This File provides instruction on how to build and config Virtuoso, a triple-storage software the package relies on.
cd tmp
git clone
To build Virtuoso on systems other than Linux 64-bit
, please refer to the virtuoso building doc
cd virtuoso-opensource
# generate makefile
# PKGPATH is the root directory you put this package in
PKGPATH="put your path here"
# ultimate install path
mkdir -p ${INSTALLPATH}
# flags for Linux 64-bit
CFLAGS="-O2 -m64"
export CFLAGS
# configurate
./configure --prefix=${INSTALLPATH}
# compile (compiling will take quite a while)
# install
make install
Here, we config virtuoso in the following way so that a proper performance can be achieved.
# create a folder to store data to be loaded
mkdir data
# edit the .ini config
vi var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini
# all changes necessary to make are under the [Parameters] section
# 1. DirsAllowed : directory from which data is allowed to be loaded.
# So we need to append our created data directory after the default value.
# default
DirsAllowed = ., ${INSTALLPATH}/share/virtuoso/vad
# modified
DirsAllowed = ., ${INSTALLPATH}/share/virtuoso/vad, ${INSTALLPATH}/data
# 2. MaxQueryMem : maximum memory virtuoso can use to handle queries.
# Intuitively, the larger the MaxQueryMem, the potentially faster the query.
# The recommemded value is 1/2 to 2/3 of the whole memory on the machine.
# default
MaxQueryMem = 2G
# modified : for our experiment, on a 6-core machine with 32G memory.
MaxQueryMem = 16G
# 3. VectorSize : initial parallel query operations size.
# Intuitively, the larger the VectorSize, the potentially faster the query.
# default
VectorSize = 1000
# modified : for our experiment, on a 6-core machine with 32G memory.
VectorSize = 10000