Releasing version 0.2.0 of scaffold maker.
What's Changed
- Improve and complete heart base elements by @rchristie in #1
- Improve default options for ventricles and base by @rchristie in #2
- Comment out debug print statements by @rchristie in #3
- Add Scaffoldmaker class, atria mesh by @rchristie in #4
- Close atria, add outlets by @rchristie in #5
- Add refinement to trilinear elements by @rchristie in #7
- Add new ventricles2 scaffold by @rchristie in #8
- Started ventricles base 2 by @rchristie in #9
- Close ventriclesbase2 by @rchristie in #10
- Reduce distortion at septum by right atria by @rchristie in #11
- Add annotation groups for ventricles 2 by @rchristie in #12
- Add atria 2 scaffold by @rchristie in #15
- Add full heart merging ventricles, base and atria by @rchristie in #16
- Add solid sphere scaffold by @mlin865 in #17
- Fix defaults and limits for number of elements around and up by @mlin865 in #18
- Add new atria1 by @rchristie in #20
- Lens by @mlin865 in #21
- Rename Scaffoldmaker class for Python 2 import by @rchristie in #22
- Linear basis through wall for sphere shell by @mlin865 in #23
- Add new heartventricles1 scaffold by @rchristie in #24
- Separate variable interpolation from cubic sampling by @rchristie in #25
- Add choice of arithmetic or harmonic mean derivatives by @rchristie in #26
- Central line tube mesh by @mlin865 in #28
- Add new heart1 scaffold by @rchristie in #29
- Add heart fiducial marker annotation points by @rchristie in #30
- Add unit scale parameter by @rchristie in #31
- Partial arterial root by @rchristie in #32
- Add cusps to heart arterial root by @rchristie in #33
- Human stomach by @rchristie in #34
- 3D Human stomach by @Jagirhussan in #19
- Function for exporting scaffolds to vtk by @rchristie in #35
- Allow 1 or 2 left and right pulmonary veins by @rchristie in #36
- Improved compatibility with python 2.7 by @fowlkes in #37
- Support multiple parameter sets, add scaffold base class by @rchristie in #38
- Improve convergence when finding xi from arc distance by @rchristie in #40
- Correctly simplify the installation process. by @metatoaster in #13
- Add scipy and numpy to required packages and change ZincPythonTools a… by @alan-wu in #41
- Remove files that are no longer needed and update instruction. by @alan-wu in #42
- Revisions based on comments from Colon Pull request #43 by @mlin865 in #44
- Add rat, mouse heart parameters by @rchristie in #45
- Texture coordinates by @mlin865 in #46
- Add sub-scaffolds by @rchristie in #47
- Tenia coli by @mlin865 in #48
- Scale d2 along mesh with curvature of central line by @mlin865 in #49
- Implement cross-axis by @mlin865 in #50
- Add single/double ostium scaffold by @rchristie in #51
- Parameters for human 1 and 2 by @mlin865 in #52
- Mouse colon by @mlin865 in #54
- Pig colon by @mlin865 in #55
- Replace heart atria, improve parameters for all species by @rchristie in #56
- Rename data fields to fiducial by @rchristie in #57
- Serialise bytes string to JSON by @rchristie in #58
- Vary inner radius and tenia coli width along colon length by @mlin865 in #59
- Put source under src folder, add test by @rchristie in #60
- Tests for colon and colon segment meshtypes by @mlin865 in #61
- Small intestine scaffold by @mlin865 in #63
- Move most zinc_utils to opencmiss.utils by @rchristie in #64
- Bladder scaffold by @zekh167 in #62
- removed indentation for lines of unittest by @zekh167 in #65
- Improve annotation groups by @rchristie in #66
- projection has been done by @zekh167 in #67
- Implement phase by @mlin865 in #68
- Improve annotations, refinement and VTK export by @rchristie in #70
- Transformations in ScaffoldPackage by @rchristie in #71
- Remove auricles from atria groups by @rchristie in #73
- Bladder annotation by @zekh167 in #72
- Improve rat heart by @rchristie in #74
- Improve rat heart after scale fix by @rchristie in #75
- Fix heart test, opencmiss.utils version by @rchristie in #77
- Cecum by @mlin865 in #76
- Bifurcation tree and tube fork by @rchristie in #78
- Pig colon by @mlin865 in #79
- Multiple annotation groups by @mlin865 in #80
