Ansible to provision a Discourse server for the Australian Open Government Partnership Civil Society Network.
You'll need a file called ansible_vault_pass.txt
in the root of this repository that contains the right password in order to decrypt secret things like the SSL key.
To bring up a local Vagrant box using VirtualBox to develop configuration changes:
vagrant up
Port 4443 is forwarded to the guest's HTTPS web server so you can connect to the Discourse instance locally at:
It's configured as so when you get things like email you'll need to manually copy the address back to one that will work locally.
To provision the production server run:
ansible-playbook --user=root --inventory-file=hosts playbook.yml
We're deploying this to a server with 1 GB of RAM so we need to ensure it has 1 GB of swap. The Vagrant test box included in this repository just has 2 GB of RAM because it's fiddly to increase swap with Vagrant/VirtualBox.