Releases: 0x4447/0x4447_product_s3_email
Releases · 0x4447/0x4447_product_s3_email
Conditional webhook
- added conditional webhooks
- general cleanup
PR(s): #33
NodeJS Version Updated
Update the NodeJS Runtime Environment
Issue(s): #27
Life Time Policy
Lowering long term storage with 2 new life time policies
- Issue(s): #25
Saml fixes and clarifications
- Updated the README, with examples and fixed some sentences
- Added support for custom GitHub account name (useful form people that like to fork projects)
- Updated the Parameter description to make it clear what Scope is needed for the GitHub Key.
Webhook instead of pulling
Disabled CodePipeline pulling and switched to AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook
Issue(s): #20
Memory increase for all
Increased Lambda memory for all to make sure, big emails can be processed and sent.
Issue(s): #18
Memory increes
Increased the Inbound Lambda memory so it can process emails bigger then 25MB.
Issue(s): #16
Added IAM Group
Added IAM Group to make it easy what type of rights a user should have to access the S3 Email bucket
Issue(s): #14
One less S3 resource
Issue(s): #12
Added support for the Today folder
Now when an email is received, a copy of it will be saved in the Today folder. This way it is much simpler to see what is new.
Minor change: folder structure simplification.