This is a minor update from RELION 3.1.0. Everyone using RELION 3.1.0 or earlier should upgrade to this version.
Changes since RELION 3.1.0 include:
- Supported the EER movie format for Falcon4.
Please read https://www3.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/relion/index.php/Image_compression#Falcon4_EER carefully for detailed instructions. - Changed defect correction to use a random pick from neighboring good pixels, instead of the average of them.
- Fixed
in Extract to respect the optics groups in the micrograph STAR file. - Updated Gentle Clean to delete temporary files from CtfRefine.
- Merged optimizations for GPU (
) and Intel CPUs (--cpu
) contributed by NVIDIA and Intel engineers.
Unfortunately, there are several remaining issues to be fixed in later updates. Frequent problems are:
- SIDESPLITTER does not work with Multibody refinement.
- Use of undefined labels in STAR files causes problems with some components (e.g. Extract). #641
- Memory leak in Subtract job (could not be reproduced at LMB). #673
See https://github.com/3dem/relion/issues for details.