Releases: ARUP-NGS/BMFtools
Releases · ARUP-NGS/BMFtools
Rewritten sort, rescue
Command-line modifications, usage, manual, small bug fixes.
The -i option is also now available for bmftools rsq to use solely positional information on unbarcoded reads for consolidation.
Zlib, Accessory Analysis Fixes
For zlib < 1.2.5, temporary files were being written with -6 compression by default, dramatically hurting performance.
Added a compile-time check.
Accessory analysis fixes as well -- depth, err.
BMFtools v1.0 Release
Thoroughly tested, supporting single-end and paired-end experiments for both inline and secondary indexing strategies at both small and large scale.
(Cython) [Deprecated]
v0.2.0 Cleaned version for a v0.2.0 release