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Common configuration

These environment variables are required for all services.

name description value
COMMON_LOG_LEVEL Log level Winston log level
COMMON_COLORIZE_LOGS If set to true, log levels will be colorized when printed to stdout. boolean
COMMON_POOL_ADDRESS Address of the pool contract hexadecimal prefixed with "0x"
COMMON_START_BLOCK The block number used to start searching for events when the relayer/watcher instance is run for the first time integer
COMMON_REDIS_URL Url to redis instance URL
COMMON_RPC_URL The HTTPS URL(s) used to communicate to the RPC nodes. Several URLs can be specified, delimited by spaces. If the connection to one of these nodes is lost the next URL is used for connection. URL
COMMON_REQUIRE_HTTPS If set to true, then RPC URL(s) must be in HTTPS format. HTTP RPC URL(s) should be used in test environment only. boolean
COMMON_RPC_SYNC_STATE_CHECK_INTERVAL Interval in milliseconds for checking JSON RPC sync state, by requesting the latest block number. Watcher will switch to the fallback JSON RPC in case sync process is stuck. If this variable is 0 sync state check is disabled. Defaults to 0. integer
COMMON_RPC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds for a single RPC request. Defaults to 1000. integer
COMMON_JSONRPC_ERROR_CODES Override default JSON rpc error codes that can trigger RPC fallback to the next URL from the list (or a retry in case of a single RPC URL). Default is -32603,-32002,-32005. Should be a comma-separated list of negative integers. string
COMMON_EVENTS_PROCESSING_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for one eth_getLogs request when processing logs. Defaults to 10000 integer


