SpotiGet is very simple set of PHP classes written in order to get data and use Spotify API. While I know there are at least already two existing Spotify PHP API solutions, I missed one simple, say "vanilla", solution which would not require stuff like composer.
- Spotify developer CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET (you can get those on -> applications)
- basic PHP extensions
- curl
- readline (just readline class)
- tested on PHP 5.6.19 / OS X
php artist2albums.php
Generate albums' Spotify URIs for further usage (psst! "usage" means "download artist discography") with spotiload ( - great piece of sw btw!)- put your credentials to
and rename toconfig.ini
- put your credentials to
- [not done yet] Convert set of mp3s in directory to Spotify playlists (you know what I mean... you have set of mp3s in layout like this: artist/track_name.mp3 and you want it convert to Spotify playlists. I did not find any solution for this stuff)
- Fetching of Spotify acccess token
playlist->getArtists(string $artistName)
search for artists- input: artist name (string)
- output: artist name => Spotify artist ID (array)
playlist->getArtistAlbums(string $spotifyArtistID)
get all artist's albums- input: Spotify artist ID (string)
- output: album name => Spotify album ID (array)
playlist->getAlbumTracks(string $spotifyAlbumID)
get all album's tracks- input: Spotify album ID (string)
- output: track name => Spotify track ID (array)
readline->readAnswers(array $optionsToShow)
CLI interaction with user to provide simple artist/album selection from provided list- input: option name => any value, i.e. Spotify ID returned by playlist class functions (array)
- output: selected options in the same format as provided on input
readline->readString(string $description)
just basic readline implementation- input: string to print user before the readline prompt (string)
- output: user input from STDIN (string)
- Write at least some documentation (but c'mon, it is so simple and self-explanatory)
- Extend classes to include authorization in order to perform changes (add playlists automagically) to Spotify user account (this would require some sort of web server in order to talk oAuth)
Use it however you want and need, just please include Copyright and LICENSE file (MIT license)