Digital note sequence files etc, created by enthusiasts , collected on the web for free.
Changes is added description in some file names.
This can be helpful for generating ideas for your game music etc.
All rights and claims reserved to the creators.
Licensing info links:
folder, include sound sequence files.
folder, include tools for create midi
sequence files from different formats of note sequences. 7zip password 0
- sega 16 bit (sega mega drive) sound fileSPC
- SNES 16 bit (super nintendo) sound fileSID
- commodore 64 sound fileNSF
- nintendo emulation system (NES) 8 bit (dendy) sound file
All tools work good in 2019 . Tested under kubuntu 18.04 + wine(because windoze based).
folder, include mid
files, which can be edited/created uses a free, cross-platform DAW (digital audio workstation).
Playing lot of formats above possible uses f.e. audacious
or other extended media player.
zxtune sid player, can jump to time uses mouse click (audacious can't do this)
jsidplay2 java app , sid media station, huge gui, can display composer mini picture, and other information