an Instagram-like app with all essential features with multi-language support
You can find an installation demo below.
The user can see his posts, followers, how is following him, add posts, and edit profile information on his profile page:
the user can update his information, change his password, activate two-factor authentication, manage sessions on other browsers, and delete the account from the edit account page :
the user can add a post :
the user can apply filters to the image :
the user can see a list of people he follows or his followers :
On the home page user see posts from people he follows and can interact with a post (like/comment) :
On the Explore page, the user can view posts from all users on the website :
the user can view a post and send a follow request, interact with a post (like/comment) :
the user can make his account public, so anyone can see his posts :
or make the account private, so viewers should send a follow request first :
The user can accept or decline the following request :
The user can search for profiles on the website with the username :
The user can edit/delete his own post or delete comments on his post :
git clone
Create a .env file and configure the database.
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan storage:link