IMPORTANT: Unfortunately this does not work as expected - the execution function does not handle the encoded string appropriately. The encoding table is valid and can be used.
After I saw a tweet ( about some minimal charset JavaScript yesterday which reminded me of JSFuck ( I read the article but didn't see much new stuff. I stumbled upon JSFuck a few years ago when I was doing a presentation about JavaScript obfuscation at university in one of the security courses. It was very fascinating to see those possibilities so I also read the original discussions on the website and all other related sites and approaches.
As I said in the beginning I didn't see much new which I did not know already in this recent blog post ( which was linked in the tweet. The only interesting thing were those JavaScript string templates or multiline strings ( which were used and fiddled around with. I didn't know about the code execution possibilites by those, so I had to read more about them.
When I rechecked the blog post and read the JS documentation about template strings today (when I saw it yesterday it was already very late), I thought I should also give it a try. After some time I found a possible solution which only needs 5 different characters to execute arbitrary JavaScript.
I noticed a lot of discussion was going on about breaking "The JS Wall" (which is a reference to the
currently necessary 6 characters to be able to execute arbitrary JavaScript) in the comments and especially here:
To cut a long story short here are my findings, it is far from optimal but it includes all necessary characters.
[ ] ! + `
The translation tables which I found out so far, also with some help of the really nice JSFuck wiki ( which saved me some time, is as follows:
// execute ``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`xxx```
// string conversion [``+xxx][0]
// example: ``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`alert("5 chars only!")```
const builtin = {
"\"\"": "``",
"true": "!``",
"false": "!!``",
"undefined": "``[``]",
"NaN": "+`+`"
const numbers = {
"0": "+``",
"1": "+!+``",
"2": "!+``+!+``",
"3": "!+``+!+``+!+``",
"4": "!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``",
"5": "!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``",
"6": "!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``",
"7": "!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``",
"8": "!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``",
"9": "!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``+!+``" // ... etc.
const chars = {
"a": "[``+!!``][0][1]", // false
"b": "[``+0[`constructor`]][0][12]",
"c": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][3]", // [].fill
"d": "[``+``[``]][0][2]", // undefined
"e": "[``+``[``]][0][3]", // undefined
"f": "[``+``[``]][0][4]", // undefined
"g": "[``+``[`constructor`]][0][14]",
"h": "17[`toString`]`36`",
"i": "[``+``[``]][0][5]", // undefined
"j": "[``+[][`entries`]``][0][3]", // [object Array Iterator]
"k": "20[`toString`]`36`",
"l": "[``+!!``][0][2]", // false
"m": "[``+0[`constructor`]][0][11]",
"n": "[``+``[``]][0][1]", // undefined
"o": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][6]", // [].fill
"p": "25[`toString`]`36`",
"q": "26[`toString`]`36`",
"r": "[``+!``][0][1]", // true
"s": "[``+!!``][0][3]", // false
"t": "[``+!``][0][0]", // true
"u": "[``+``[``]][0][0]", // undefined
"v": "31[`toString`]`36`",
"w": "32[`toString`]`36`",
"x": "33[`toString`]`36`",
"y": "[``+[][`constructor`]][0][13]",
"z": "35[`toString`]`36`",
"A": "[``+[][`constructor`]][0][9]",
"B": "[``+[[!``][0][`constructor`]][0]][0][9]",
"C": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%43")```",
"D": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%44")```",
"E": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%45")```",
"F": "[``+[``[`constructor`][`constructor`]][0]][0][9]",
"G": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%47")```",
"H": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%48")```",
"I": "[``+[][`entries`]``][0][14]",
"J": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%4a")```",
"K": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%4b")```",
"L": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%4c")```",
"M": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%4d")```",
"N": "[``+0[`constructor`]][0][9]",
"O": "[``+[][`entries`]``[`constructor`]][0][9]",
"P": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%50")```",
"Q": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%51")```",
"R": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%52")```",
"S": "[``+``[`constructor`]][0][9]",
"T": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%54")```",
"U": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%55")```",
"V": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%56")```",
"W": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%57")```",
"X": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%58")```",
"Y": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%59")```",
"Z": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%5a")```"
const special = {
" ": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][8]",
"(": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][13]",
")": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][14]",
"{": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][16]",
"[": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][18]", // WARNING: different between browsers, in FF this is at index 22
"]": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][30]", // WARNING: different between browsers, in FF this is at index 34
"}": "[``+[][`fill`]][0][32]", // WARNING: different between browsers, in FF this is at index 36
"<": "``[`fontcolor`]``[0]",
"=": "``[`fontcolor`]``[11]",
"\"": "``[`fontcolor`]``[12]",
">": "``[`fontcolor`]``[16]",
"/": "``[`fontcolor`]``[18]",
"%": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return escape("]")```[0]",
"!": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%21")```",
"#": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%23")```",
"$": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%24")```",
"&": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%26")```",
"'": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%27")```",
"*": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%2a")```",
"+": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%2b")```",
",": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%2c")```",
"-": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%2d")```",
".": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%2e")```",
":": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%3a")```",
";": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%3b")```",
"?": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%3f")```",
"@": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%40")```",
"\\": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%5c")```",
"^": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%5e")```",
"_": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%5f")```",
"`": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%60")```",
"|": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%7c")```",
"~": "``[`constructor`][`constructor`]`return unescape("%7e")```"
- find working executor
- optimize
- find missing chars / shorter versions
- improve this readme
- better explanation