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A Parallel Sliding-Window Generator for High-Performance Digital-Signal Processing on FPGAs


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For: A Parallel Sliding-Window Generator for High-Performance Digital-Signal Processing on FPGAs

By:  Greg Stitt, Eric Schwartz, Patrick Cooke, University of Florida

The corresponding code implements the circuit described in the following paper:
Greg Stitt, Eric Schwartz, Patrick Cooke. A Parallel Sliding-Window Generator 
for High-Performance Digital-Signal Processing on FPGAs. ACM Transactions of 
Reconfigurable Technology and Systems: Special Issue on Reconfigurable 
Components with Source Code. To Appear.

If you use this code in a project, we would appreciate a reference to this paper.

License Statement:  GPL Version 3
Copyright (c) 2015 University of Florida

This file is part of window_gen.

window_gen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

window_gen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

For the details of the GNU General Public License, see the included
gpl.txt file, or go to

Required Tools and Version Numbers:
ISE Design Suite (Tested in 13.0+)
Quartus II (Tested in 10.1+)

Overview of Files:
build.tcl - ise script that implements design
isim.tcl  - isim script that runs the testbench simulation
sim.prj   - ise project file used for simulation purposes
makefile  - make file with the build and verify targets
gpl.txt   - contains the gpl 3.0 license
src/      - folder containing all of the source files
build/    - folder created by makefile to hold compilation files
sim/      - folder created by makefile to hold simulation files
template/ - contains instructional example of how to use the window generator

The 3 main components described in the paper are defined in the following files:
Sliding-window Generator (top level) = src/window_gen.vhd
Variable-Read FIFO = src/fifo_vr.vhd
Window Buffer = src/wg_buffer.vhd
Window Coalescer = src/wg_coalescer.vhd

The testbench is provided at: src/window_gen_tb.vhd

The other files are support entities for the window generator:
src/window_gen_pkg.vhd - provides functions for accessing 2D arrays stored as a large std_logic_vector
src/wg_fifo.vhd - A FIFO used by the window buffer (wg_buffer)
src/wg_fifo_edge_control.vhd - Pointers for maintaining the front and back of an array of FIFOs in the window buffer (wg_buffer)
src/wg_variable_delay.vhd - Delays a signal by a variable number of cycles
src/math_custom.vhd - Provides a variety of useful math functions

We have also included an instructional (but non-functional) template that demonstrates how to interface with the core:

Build Instructions:
Run the command "make build". This should compile the core using XST, with the results in the "build" folder.

Verification Instructions:
Run the command "make verify" and wait until the output indicates "SIMULATION DONE." 
Associated simulation files should be generated in the "sim" folder.

If you run into problems with this command, open any simulator, add the files in the src/
folder to the project, and select window_gen_tb as the testbench.

Engineering specification with functionality and all interfaces documented (intended for a technical user):

The top-level entity is in src/window_gen.vhd. Its configuration options and interface are described below.

For resource utilization, please refer to Table III in the accompanying paper.

For performance information, please refer to Section 5 of the accompanying paper.

-- Generics Description
-- PARALLEL_IO :  Specifies the number of inputs read at a time, in addition to
--                the number of windows generated in parallel. The number of
--                inputs and outputs has to be the same. It is not possible
--                to generate more outputs than the number of provided inputs.
--                If more inputs can be provided each cycle than the desired
--                number of parallel window outputs, use a FIFO to stall the
--                input stream.
-- MAX_WINDOW_ROWS : The maximum number of rows in a generated window
-- MAX_WINDOW_COLS : The maximum number of cols in a generated window
-- MAX_IMAGE_ROWS : The maximum number of rows in an input image/stream
-- MAX_IMAGE_COLS : The maximum number of cols in an input image/stream
-- DATA_WIDTH : The width in bits of each element of the input stream.
-- INPUT0_AT_MSB : Parallel inputs can be delivered with the first
--                 input (INPUT0) at the MSB or the first input stored at
--                 the LSB. e.g., for PARALLEL_IO = 4:
--                 in0 & in1 & in2 & in3 (for INPUT0_AT_MSB = true)
--                 or alternatively:
--                 in3 & in2 & in1 & in0 (for INPUT0_AT_MSN = false)
--                 If providing the input stream from a memory, it is likely
--                 that false is an appropriate setting.
--                 (default = false)
-- BLOCK_EXTRA_INPUT : boolean that specifies whether or not the buffer should
--                     prevent extra inputs from being stored by deasserting
--                     the ready signal after reading all inputs. This
--                     options simplifies the processing of multiple images
--                     (e.g. video) because there is an period of time between
--                     when the last pixel of an image enters the generator
--                     and when the generator is ready to accept a new image.
--                     If false, the user has to track the number of pixels in
--                     the input stream to ensure that pixels from the next
--                     image are not sent to the generator until the generator
--                     has asserted done.
--                     If true, the window generator simplifies
--                     external logic because it will deassert ready after
--                     reading the entire image, which will inform the user
--                     that the generator is not ready for the next image.
--                     We recommend setting this value to true, which simplies
--                     control at the cost of  a small amount of logic and
--                     a multiplier.
--                     (default = true)

