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1 Man Projects edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 2 revisions


At the current stage there are four different test scenarios available for the scheduling problem. These are currently still hard coded and can be adjusted in the code but in the future there will be a custom scenario editor available to adjust and create new ones.

  • Daily operations (without any priority's)
  • Daily operations (with priority's)
  • LEOP for the UWE-3 satellite
  • Critical over Home station

Daily operations

This scenario will simulate normal standard operations were no satellite has problems or a new satellite is launched. The scenario has two variants one were all contact windows are assigned a random priority and once without any priority.


The Launch and Early Operations Phase is a very important time frame right after the launch of a satellite. In this scenario the UWE-3 satellite will revive the highest priority for all contacts. Other contacts will be given one by random.

This scenario will only work if the UWE-3 satellite is included.

Critical over home station

Here each satellite is assigned a home station and each contact of that satellite with its home station will receive the highest priority. Contacts with other stations will be given one by random.

This Scenario currently only works with the provided satellite and ground stations since it is hard coded into the software.

Satellites and their home station

  • UWE-3 = Würzburg (Computer Science Institute))
  • AAUSAT3 = Aalborg (Aalborg University))
  • ITUPSAT 1 = Istanbul (Istanbul Technical University))
  • TIGRISAT = Roma (La Sapienza University of Rome))
  • CUBESAT XI-IV = Tokyo University)
  • CUBESAT XI-V = Sapporo (Hokkaido Institute of Technology))