name description value
RELAYER_PORT Relayer port integer
RELAYER_TOKEN_ADDRESS Address of the token contract hexadecimal prefixed with "0x"
RELAYER_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_KEY Private key to sign pool transactions hexadecimal prefixed with "0x"
RELAYER_GAS_LIMIT Gas limit for pool transactions integer
RELAYER_FEE Minimal accepted relayer fee (in tokens) integer
RELAYER_MAX_NATIVE_AMOUNT Maximal amount of pool's tokens which can be converted to native in one withdrawal transaction. Defaults to 0. integer
RELAYER_TREE_UPDATE_PARAMS_PATH Local path to tree update circuit parameters string
RELAYER_TRANSFER_PARAMS_PATH Local path to transfer circuit parameters string
RELAYER_TX_VK_PATH Local path to transaction circuit verification key string
RELAYER_REQUEST_LOG_PATH Path to a file where all HTTP request logs will be saved. Default ./zp.log. string
RELAYER_STATE_DIR_PATH Path to persistent state files related to tree and transactions storage. Default: ./POOL_STATE string
RELAYER_GAS_PRICE_FALLBACK Default fallback gas price integer
RELAYER_GAS_PRICE_ESTIMATION_TYPE Gas price estimation type web3 / gas-price-oracle / eip1559-gas-estimation / polygon-gasstation-v2
RELAYER_GAS_PRICE_SPEED_TYPE This parameter specifies the desirable transaction speed instant / fast / standard / low
RELAYER_GAS_PRICE_FACTOR A value that will multiply the gas price of the oracle to convert it to gwei. If the oracle API returns gas prices in gwei then this can be set to 1. Also, it could be used to intentionally pay more gas than suggested by the oracle to guarantee the transaction verification. E.g. 1.25 or 1.5. integer
RELAYER_GAS_PRICE_UPDATE_INTERVAL Interval in milliseconds used to get the updated gas price value using specified estimation type integer
RELAYER_GAS_PRICE_SURPLUS A surplus to be added to fetched gasPrice on initial transaction submission. Default 0.1. float
RELAYER_MIN_GAS_PRICE_BUMP_FACTOR Minimum gasPrice bump factor to meet RPC node requirements. Default 0.1. float
RELAYER_MAX_FEE_PER_GAS_LIMIT Max limit on maxFeePerGas parameter for each transaction in wei integer
RELAYER_MAX_SENT_QUEUE_SIZE Maximum number of jobs waiting in the sentTxQueue at a time. integer
TX_REDUNDANCY If set to true, instructs relayer to send eth_sendRawTransaction requests through all available RPC urls defined in RPC_URL variables instead of using first available one. Defaults to false boolean
RELAYER_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE_CHECK_TIMEOUT Interval in milliseconds to check for relayer balance update if transaction send failed with insufficient balance error. Default 60000 integer
RELAYER_SENT_TX_DELAY Delay in milliseconds for sentTxWorker to verify submitted transactions integer
RELAYER_SENT_TX_ERROR_THRESHOLD Maximum number of re-sends which is considered to be normal. After this threshold each re-send will log a corresponding error (but re-send loop will continue). Defaults to 3. integer
RELAYER_PERMIT_DEADLINE_THRESHOLD_INITIAL Minimum time threshold in seconds for permit signature deadline to be valid (before initial transaction submission) integer
RELAYER_PERMIT_DEADLINE_THRESHOLD_RESEND Minimum time threshold in seconds for permit signature deadline to be valid (for re-send attempts) integer
RELAYER_REQUIRE_TRACE_ID If set to true, then requests to relayer (except /info, /version, /params/hash/tree, /params/hash/tx) without zkbob-support-id header will be rejected. boolean
RELAYER_LOG_IGNORE_ROUTES List of space separated relayer endpoints for which request logging will be suppressed. E.g. /fee /version string(s)
RELAYER_LOG_HEADER_BLACKLIST List of space separated HTTP headers which will be suppressed in request logs. E.g. content-length content-type string(s)
RELAYER_SCREENER_TOKEN Authorization token for screener service string
RELAYER_BLOCKED_COUNTRIES A list of country codes delimited by spaces string
RELAYER_EXPRESS_TRUST_PROXY If set to true, then trust proxy express setting will be enabled. Defaults to false boolean
RELAYER_FEE_MANAGER_TYPE Fee manager that will be used for fee estimations FeeManagerType
RELAYER_FEE_MARGIN_FACTOR Margin factor (in percent) that is used to adjust fee estimations during validation. Defaults to 100. number
RELAYER_FEE_SCALING_FACTOR Scaling factor (in percent) that is used to adjust both exposed user fees and fee estimations during validation. Defaults to 100. number
RELAYER_PRICE_FEED_TYPE Price feed type that will be used for rate conversions. PriceFeedType
RELAYER_PRICE_FEED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS Price feed contract address. address
RELAYER_PRICE_FEED_BASE_TOKEN_ADDRESS Base token that will be used for rate conversions. address
RELAYER_MIN_BASE_FEE Min base fee for each tx type for dynamic and optimism FeeManagers. Does not affect any extra fee parameters such as per byte fee or native swap fee. Defaults to 0. integer
RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_DEPOSIT Base gas consumption for deposit transaction without variable per byte memo fee or any other features such as native swap fee. Defaults to 650000. integer
RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_PERMITTABLE_DEPOSIT Same as RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_DEPOSIT, but for permittable deposits. Defaults to 650000. integer
RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_TRANSFER Same as RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_DEPOSIT, but for transfers. Defaults to 650000. integer
RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_WITHDRAWAL Same as RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_DEPOSIT, but for withdrawals. Defaults to 650000. integer
RELAYER_BASE_TX_GAS_NATIVE_CONVERT Gas consumption for swapping pool's token to native token during withdrawal. Defaults to 200000. integer


name description value
WATCHER_EVENT_POLLING_INTERVAL The interval in milliseconds used to request the RPC node for new blocks. integer
DIRECT_DEPOSIT_BATCH_SIZE Maximum size of a single direct deposit batch. Defaults to 16. integer
DIRECT_DEPOSIT_BATCH_TTL Maximum TTL in milliseconds for a new direct deposit batch. After this time batch will be submitted to the queue, even if it has less than DIRECT_DEPOSIT_BATCH_SIZE elements. Defaults to 3600000 (1 hour) integer