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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 6, 2023. It is now read-only.

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25 lines (22 loc) · 2.69 KB

File metadata and controls

25 lines (22 loc) · 2.69 KB

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what needs worked on: (add/edit things that need fixed/done, there is probably more than what is listed below- don't forget to delete things you fixed/finished)

react-based site

  • register button on signup page throws error, but it does validate the email & checks that passwords match
  • signin button on login page doesn't work- when register & signin are working load at login page- or make landing page
  • connect book tracker w/ wish list, reading list and add book page - should autopopulate when user resigns in
  • add book should add book to wish list or reading list- should be able to move book from wish list to reading list
  • add way to show progress... maybe have list # of pages in book then let the user mark the number of pages that they have read and have it calculate how far they are in the book using that data

vanilla-js site

  • newsletter only option under browse that works
  • newsletter page needs more to it- currently just a page that says to subscribe to newsletter
  • most newletter page links/buttons don't work- submit sort of works gives message saying too many requests for the newletter & login&homepage links work
  • login button gives no reponse-needs fixed- once verified should take to site- if info is wrong should give some kind of feedback
  • need to check that passwords match from password input and repeat password inputs
  • register button should store info and take you to the site- currently only gives pop up saying you registered
  • add button doesn't appear to do anything- should add book to users 'file' - maybe consider adding a rating for when book is finished and an option to comment on it with a check box saying whether the rating and comment can be shared with other users
  • top ten should show books the ten books with the highest ratings
  • trending should show books that the most people are reading
  • database should check if book is in it- if not add it and mark that someone is reading it- if so then add another person to reading it- should also store ratings that the book was given and comments made about the book
  • search should allow users to look at books in database and see ratings and comments- maybe an option for users to add/edit a brief description of what the book is about - give it a max number of words/characters
  • allow users to add books to new releases- but they need to include publication date- if it is more than so old it can't go on- whenever someone logs on site it should check the books on new releases and take off ones that are too old