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wilson29thid edited this page May 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

Import the real personnel database to your Cloud9 environment

Download the database exports that were created on 2015-05-17

  1. Change directory to above the workspace directory (you don't want the .sql files accessible to the public) using cd .. to change directory up a level, ls to list the files in the current directory, and pwd to see what directory you're currently on
  2. Copy the personnel sql dump and the vanilla sql dump (just change it to vanilla.sql at the end)

scp [email protected]:/var/www/backup/2015-05-16/personnel_v2.sql ./

(Use the Production Server password from LastPass)

Delete the databases that the install script created (with sample data)

  1. Login to your local MySQL server with mysql -h $IP -u $C9_USER
  2. List the databases you have show databases;
  3. Remove personnel_v2 and vanilla with drop database DATABASE_NAME;
  4. Create 2 new empty databases with the same names with create database DATABASE_NAME;
  5. Logout of your local MySQL server and go back to the regular command line with exit

Import the sql files you fetched

  • mysql -h $IP -u $C9_USER personnel_v2 < personnel_v2.sql
  • mysql -h $IP -u $C9_USER vanilla < vanilla.sql