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[WIP] check tx inclusion proofs
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When we're notified that a tx has been confirmed, we:
- ask bitcoind for a "txout" proof i.e a proof that the tx id was used to build the block's merkle tree
- verify this proof
- verify the proof of work of the block in which it was published and its descendants by checking that
the block hash matches the block difficulty and (only on mainnet) that the diffculty is above a given target
  • Loading branch information
sstone committed Oct 19, 2022
1 parent c1a925d commit e8e7db5
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Expand Up @@ -401,20 +401,31 @@ private class ZmqWatcher(nodeParams: NodeParams, blockHeight: AtomicLong, client

def checkConfirmed(w: WatchConfirmed[_ <: WatchConfirmedTriggered]): Future[Unit] = {
log.debug("checking confirmations of txid={}", w.txId)

def checkConfirmationProof(): Future[Unit] = {
client.getTxConfirmationProof(w.txId).map(headerInfos => {
require(headerInfos.forall(hi => fr.acinq.bitcoin.BlockHeader.checkProofOfWork(hi.header)), s"invalid proof of work for txid=${w.txId}")
// FIXME: this should not be hardcoded. 0x1715a35c is the difficulty of block 600000
if (nodeParams.chainHash == Block.LivenetGenesisBlock.hash) require(headerInfos.forall(hi => hi.header.bits < 0x1715a35c))

// NB: this is very inefficient since internally we call `getrawtransaction` three times, but it doesn't really
// matter because this only happens once, when the watched transaction has reached min_depth
client.getTxConfirmations(w.txId).flatMap {
case Some(confirmations) if confirmations >= w.minDepth =>
client.getTransaction(w.txId).flatMap { tx =>
client.getTransactionShortId(w.txId).map {
case (height, index) => w match {
case w: WatchFundingConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchFundingDeeplyBuried => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingDeeplyBuriedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchParentTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchParentTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
checkConfirmationProof().andThen(_ =>
client.getTransaction(w.txId).flatMap { tx =>
client.getTransactionShortId(w.txId).map {
case (height, index) => w match {
case w: WatchFundingConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchFundingDeeplyBuried => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingDeeplyBuriedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchParentTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchParentTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case _ => Future.successful((): Unit)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc

import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat._
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Bech32, Block}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Bech32, Block, BlockHeader}
import fr.acinq.eclair.ShortChannelId.coordinates
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.OnChainWallet
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.OnChainWallet.{FundTransactionResponse, MakeFundingTxResponse, OnChainBalance, SignTransactionResponse}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,41 @@ class BitcoinCoreClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) extends OnChainWall
case t: JsonRPCError if t.error.code == -5 => None // Invalid or non-wallet transaction id (code: -5)

def getTxConfirmationProof(txid: ByteVector32)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[BlockHeaderInfo]] = {
import KotlinUtils._
for {
confirmations_opt <- getTxConfirmations(txid)
if (confirmations_opt.isDefined && confirmations_opt.get > 0)
// get the merkle proof for our txid
proof <- getTxOutProof(txid)
// verify this merkle proof. if valid, we get the header for the block the tx was published in, and the tx hashes
// that can be used to rebuild the block's merkle root
check = Block.verifyTxOutProof(proof.toArray)
// check that the block hash included in the proof matches the block in which the tx was published
Some(blockHash) <- getTxBlockHash(txid)
_ = require(check.getFirst.blockId.contentEquals(blockHash.toArray), "confirmation proof is not valid (block id mismatch)")
// check that our txid is included in the merkle root of the block it was published in
txids =
_ = require(txids.contains(txid))
// get the block in which our tx was confirmed and all following blocks
headerInfos <- getBlockInfos(blockHash, confirmations_opt.get)
} yield headerInfos

def getTxOutProof(txid: ByteVector32)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ByteVector] =
rpcClient.invoke("gettxoutproof", Array(txid)).collect { case JString(raw) => ByteVector.fromValidHex(raw) }

// returns a chain a blocks of a given size starting at `blockId`
def getBlockInfos(blockId: ByteVector32, count: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[BlockHeaderInfo]] = {
import KotlinUtils._

def loop(blocks: List[BlockHeaderInfo]): Future[List[BlockHeaderInfo]] = if (blocks.size == count) Future.successful(blocks) else {
getBlockHeaderInfo(blocks.last.nextBlockHash.get.reverse).flatMap(info => loop(blocks :+ info))

getBlockHeaderInfo(blockId).flatMap(info => loop(List(info)))

