Nim Unstructured/Useless Text Editor
Run with nute
and to enter text, type an integer, followed by a space, then your line of text, just like writing BASIC on an 80's microcomputer.
nim c nute.nim
List out each line of text in current text file.
LIST < starting index (optional)> < ending index (optional)>
Open a text file from disk.
OPEN < path/to/filename.extension >
Save current text file to disk.
SAVE < path/to/filename.extension (optional)>
List UTE commands.
HELP (Wait, you already know this...)
Create a new text text file.
NEW < filename(.extension) (optional)>
Switch to another open text file.
FILE < filename(.extension)/index/ < / > (optional)>
Copy one line at given number to another.
COPY < from line # > < to line # >
Delete one line at given number to another.
DELETE < line # >
Change line number.
RENUM < current line # > < new line # >
Align all line numbers by a given increment.
ALIGN < number (optional, default=10)>
Exit the editor.
This project is dedicated to the public domain where applicable, and 0BSD everywhere else. See LICENSE
for terms.