- Heart ventricles 3 and arterial valves by @rchristie in #81
- Fix 2D VTK export by @rchristie in #82
- Add user-defined annotation groups by @rchristie in #83
- Annotation fix by @rchristie in #87
- Add functions to update user annotation groups by @rchristie in #88
- Generalised cylinder by @elias-soltani in #86
- Stellate by @s-fong in #89
- Add subelements to user annotation groups by @rchristie in #90
- Add scaffold interactive functions by @rchristie in #91
- Annotation by @s-fong in #92
- Path1/sidederivatives by @elias-soltani in #93
- Bladder urethra by @zekh167 in #85
- Fix ScaffoldPackage deepcopy and meshedits by @rchristie in #96
- Add path smooth cross derivatives function by @rchristie in #97
- Fix 1 element smoothing by @rchristie in #98
- Cylinder/central path by @elias-soltani in #94
- Rescale derivatives for annulus mesh by @mlin865 in #100
- Parameter sets by @s-fong in #99
- Lungs by @zekh167 in #101
- Add mesh refinement to lung by @rchristie in #102
- Add human lung lower lobe by @arti-sukasem in #103
- Fix atria shape distortions by @rchristie in #104
- Update both lower and upper lobes in the left human. by @arti-sukasem in #105
- Set fitted human lung parameters by @rchristie in #107
- Global field derivative smoothing by @rchristie in #106
- Wedge by @mlin865 in #109
- Smooth derivative directions, add function options by @rchristie in #110
- Fix boundary derivative smoothing by @rchristie in #112
- Bladder updated by @zekh167 in #108
- Added left lung parameters. by @zekh167 in #114
- Right lung in a human by @arti-sukasem in #113
- Cylinder/rim by @elias-soltani in #111
- Sharpen anterior edges of left and right human lungs by @arti-sukasem in #115
- Cattle intestines by @mlin865 in #119
- Right and accessory lungs by @arti-sukasem in #118
- Bifurcation tree start by @rchristie in #121
- Bladder dorsal ventral by @zekh167 in #120
- Cylinder/circular core by @elias-soltani in #116
- Fix unused scale factor bugs by @rchristie in #126
- Fix annulus start/end mapping by @rchristie in #127
- Bodycoordinates by @elias-soltani in #123
- Left atria PV annulus changes by @rchristie in #133
- Stomach by @mlin865 in #132
- created lung fissure annotation by @arti-sukasem in #135
- Added four fiducial points. by @zekh167 in #125
- added marker points for both human and mouse, updated mouse parameter… by @arti-sukasem in #138
- Heart terms by @rchristie in #140
- Human bladder by @zekh167 in #137
- Added Rat lung mesh parameters by @arti-sukasem in #139
- Fix tests by @rchristie in #141
- Remove ZincPythonTools dependency by @rchristie in #142
- added laterodorsal tip of the middle lobe to rat and mouse mesh by @arti-sukasem in #143
- Updated mouse parameters and ILX for lung terms by @arti-sukasem in #144
- Brainstem by @s-fong in #128
- Created parameters for rat and human by @arti-sukasem in #146
- Embed organ landmarks by @elias-soltani in #145
- Increment version number by @rchristie in #147
- Bladder ilx by @zekh167 in #148
- Mouse brainstem by @arti-sukasem in #149
- Flat stomach by @mlin865 in #151
- Update bladder terms by @elias-soltani in #152
- Add parameter sets for mouse and pig bladder by @keeran97 in #153
- Colon coordinates by @mlin865 in #157
- Add ILX for inner surface of colonic mucosa by @mlin865 in #160
- Update inner surface of colonic mucosa with edits from SAWG by @mlin865 in #161
- opencmiss.maths fixes by @rchristie in #162
- Optimise imports and perform some PEP8 fixes. by @hsorby in #165
New Contributors
- @rchristie made their first contribution in #1
- @Jagirhussan made their first contribution in #19
- @fowlkes made their first contribution in #37
- @metatoaster made their first contribution in #13
- @alan-wu made their first contribution in #41
- @zekh167 made their first contribution in #62
- @s-fong made their first contribution in #89
- @arti-sukasem made their first contribution in #103
- @keeran97 made their first contribution in #153
- @hsorby made their first contribution in #165
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ABI-Software/scaffoldmaker/commits/v0.2.0