/** Get the hash of the block containing a given transaction. */
private def getTxBlockHash(txid: ByteVector32)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[ByteVector32]] =
rpcClient.invoke("getrawtransaction", txid, 1 /* verbose output is needed to get the block hash */)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +242,32 @@ class BitcoinCoreClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) extends OnChainWall
case _ => Nil

//------------------------- BLOCKS -------------------------//
def getBlockHash(height: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ByteVector32] = {
rpcClient.invoke("getblockhash", height).map(json => {
val JString(hash) = json

def getBlockHeaderInfo(blockId: ByteVector32)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BlockHeaderInfo] = {
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32 => ByteVector32Kt}
rpcClient.invoke("getblockheader", blockId.toString()).map(json => {
val JInt(confirmations) = json \ "confirmations"
val JInt(height) = json \ "height"
val JInt(time) = json \ "time"
val JInt(version) = json \ "version"
val JInt(nonce) = json \ "nonce"
val JString(bits) = json \ "bits"
val merkleRoot = ByteVector32Kt.fromValidHex((json \ "merkleroot").extract[String]).reversed()
val previousblockhash = ByteVector32Kt.fromValidHex((json \ "previousblockhash").extract[String]).reversed()
val nextblockhash = (json \ "nextblockhash").extractOpt[String].map(h => ByteVector32.fromValidHex(h).reverse)
val header = new BlockHeader(version.longValue, previousblockhash, merkleRoot, time.longValue, java.lang.Long.parseLong(bits, 16), nonce.longValue)
require(header.blockId == KotlinUtils.scala2kmp(blockId))
BlockHeaderInfo(header, confirmations.toLong, height.toLong, nextblockhash)

//------------------------- FUNDING -------------------------//

def fundTransaction(tx: Transaction, options: FundTransactionOptions)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,6 +572,10 @@ object BitcoinCoreClient {

case class Utxo(txid: ByteVector32, amount: MilliBtc, confirmations: Long, safe: Boolean, label_opt: Option[String])

case class TransactionInfo(tx: Transaction, confirmations: Int, blockId: Option[ByteVector32])

case class BlockHeaderInfo(header: BlockHeader, confirmation: Long, height: Long, nextBlockHash: Option[ByteVector32])

def toSatoshi(btcAmount: BigDecimal): Satoshi = Satoshi(btcAmount.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).longValue)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -806,4 +806,63 @@ class BitcoinCoreClientSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with A
assert(addressToPublicKeyScript(address, Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash) == Script.pay2wpkh(receiveKey))

test("get block header info") {
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
val sender = TestProbe()
val bitcoinClient = new BitcoinCoreClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
val height = sender.expectMsgType[BlockHeight]
val lastBlockId = sender.expectMsgType[ByteVector32]
val lastBlockInfo = sender.expectMsgType[BlockHeaderInfo]

bitcoinClient.getBlockHash(height.toInt - 1).pipeTo(sender.ref)
val blockId = sender.expectMsgType[ByteVector32]
val blockInfo = sender.expectMsgType[BlockHeaderInfo]
assert(lastBlockInfo.header.hashPreviousBlock == blockInfo.header.hash)

test("get chains of block headers") {
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
val sender = TestProbe()
val bitcoinClient = new BitcoinCoreClient(bitcoinrpcclient)

val blockId = sender.expectMsgType[ByteVector32]
bitcoinClient.getBlockInfos(blockId, 5).pipeTo(sender.ref)
val blockInfos = sender.expectMsgType[List[BlockHeaderInfo]]
for (i <- 0 until blockInfos.size - 1) {
require(blockInfos(i).nextBlockHash.contains(kmp2scala(blockInfos(i + 1).header.hash)))
require(blockInfos(i + 1).header.hashPreviousBlock == blockInfos(i).header.hash)

test("verify tx publication proofs") {
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
val sender = TestProbe()
val bitcoinClient = new BitcoinCoreClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
val address = getNewAddress(sender)
val tx = sendToAddress(address, 5 btc, sender)

// Transaction is not confirmed yet

// Let's confirm our transaction.

val proof = sender.expectMsgType[ByteVector]
val check = fr.acinq.bitcoin.Block.verifyTxOutProof(proof.toArray)
val header = check.getFirst
val headerInfos = sender.expectMsgType[List[BlockHeaderInfo]]
assert(header == headerInfos.head.header)

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