-- Port Descriptions (all control signals are active high)
-- clk: Clock
-- rst: Asynchronous reset
-- go : Starts the generation of windows using the specified image and window
--      sizes
-- ready : Asserted by the generator to specify that it is ready to accept
--         input. If the user asserts input_valid on a rising edge where ready
--         is also asserted, then the generator will store that input and the
--         user can move to the next input. Any inputs provided when ready is
--         not asserted will not be stored into the generator. Therefore, the
--         user should not move to the next output when ready = '0'.
-- read_enable : The user should assert when reading a window(s) from the
--               generator. There is no delay for a read. The window is
--               already on the output port. This signal simply tells the
--               buffer to generate the next window. In the case of
--               PARALLEL_IO > 1, asserting read_enable reads PARALLEL_IO
--               windows.
-- empty : '1' when the buffer has at least one valid window, '0' otherwise
-- image_rows : the number of rows in the input image. Must be <=
--              MAX_IMAGE_ROWS and >= MAX_WINDOW_ROWS
-- image_cols : the number of cols in the input image. Must be <=
--              MAX_IMAGE_COLS and >= MAX_WINDOW_COLS
-- window_rows : the number of rows in the generated window. Must be <=
--               MAX_WINDOW_ROWS
-- window_cols : the number of rows in the generated window. Must be <=
--               MAX_WINDOW_COLS
-- input : The current DATA_WIDTH-bit element of the input stream, or
--         PARALLEL_IO inputs in the case of PARALLEL_IO > 1. Note that the
--         order of parallel inputs can be configured with the INPUT0_AT_MSB
--         option.
-- input_valid : should be asserted by the user when "input" is valid. In the
--               case of PARALLEL_IO > 1, this specifies that PARALLEL_IO
--               inputs are valid.
-- output : A generated window, or PARALLEL_IO windows when PARALLEL_IO > 1.
--          The output always produces a maximum-sized window. When smaller
--          windows are requested, ignore the elements outside the requested
--          window. In the case of PARALLEL_IO > 1, the number of rows in the
--          output is MAX_WINDOW_ROWS+PARALLEL_IO-1 to account for the multiple
--          windows. The first window starts in column 0, the second in column
--          1, etc. All windows start in row 0.
--          Note that the output is "vectorized" into a 1D vector to avoid
--          limitations of pre-2008 VHDL. The top-left element of the first
--          window (0,0) is stored in the highest bits of the vector. The rest
--          of the elements appear in row-major order.
--          We have provided a basic template (template.vhd) to demonstrate
--          how to more conveniently access the window outputs.
-- window_valid : Specifies which of the PARALLEL_IO windows on the output
--                signal are valid. When PARALLEL_IO > 1, there will be
--                situations where some windows are invalid due to various
--                situations (e.g., windows exceeding the current row of the
--                image). The MSB corresponds to the earliest window (the one
--                starting in column 0 of the output), and the LSB corresponds
--                to the latest window (the one starting in column
--                PARALLEL_IO-1 of the output)
-- done : Asserted by the generator when all windows have been generated
--        (but not read from the buffer). In other words, if there are less than
--        PARALLEL_IO windows left to generate, and there are the same number
--        of valid windows left in the buffer, done will be asserted.

Customization Options and Instructions:
For customization options, see description of generics above.

For instructions on how to use the core, see the accompanying paper. Also,
we have provided a basic template (not functional by itself) that demonstrates
how to interface the core with a memory and with replicated pipelines.
See template/template.vhd.

When targeting older Xilinx FPGAs, you may need to use a flag to force ISE to
use the new parser. To do this, Put "-use_new_parser yes" in the synthesis 

The isim simulater causes a segmentation fault for some versions of ISE on some
systems unless configured correctly. The following instructions should prevent 
these segmentation faults (placeholders shown in parantheses, do not include the
parentheses in actual usage):

	git clone
	source (ISE_PATH)/
	cd window_gen
	make verify 
If there are still segmentation faults after following these instructions, you can run isim in the 
GUI mode to avoid the problem.

