid={player.pid}
+										pid={p.pid}
@@ -198,23 +170,35 @@ const Negotiation = ({
+					<div className="mt-3">
+						{resigning ? (
+							<a
+								className="btn btn-secondary"
+								href={helpers.leagueUrl(["negotiation"])}
+							>
+								Return to Re-Sign Players page
+							</a>
+						) : (
+							<button className="btn btn-danger" onClick={() => cancel(p.pid)}>
+								Can't reach a deal? End negotiation
+							</button>
+						)}
+					</div>
+					<div className="d-flex justify-content-between mt-5">
+						<div>Current Payroll: {helpers.formatCurrency(payroll, "M")}</div>
+						{salaryCapType !== "none" ? (
+							<>
+								<div>Salary Cap: {helpers.formatCurrency(salaryCap, "M")}</div>
+								<div>Cap Space: {helpers.formatCurrency(capSpace, "M")}</div>
+							</>
+						) : null}
+					</div>
-			<div className="mt-3">
-				{resigning ? (
-					<a
-						className="btn btn-secondary"
-						href={helpers.leagueUrl(["negotiation"])}
-					>
-						Return to Re-Sign Players page
-					</a>
-				) : (
-					<button className="btn btn-danger" onClick={() => cancel(player.pid)}>
-						Can't reach a deal? End negotiation
-					</button>
-				)}
-			</div>
+			{message ? <div className="mt-5">{message}</div> : null}
diff --git a/src/worker/views/negotiation.ts b/src/worker/views/negotiation.ts
index 8775f20d4..6e5e6b0f8 100644
--- a/src/worker/views/negotiation.ts
+++ b/src/worker/views/negotiation.ts
@@ -185,11 +185,10 @@ const updateNegotiation = async (
 		return {
 			capSpace: (g.get("salaryCap") - payroll) / 1000,
-			challengeNoRatings: g.get("challengeNoRatings"),
 			salaryCapType: g.get("salaryCapType"),
 			payroll: payroll / 1000,
-			player: p,
+			p,
 			resigning: negotiation.resigning,
 			salaryCap: g.get("salaryCap") / 1000,