✨ Extension that adds a combination of global and local event dispatchers with bridge into Nette Framework. The global event dispatcher is the one that is registered as a service in DI Container. The local event dispatcher is a unique instance for each created object.
The best way to install 68publishers/event-dispatcher-extra is using Composer:
composer require 68publishers/event-dispatcher-extra
All you need is register a compiler extension:
68publishers.event_dispatcher_extra: SixtyEightPublishers\EventDispatcherExtra\Bridge\Nette\DI\EventDispatcherExtraExtension
The extension expects a service of type Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface
in the DI Container
so you can use any integration of symfony/event-dispatcher
into the Nette Framework or you can simply register the service:
type: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
factory: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
Service and factory:
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event;
use SixtyEightPublishers\EventDispatcherExtra\EventDispatcherAwareTrait;
use SixtyEightPublishers\EventDispatcherExtra\EventDispatcherAwareInterface;
final class MyService implements EventDispatcherAwareInterface
use EventDispatcherAwareTrait;
public function doSomething() : void
$this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(new Event(), 'something');
interface MyServiceFactoryInterface
public function create() : MyService;
/** @var MyServiceFactoryInterface $factory */
$service1 = $factory->create();
$service2 = $factory->create();
# attach a local event listener on specific instance:
$service1->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('something', static function () {
# do some stuff here
# the "global" listeners and subscribers will be called as first and then will be called "local" listener defined above:
# only the "global" listeners and subscribers will be called:
Before committing any changes, don't forget to run
$ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs.dist -v --dry-run
$ composer run tests