This way displayed images are much more accurate and responsive while framework does all the calculating.
Handling images is simple and reminds of popular font-awesome:
<i class="sprites-imgname"></i>
The easiest way is to visit RSF website and follow the instructions - (THIS WAY IS MUCH EASIER AND YOU WILL AVOID MANUAL "SPRITING")
<script src="/res-sprites.min.js"></script>
You should create data object following this scheme:
var pngs_data = {
cssclass: "sprites",
img_source: "./img/sprites.png",
total_width: 404,
total_height: 404,
imgs: {
"imageName1": {
x : 0,
y : 0,
width : 128,
height : 128
"imageName2": {
x : 138,
y : 0,
width : 128,
height : 128
"imageName3": {
x : 0,
y : 138,
width : 128,
height : 128
"imageName4": {
x : 138,
y : 138,
width : 128,
height : 128
3. Last step: Create Your Sprites either on document ready, either on window load (DOM needs to be loaded)
//create sprites
var pngs = new RespSprites(pngs_data);