Follow hw1.pdf
. It starts with a theoretical overview of the assignment and progresses into the coding section where you will implement feature matching, homography computation and finally tie everything together in a simple AR application. You will also have a go at creating a simple panorama.
Make sure to check the sections on FAQ
and Helpful Concepts
in the pdf.
Refer to requirements.txt
. Tested with
- python==3.8.17
- numpy==1.21.2
- opencv-python==
- scikit-image==0.21.0
- matplotlib==3.7.2
Submit your write-up and code to Gradescope.
- Writeup: The write-up should be a pdf file named <AndrewId>_hw1.pdf
- Code: The code should be submitted as a zip named <AndrewId>.zip
When you submit, retain the original directory structure and remove the
folder from the zip as well as any temporary large files which we did not ask you to create