A simple program that takes struct Data as input, and operates the elements as an output.
It takes a public input and a private input ,then checks the hash(private input)= public input.
It allocs memories for vector ,then operates the memory(push and pop).
This program is more complex, taking a block data as input and simulating the Ethereum Virtual Machine's computation for that block.
If you want to compile the guest programs, you should use a x86 Ubuntu22 machine with Rust: 1.81.0-nightly and Go : 1.22.1
- Install the mips-rust tool(the cargo should be ~/.cargo).
cd zkm-project-template
chmod +x install_mips_rust_tool
- Compile the go guest program
cd zkm-project-template/guest-program/sha2-go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips GOMIPS=softfloat go build -o sha2-go
The compiled mips ELF is in the current path.
- Compile the rust guest program
cd zkm-project-template/guest-program/sha2-rust
cargo build --target=mips-unknown-linux-musl --release
cd zkm-project-template/guest-program/mem-alloc-vec
cargo build --target=mips-unknown-linux-musl --release
cd zkm-project-template/guest-program/revme
cargo build --target=mips-unknown-linux-musl --release
The compiled mips ELF is in the zkm-project-template/guest-program/{sha2-rust,mem-alloc-vec,revme}/target/mips-unknown-linux-musl/release/ .
You can also integrate zkm_build::build_program
into the compilation process of the host program.
If the guest program need outputing some messages , it must use the runtime::commit(). Then, the messages can be catched in the host program: fn print_guest_execution_output() or print_guest_execution_output_struct()