Description of Verification Suite:
The provided testbench, window_gen_tb, tests window generation for the specified set of 
generic values and checks to ensure that the output is correct. If successful, the simulation
prints "SIMULATION DONE." If not successful, the simulation will print any errors and the
time at which they occurred. To test different input configurations, change the generic values.
Alternatively, the provided testbench can be instantiated from a larger verification suite to
test multiple configurations simultanesouly.

If you run into problems with the provided makefile, open any simulator, add the files in the src/
folder to the project, and select window_gen_tb as the testbench. One common problem is that the 
isim simulator causes a segmentation fault for some versions of ISE on some systems unless 
configured correctly. The following instructions should prevent 
these segmentation faults (placeholders shown in parantheses, do not include the
parentheses in actual usage):

	git clone
	source (ISE_PATH)/
	cd window_gen
	make verify 

If there are still segmentation faults after following these instructions, you can run isim in the 
GUI mode to avoid the problem.	

Here is a complete list of all testbench options with corresponding descriptions:

-- PARALLEL_IO :  Specifies the number of inputs read at a time, in addition to
--                the number of windows generated in parallel. The number of
--                inputs and outputs has to be the same. It is not possible
--                to generate more outputs than the number of provided inputs.
--                If more inputs can be provided each cycle than the desired
--                number of parallel window outputs, use a FIFO to stall the
--                input stream.
-- MAX_WINDOW_ROWS : The maximum number of rows in a generated window
-- MAX_WINDOW_COLS : The maximum number of cols in a generated window
-- MAX_IMAGE_ROWS : The maximum number of rows in an input image/stream
-- MAX_IMAGE_COLS : The maximum number of cols in an input image/stream
-- DATA_WIDTH : The width in bits of each element of the input stream.
-- INPUT0_AT_MSB : Parallel inputs can be delivered with the first
--                 input (INPUT0) at the MSB or the first input stored at
--                 the LSB. e.g., for PARALLEL_IO = 4:
--                 in0 & in1 & in2 & in3 (for INPUT0_AT_MSB = true)
--                 or alternatively:
--                 in3 & in2 & in1 & in0 (for INPUT0_AT_MSN = false)
--                 If providing the input stream from a memory, it is likely
--                 that INPUT0_AT_MSN is appropriate setting.
--                 (default = false)
-- BLOCK_EXTRA_INPUT : boolean that specifies whether or not the buffer should
--                     prevent extra inputs from being stored by deasserting
--                     the ready signal after reading all inputs. This
--                     options simplifies the processing of multiple images
--                     (e.g. video) because there is an period of time between
--                     when the last pixel of an image enters the generator
--                     and when the generator is ready to accept a new image.
--                     If false, the user has to track the number of pixels in
--                     the input stream to ensure that pixels from the next
--                     image are not sent to the generator until the generator
--                     has asserted done.
--                     If true, the window generator simplifies
--                     external logic because it will deassert ready after
--                     reading the entire image, which will inform the user
--                     that the generator is not ready for the next image.
--                     We recommend setting this value to true, which simplies
--                     control at the cost of  a small amount of logic and
--                     a multiplier.
--                     (default = true)
-- IROWS : the actual number of image rows for the simulation
-- ICOLS : the actual number of image cols for the simulation
-- WROWS : the actual number of window rows for the simulation
-- WCOLS : the actual number of window cols for the simulation
-- DELAY_PROP_WRITE : The probability of a write data (i.e. inputs) not being
--                    available when the generator is ready.
--                    Valid range: 0.0 to 1.0.
-- MIN_RW_DELAY : When a write is delayed, this is the minimum number of cycles
--                for the delay.
-- MAX_RW_DELAY : When a write is delayed, this is the maximum number of cycles
--                for the delay.
-- DELAY_PROP_READ : The probability of a read being delay when output window
--                   are available.
--                   Valid range: 0.0 to 1.0.
-- MIN_RD_DELAY : When a read is delayed, this is the minimum number of cycles
--                for the delay.
-- MAX_RD_DELAY : When a read is delayed, this is the maximum number of cycles
--                for the delay.
-- CLK_PERIOD : The clock period used for the generator
-- NUM_IMAGES : The number of images to test
-- CHANGE_DIMENSION : If true, this will randomly select different image
--                    dimensions for each image.
-- TEST_NAME : A string specifying the name of one instance of the testbench.
--             Useful when instantiating this test within a larger set of tests.
-- PRINT_STATUS : If true, enables reports during the simulation. Useful to
--                determine the current point of the simulation.
-- LOG_EN : It true, prints performance information to a log file.
-- LOG_FILE : The name of the log file. Ignored if LOG_EN = false.

Known Limitations:
The generator does not support windows larger than the input image.


A Parallel Sliding-Window Generator for High-Performance Digital-Signal Processing on FPGAs







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