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# This is example r script for punctaanalysis tool kit.# If you use batch program, you can use this script.# To use it, start R and change the working directory to where your pictures and data are stored, # and just copy everything here and paste it on R terminal and push return key.# Once you have run this script, you will get some pdf density graphs,# and ready to test data sets which has been log2 transformed. ex. wtfixwidth, daffixwidth...# Then you can test with something like this ## t.test(wtfixwidth, daffixwidth)# # I don't know what kind of test is best. Making a choice is your job.# # Attention: log transformation affect the result of parametric test.## Also, here is an example of density graph# plot(density(wtwidth), col=2, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(0,1))# par(new =T)# plot(density(dafwidth), xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(0,1))# # I hope this example file helps you to learn R scripting. 20080407 Taizo######## read datacount <- read.table("count.txt", header = TRUE);width <- read.table("width.txt", header = TRUE);gap <- read.table("gap.txt", header = TRUE);distance <- read.table("distance.txt", header = TRUE);intensity <- read.table("intensity.txt", header = TRUE);lineardensity <- read.table("lineardensity.txt", header =TRUE);fixwidth <- read.table("fixwidth.txt", header =TRUE);fixvolume <- read.table("fixvolume.txt", header =TRUE);fixgap <- read.table("fixgap.txt", header =TRUE);#fixwidthlineardensity <- read.table("fixwidthlineardensity", header =TRUE)#fixgaplineardensity <- read.table("fixgaplineardensity", header =TRUE)########### spadework # log2transform. If you need to use raw data, comment out this partcount$count <- log2(count$count)width$width <- log2(width$width)gap$gap <- log2(gap$gap)distance$distance <- log2(distance$distance)#log2 transform of intensiy case NaN error?#intensity$intensity <- log2(intensity$intensity)lineardensity$lineardensity <- log2(lineardensity$lineardensity)fixwidth$fixwidth <- log2(fixwidth$fixwidth)fixvolume$fixvolume <- log2(fixvolume$fixvolume)fixgap$fixgap <- log2(fixgap$fixgap)#fixwidthlineardensity$fixwidthlineardensity <- log2(fixwidthlineardensity$fixwidthlineardensity)#fixgaplineardensity$fixgaplineardensity <- log2(fixgaplineardensity$fixgaplineardensity)#list up data types what you want to analyseanalysisdata<- c("width", "fixwidth","gap","fixvolume", "intensity", "lineardensity", "distance", "fixgap")datanum <- length(analysisdata)#Detect genotypes from files automaticallygenotype.list <- levels(count$genotype);numberofgenotype <- length(genotype.list);# dataframe operation. New vector data are made for each genotype# follwing makes genotypewidh, genotypegaps etc. (ex: wtwidth, e5ewidth, fc16witdh,....wtvolume, e5volme.)# "eval(parse(text = ....)))" run the text as command.for (j in 1:datanum){for (i in 1:numberofgenotype){# This is doing like this. wtwidth <- width[width$genotype == "wt",]eval(parse(text = paste(genotype.list[i], analysisdata[j], "<-", analysisdata[j], "[", analysisdata[j], "$genotype == genotype.list[", i, "], ]", sep ="")))# This is doing like this. wtwidth <- wtwidth$widtheval(parse(text = paste(genotype.list[i], analysisdata[j], "<-", genotype.list[i], analysisdata[j], "$", analysisdata[j], sep = "")))}}######## density graphslibrary(KernSmooth)#list up data types what you want to analyse with density graph hereanalysisdata<- c("width", "fixwidth","gap","fixvolume", "intensity", "distance", "fixgap")datanum <- length(analysisdata)# genotypes that you want to analyse. everything or can be designate##################### You may list up genotypes what you want to analyse here.#genotype.list <- c("wt", "e719","e5", "fc16", "e1598e5", "e1598fc16");numberofgenotype <- length(genotype.list);for (j in 1:datanum){xmin <- NULLxmax <- NULLymin <- NULLymax <- NULLfor (i in 1:numberofgenotype){# This is doing something like this "wt <- bkde(wtwidth)"eval(parse(text = paste(genotype.list[i], "<- bkde(", genotype.list[i], analysisdata[j], ")", sep="")))# appending min and max values to use as axis depiction latereval(parse(text = paste("xmin <- append(xmin, min(", genotype.list[i], "$x))", sep="")))eval(parse(text = paste("xmax <- append(xmax, max(", genotype.list[i], "$x))", sep="")))eval(parse(text = paste("ymin <- append(ymin, min(", genotype.list[i], "$y))", sep="")))eval(parse(text = paste("ymax <- append(ymax, max(", genotype.list[i], "$y))", sep="")))}filename <- paste("density",analysisdata[j], ".pdf", sep="")pdf(file=filename)# prepare axis of graphfigtitle <- paste("Density graph of ", analysisdata[j], sep="")plot(0, main=figtitle, type = 'n', xlab = analysisdata[j], ylab = "kerneldensity", xlim = c(min(xmin), max(xmax)), ylim = c(min(ymin), max(ymax)))# drow lines for (i in 1:numberofgenotype){eval(parse(text = paste("lines(", genotype.list[i], ",type = 'l', col = ", i, ")", sep="")))}# write legendpar(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))legend(0.7, 1, genotype.list, col = 1:numberofgenotype, lty = 1)dev.off()}detach("package:KernSmooth")